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1、Unit 9What does he look like?课时课时 1Section A(1a-2d)一、一、根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词。根据首字母或汉语提示写出单词。1.The road is not (直的),so dont drive so quickly,Jack.2.Mike is t but his father is short.3.The box is too h .I cant take it to the classroom.straightalleavy一一二二三三四四五五六六七七4.We want to see the movie,so we are going to

2、 the nearest c .5.My sister is too t because she only eats a little food every day.inemahin一一二二三三四四五五六六七七二、二、用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。hightonightglasslatecurly6.中考江苏Tomorrow is Fathers Day.Lets get prepared(准备)to give Dad a big surprise(惊喜).7.郑州高新区期末改编My sister has hair.She likes it very much

3、.8.It is reported that the of Qomolangma(珠穆朗玛峰)is 8848.86 meters.tonightcurlyheight一一二二三三四四五五六六七七9.My mother isnt at home now.Please call her back .10.Hello,sir!I want to buy a pair of new .OK.This way,please.laterglasseshightonightglasslatecurly一一二二三三四四五五六六七七三、三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。11.M

4、ay I (use)your dictionary,Tom?Sure.Here you are.12.My pen friend (have)short brown hair.13.Who is that boy under the tree?Do you know (he)?14.Lucy comes from America.Her hair (be)brown.15.Are you (go)swimming tomorrow?Yes.Lets go together.usehashimisgoing一一二二三三四四五五六六七七四、四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。根据汉语意思完成句子,

5、每空一词。16.你的朋友长什么样?your friend?17.我的妹妹有一点文静,她不喜欢说话。My sister is quiet.She doesnt like talking.18.我们的数学老师很高,并且他戴着眼镜。Our math teacher is very tall and he .Whatdoeslooklikealittlewearsglasses一一二二三三四四五五六六七七19.简中等身高,留着长卷发。Jane is of with hair.20.放学后去堆雪人怎么样?好主意!待会儿见。How about making a snowman after school?G

6、ood idea!.mediumheightlongcurlySeeyoulater一一二二三三四四五五六六七七 五、五、鹤壁期末阅读理解。阅读理解。【立德树人【立德树人助人为乐】助人为乐】请同学们看点拨训练第请同学们看点拨训练第81页原文页原文(B)21.Why does Frank want to find Tim?A.To give him money.B.To thank him.C.To give him the schoolbag.D.To help him.B一一二二三三四四五五六六七七(B)22.What does Tim look like?A.B.C.D.B一一二二三三四四

7、五五六六七七(C)23.What can we know about Tim from the text?his age(年龄)his classhis e-mail his phone numberA.B.C.D.C一一二二三三四四五五六六七七(A)24.How do you like Tim according to(根据)the text?A.Friendly.B.Funny.C.Smart.D.Cute.点拨:推理判断题。根据点拨:推理判断题。根据He is a very kind student.(他是一个他是一个非常善良的学生。非常善良的学生。)以及他把书包交给失物招领处以及他把书

8、包交给失物招领处,可知可知Tim很友好。故选很友好。故选A。A一一二二三三四四五五六六七七(C)25.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Tim is Franks classmate.B.You can find Tim in Class Three,Grade Seven.C.Frank lost his schoolbag on the playground.D.If you want to find Frank,please call 444-3699.C一一二二三三四四五五六六七七六、六、语篇填空,每空限填一词。语篇填空,每空限填一词。Mr.Smith

9、is my favorite teacher.He is 26.basketball teacher in the sports club.He is about 190 cm tall 27.he has short black hair and big eyes.There 28.always some interesting games in his class.The games can help us learn to play and work well 29.other students.He also has fun activities(活动)like“movie night

10、s”30.help students in the club make friends.What a nice teacher!aandarewithto一一二二三三四四五五六六七七七、七、漯河期末改编补全对话。补全对话。一一二二三三四四五五六六七七A:Hi,Li Qiang.This is Zhou Dong speaking.What are you doing now?B:31.A:Your pen pal?Oh,I remember,the English girl Rose,right?32.?B:Oh,she is a tall girl with glasses.She is r

11、eally friendly.Im writing to my pen palWhat does she look like一一二二三三四四五五六六七七A:33.?B:She has straight hair.She will come to China this summer vacation.She wants to visit the Longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟)in Luoyang.We can meet her there.A:Sounds great!I cant wait to see her.34.?Does she have curly or straight hairDo you want to go to the movies with me一一二二三三四四五五六六七七B:Yes.There is a new movie on.35.?A:Lets meet at my home.B:OK!See you!A:See you!Where shall we meet一一二二三三四四五五六六七七


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