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1、UNIT10Ivehadthisbikeforthreeyears课时课时1SectionA(1a-2d)一、一、根据汉语提示写出单词或短语。根据汉语提示写出单词或短语。1.I will never forget the sweet(甜蜜的)time that we spend.sweet一一二二三三四四五五六六2.The first day he collected over 50 cents(分),which he gave to his mother to buy food.cents一一二二三三四四五五六六3.My brother likes playing boardgames(棋类

2、游戏)in his free time.boardgames一一二二三三四四五五六六4.中考长春改编Helen enjoys listening to soft(轻柔的)music when she is tired.soft一一二二三三四四五五六六5.My grandmother grows many vegetables at the back yard(院子)every year.yard一一二二三三四四五五六六二、二、用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。6.【易易错错题题】In winter people wear scarves(scarf)and gloves.点点拨拨

3、:根根据据“people”可可知知,scarf应应用用复复数数形形式式。scarf以以f结尾,改结尾,改f为为v再加再加es,因此答案是因此答案是scarves。scarves一一二二三三四四五五六六7.It is said toys(toy)can bring happiness to everyone.toys一一二二三三四四五五六六8.This company has become the largest maker(make)of smartphones in the world.maker一一二二三三四四五五六六9.中考哈尔滨改编I still remember all the st

4、ories that my grandma told me.The memories(memory)of our childhood are always hard to forget.memories一一二二三三四四五五六六10.The supermarket is having a huge sale(sell)on shoes.Lets go to see.sale一一二二三三四四五五六六三、三、根据句意填入合适的单词,每空一词。根据句意填入合适的单词,每空一词。11.How long have you lived in such a peaceful place with your p

5、arents?Since last year.Since一一二二三三四四五五六六12.If each of us gives a hand to the people in need,the world will be full of love.点点拨拨:inneed在在危危难难中中,在在危危急急中中,句句意意:“如如果果我我们们每每个个人向那些的人伸出援手,世界将充满爱人向那些的人伸出援手,世界将充满爱”。in一一二二三三四四五五六六13.Your new schoolbag is so nice!When did you buy it?In October.I have had it fo

6、r two months.for一一二二三三四四五五六六14.That woman gave away all her money to charities to help the poor children.点点拨拨:giveaway赠赠送送。句句意意为为“那那位位女女士士把把她她所所有有的的钱钱捐捐赠赠给慈善机构来帮助贫困儿童给慈善机构来帮助贫困儿童”。away一一二二三三四四五五六六四、四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。15.我给詹姆斯的老师打电话核实了他的家庭作业。I made a phone call to James teacher to chec

7、k out his homework.checkout一一二二三三四四五五六六16.我们决定卖掉我们所有不再使用的东西。We decide to sell all the things that we dont use anymore.dontanymore一一二二三三四四五五六六17.家乡的照片把我带回到我的童年。The photos of my hometown brought me back to my childhood.broughtmeback一一二二三三四四五五六六18.我女儿已经借了这本书好几个月。My daughter has had/kept this book for a

8、 couple of months.hashad/keptacoupleof一一二二三三四四五五六六19.你的手表真的很旧了。是的,我已经买了六年了。Your watch is really old.Yes,I have had it for six years.havehad一一二二三三四四五五六六六、六、漯河月考补全对话。补全对话。A:What a nice bicycle!B:Thank you.Its a birthday gift from my parents.A:25.Howdoyoulikeit/Whatdoyouthinkofit?B:Great.It is light an

9、d fast.I ride it to school every day.A:26.Howlonghaveyouhadit?B:I have had it for two years.Howdoyoulikeit/WhatdoyouthinkofitHowlonghaveyouhadit一一二二三三四四五五六六A:But it looks new.27.Howoftendoyouwashit?B:I wash it once a week.I take good care of it.A:By the way,my friends and I are going bicycling in th

10、e countryside tomorrow.28.Wouldyouliketojoinus/Wouldyouliketogowithus?HowoftendoyouwashitWouldyouliketojoinus/Wouldyouliketogowithus一一二二三三四四五五六六B:Sure,Id love to.29.Whenandwhereshallwemeet?A:We will meet at 7:30 a.m.in front of the Spring Square.B:OK.See you then!Dont be late.A:See you!Whenandwhereshallwemeet一一二二三三四四五五六六



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