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1、儿童英语短剧:Three Little Monkeys人物:三只小猴子猴妈妈猴外婆(共5人) 场景道具:森林里小猴家,房子里有一张小桌子,桌子上放一块抹布,几把小椅子,一颗大树,一排花草,一张小床,床上铺有床单、枕头,一个拖把,一个篮子,一个洒水壶。 Mother Monkey(手提一个篮子急促地走上场,把篮子放在桌子上) 3Little Monkeys:(随着轻松愉快的音乐跳上台)Good morning,Mummy! Mother Monkey:Good morning,my darlings! 3Little Monkeys:Today is weekendWe have no clas

2、sesWere boredThere is nothing to do Mother Monkey:(作思考状,忽然恍然大悟)Oh!Grandma is coming for lunch and the house must be cleanSo you can clean your rooms now 3Little Monkeys:(作雀跃状)Yeah!Lets begin to work(轻松愉快的音乐响起) Little Monkey 1:(一边拉床单,一边说)Im making the beds Little Monkey 2:(边抹桌子,边擦汗)Im tiding up the t

3、able Little Monkey 3:(一边提起水壶,一边说)Im watering the flowers(音乐停,妈妈拿着拖把上来) 3Little Monkeys:MummyWere finished! Mother Monkey:(放下拖把,翘起大拇指)Good job! 3Little Monkeys:There is nothing to doWere bored again Mother Monkey:ChildrenYou can clean the bathroomThe house must look very clean for grandma 3Little Mon

4、keys:OK!Well clean the bathroom (三只猴子边擦地板,边说)Mummy!Come and look Mother Monkey:Well done!Grandma loves mushroomsGo and pick some (随着采蘑菇的音乐,三只猴子跑去摘蘑菇。他们在花草丛中跑来跑去采蘑菇。很快他们的篮子就满了。) Mother Monkey(手作喇叭状喊到):My dear babies!Its time to come back home Little Monkey 1:Lets see who is the first to get home Litt

5、le Monkey 2and 3:OK!Ready?Go! (急促的音乐响起,三只猴子争先恐后朝家门口跑去,到家门口作气喘吁吁状。) 3Little Monkeys:MummyWe are all back Mother Monkey:Bring the mushrooms to meIm in the kitchen(一只猴子把篮子递给妈妈) Mother Monkey:Take a bath and put on your clothes(三只猴子下场,外婆拄着拐棍,慢悠悠地上来) Mother Monkey:Grandma is coming 3Little Monkeys:(穿上干净、

6、漂亮的衣服兴匆匆地冲上台,拥抱并亲吻外婆)Grandma!Grandma!We miss you very muchHow are you? Grandma:Very wellThank you!My dearYou all look so nice! Little Monkey1:grandma,grandma,sit here and have a restLittle Monkey2: grandma, grandma , heres a glass of water for youLittle Monkey3: Let me help you knock back (让我帮您敲敲背)G

7、randma:Oh!Thank you!Thank you! My lovely babies What subject do you have this term?3Little Monkeys:we have Chinese Maths and English Grandma:Any more?Little Monkey1:we have PE Little Monkey2: we have ArtLittle Monkey3: we have MusisGrandma:Good.can you sing for me?3Little Monkeys:(三只小猴子都跳起来说) Yes. I can I canGrandma:OK,OK ,I can play, lets sing together Grandma:Oh, Im very happy.Are you happy?Mother Monkey:Time to have lunch everyboday!Grandma:3Little Monkeys:OK!Together: Old I old as well as old person, young I young as well as young person. 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。


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