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1、2008年12月全国大学英语四级考试真题和答案Part I Writing (30minutes)注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上。Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7,choose the best answer from

2、the four choices marked A),B),C) and D).For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Thats enough, kidsIt was a lovely day at the park and Stella Bianchi was enjoying the sunshine with her two children when a young boy, aged about four, approached her two-year-

3、old son and pushed him to the ground.“Id watched him for a little while and my son was the fourth or fifth child hed shoved,” she says.” I went over to them, picked up my son, turned to the boy and said, firmly, No, we dont push,” What happened next was unexpected.“The boys mother ran toward me from

4、 across the park,” Stella says,” I thought she was coming over to apologize, but instead she started shouting at me for disciplining her child, All I did was let him know his behavior was unacceptable. Was I supposed to sit back while her kid did whatever he wanted, hurting other children in the pro

5、cess?”Getting your own children to play nice is difficult enough. Dealing with other peoples children has become a minefield.In my house, jumping on the sofa is not allowed. In my sisters house its encouraged. For her, its about kids being kids:”If you cant do it at three, when can you do it?”Each o

6、f these philosophies is valid and, it has to be said, my son loves visiting his aunts house. But I find myself saying “no” a lot when her kids are over at mine. Thats OK between sisters but becomes dangerous territory when youre talking to the children of friends or acquaintances.“Kids arent all rai

7、sed the same,” agrees Professor Naomi White of Monash University.” But there is still an idea that theyre the property of the parent. We see our children as an extension of ourselves, so if youre saying that my child is behaving inappropriately, then thats somehow a criticism of me.”In those circums

8、tances, its difficult to know whether to approach the child directly or the parent first. There are two schools of thought.“Id go to the child first,” says Andrew Fuller, author of Tricky Kids. Usually a quiet reminder that we dont do that here is enough. Kids nave finely tuned antennae (直觉) for how

9、 to behave in different settings.”He points out bringing it up with the parent first may make them feel neglectful, which could cause problems. Of course, approaching the child first can bring its own headaches, too.This is why White recommends that you approach the parents first. Raise your concern

10、s with the parents if theyre there and ask them to deal with it,” she says. Asked how to approach a parent in this situation, psychologist Meredith Fuller answers:”Explain your needs as well as stressing the importance of the friendship. Preface your remarks with something like: I know youll think I

11、m silly but in my house I dont want”When it comes to situations where youre caring for another child, white is straightforward: “common sense must prevail. If things dont go well, then have a chat.”Therere a couple of new grey areas. Physical punishment, once accepted from any adult, is no longer ap

12、propriate. “A new set of considerations has come to the fore as part of the debate about how we handle children.”For Andrew Fuller, the child-centric nature of our society has affected everyone:” The rules are different now from when todays parents were growing up,” he says, “Adults are scared of sa

13、ying: dont swear, or asking a child to stand up on a bus. Theyre worried that there will be conflict if they point these things out either from older children, or their parents.”He sees it as a loss of the sense of common public good and public courtesy (礼貌), and says that adults suffer form it as m

14、uch as child.Meredith Fuller agrees: “A code of conduct is hard to create when youre living in a world in which everyone is exhausted from overwork and lack of sleep, and a world in which nice people are perceived to finish last.”“its about what Im doing and what I need,” Andrew Fuller says. ”the da

15、ys when a kid came home from school and said, “I got into trouble”. And dad said, you probably deserved it. Are over. Now the parents are charging up to the school to have a go at teachers.”This jumping to our childrens defense is part of what fuels the “walking on eggshells” feeling that surrounds

16、our dealings with other peoples children. You know that if you remonstrate(劝诫) with the child, youre going to have to deal with the parent. its admirable to be protective of our kids, but is it good?“Children have to learn to negotiate the world on their own, within reasonable boundaries,” White says. “I suspect that its only certain sectors of the population doing the running to the school bette



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