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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高中代词专项练习及解析(一)1. By the way, who will teach _pop music next term? A. us B. our C. ours D. we解析 答案A。teach sb. Sth. 这里缺少sb. 2. Both Pingping and Beibei have done _homework. A. his B. her C. their D. boths【解析】 答案C。前面有两个人,后应该用复数形式的物主代词,因此用their。3. Everybody is here, _? A. isnt everybody B.

2、isnt it C. isnt he D. arent they【解析】答案C/D。此句为反义疑问句,当肯定句中的主语为everybody时,问句部分应该用he或者they来代替,因此,C/D项均可以。4. It was _ who wrote those words on the blackboard. A. he B. him C. himself D. his【解析】答案A。这里空格处为主语,因此应该用人称代词的主格形式,因此用he。5. He wants nothing but a house of _. A. his own B. himselfc. his father D. hi

3、s own house【解析】答案A。of ones own 属于某人自己的。6. Can you express _ in English?A. yourself B. youC. yours D.yours【解析】答案A,题意为:你能用英语表达自己么?某人自己应该用反身代词,因此应该用yourself。7. One of them hasnt got _ lessons prepared.A. her B. itsC. ones D. his【解析】答案D,句意为他们其中的一个还没有把课程准备好。应该用his。8. You dont look quite _ today. Whats th

4、e matter with you?A. you B. yourC. your own D. yourself【解析】答案D。固定搭配,look oneself 意思为显得健康,情绪正常。9. Though _ is a long way from here, well do our best to reach there in time.A. there B. itC. its D. itself【解析】答案B。句意为:虽然路还很远,我们会尽量准时赶到那边。这里C、D不正确,直接排除,A一般用于there is a long way to go, it则it is a long way fr

5、om here。因此应该用it。10. We dont consider _ necessary for them to move into that house.A. that B. thisC. it D. them【解析】答案C。常跟it作形式宾语的动词:believe,guess,suppose, consider, think, feel, find, notice, make.这里是consider,因此选择it。11. _ is a great and glorious country.A. Our B. OursC. Its D. Ours【解析】答案B。A是我们的,不能单独作

6、为主语,its它的,D项没有这种形式。这里ours指的是我们的国家,是名词性物主代词,因此选择B。12. He parents are going on a study trip with a friend of _.A. them B. theirC. themselves D. theirs【解析】答案C。句子意思为他的父母打算和他们的一个朋友一起开展一段学习的旅途。这里应该使用名词性物主代词,因此theirs=their friends。13. Im sorry to say _ of your answers are correct.A. none B. neitherC. both

7、D. any【解析】答案A。从句子中的Im sorry 可以看出你们的答案没有一个是正确的。因此可以排除C、D, neither是两者都不,none是三者及三者以上,这里没有说明是两者,所以应该用none。14. - Who is that knocking at the door?-_ must be the milkman.A. He B. SheC. It D. The man【解析】答案C。这里不确定敲门的人是谁,这时应该使用人称代词it,表示不确定的人或物。15. _ agree to your plan.A. Anyone of us B. No one of usC. None

8、of us D. Someone of us【解析】答案C. A、B、C选项anyone,no one和someone后面不能与of连用,只有C项,none of us才是正确的。16. The books here are not so well written as _ on the shelf.A. that B. thoseC. ones D. them【解析】答案B。这里those指代书架上的那些书,与the books here形成对比。A是单数不正确,C缺少冠词。17. My father is a farmer, but _ is yours?A. who B. howC. w

9、hich D. what【解析】答案D。从句子意思来看,我的爸爸是一个农民,那么你的爸爸呢?问职业这里应该用Whats sb.?18. _ do you think of my composition?A. How B. WhatC. Which D. Why【解析】答案B,句意为“你觉得我的作文怎么样?” 觉得怎么样用固定句型“What do think of”.19. _ of you would like to get me the bike?A. Which B. WhatC. Whom D. Whomever【解析】答案A。句意为“你们当中的哪个愿意把自行车给我?”此时疑问代词应该用

10、which。20. Please write on the paper _ line.A. each other B. every otherC. all other D. this and that【解析】答案B。此处考查的是固定搭配,every+other+单数名词,意思为“每隔”这里的句子意思为请每隔一行写在这张纸上。21. Would you lend me _ of your money, please?A. any B. manyC. some D. a lot of【解析】答案C。句意为你能借给我一些钱吗?在请求疑问句中要用肯定形式,因此应该选some。22. Sorry, bu

11、t I have only _ ink left over.A. little B. fewC. a little D. a few【解析】答案C。这里句中有only,一般情况下,当little,few前面用only/just 修饰时,必须用肯定的形式。23. _ who come from the countryside, please fill out the form.A. All B. AnyoneC. These D. Those【解析】答案D。句意为“那些来自乡村的人,请填写一下这张表格。这里是定语从句,all作先行词时,关系代词只能用that,anyone作先行词时谓语动词要用单数形式,因此不正确。在句中我们一般用that来代替,这里是复数,因此应该选择those。24. She went for a swim in the pool yesterday and Ill do _ this afternoon.A. it B. suchC. same D. the same【解析】答案D。句意为:她昨天去湖里游泳了,我也打算今天下午去游泳。这里是做一样的事情。用代词the same。25. Therere tall buildings on _ side of the street.A. either


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