广东省人教版英语学案B5 U34using language

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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Class_ Name:_Group:_Assessment:_Unit 3 Life in the future Period 4 using language Learning aims: Learning about some information of future lifeImportant point: To grasp some important and useful words, expressions and sentence patterns.Difficult point: To improve the skills of reading.

2、使用说明及学法指导:1. 通过阅读课本P22及查阅unit3单词表和字典,完成预习案。(30mins)预习案 Previewing CaseTask 1. 词性拓展。invent v. n._ _ exhibit v. n._ imitate v. n._ representative n. v._motivation n. v._ greedy a. n._settle v. n._ _ move v. n._ Task 2 单词或短语翻译。被描述为_ 处理_ 环境友好的_ 被.吸引_执行任务_ 可得到的_Task 3 use the information from the reading

3、 passage to fill in this poster for the Space Station. Modern Inventions of the 31st Century Only to be seen on the Space Station CommunicationWaste DisposalManufacturinginventionthoughtpadmanufacturing robotsadvantages1. 3.disadvantagesnoneTask 4 语法填空。 It was my first visit to a space sta

4、tion. Deacribed as an e_ round plate, it spins slowly in space to _(模仿) the pull of the earths gravity. The g_ showed us three stops. In the first stop, I saw the thoughtpad used for s_ messages. Next stop, we are in the environment area. There is a _ machine which can s_ all the waste available. Th

5、e t_ stop showed us how the goods are m_ by r_. Task 5 Try to predict your future life and make a short-term plan and talk about your dreams, then fill in the chart.timeWhat will you do?Where will you be?How will you prepare for it?1 year later5 years later10 years from now探究案 Exploring Case探究一 重点单词

6、1. consider v.认为,考虑 +n. (pron.)/疑问词to do/doing sth./wh-clause(1)I am considering _. 我在考虑买一辆车。(2)We must consider _(give) it a try. 我们应当考虑试一试。(3)We should consider _. 我们应当考虑一下怎么办。(4)We have to .我们得仔细考虑这种情况。(5)Lu Xun as a great writer. 鲁迅被认为是伟大的作家 n,考虑,关心 adj. 关心的,体贴的 2. instantn瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;立刻的instan

7、tly adv. 立即地 conj.一就 the instant (连接时间状语从句)一就 in an instant马上(1)_(他一打开门) he saw the thief.(2)I will be back _ (马上)(3)I dont like to _. 我不喜欢喝速溶咖啡。 3. greedy adj 贪婪的 be greedy to do sth. 渴望做某事=_ be greedy for sth. 渴望(1)他用贪婪的眼光看着商店的橱窗。_ (2)他渴望得到同学们的认可。_4.swallow V.吞下,咽下;吞没(1)Chew your food properly _ .

8、 吞下食物前要好好咀嚼。(2)The plane _ up by the clouds. 飞机已经没入云中了。5.settlementn. 定居,居住地;解决;协议_ v.解决;安居 _ n.定居者,移居者(1)It is said that the first _ of this country are prisoners.(2)Five years having passed,the government and the villagers havent reached any _ yet.探究二把句子翻译成中文1. My first visit was to a space statio

9、n considered the most modern in space._2. The only limitation is if the user does not think his or her message clearly, an unclear message may be sent._3. I stared at the moving model of the waste machine, absorbed by its efficiency._训练案 1. Water _ usually _(被描述为) the source of life.2.There wasnt much traffic in the street, so we arrived there _.(立刻,马上)3. A peaceable s_ has been reached.4. The stronger the m_, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.5. Are your opinions r_ of the other students?6. The items are readily a_ to people with money.



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