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1、Unit 4 Dont eat in class.Period 4 Section B(2a-2c)一、用所给单词的适当形式填空一、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.He thinks this idea is good,but he wants to find _(much)ways to solve the problem.【点拨】句意:他认为这个想法很好,但是他想找到更多解决这个问题的方法。根据句意可知填more。more2._(remember)to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.【点拨】句意:当你离开教室时,记得关灯。此

2、处是祈使句,以动词原形开头,且句首首字母要大写,故填Remember。Remember3.Helping others gives me a good _(feel),and I love it.【点拨】句意:帮助别人给我一种很好的感觉。我喜欢它。good 是形容词,后面应接名词,故填feeling。feeling4.2022 郑州期末 My neighbors are always busy and _(noise)on summer nights.【点拨】句意:我的邻居在夏天的晚上总是很忙很吵。and 连接两个并列的词,根据busy 可判断,此处应填一个形容词,故填noisy。noisy5

3、.Chinese people like red very much.They think red is a _(luck)color and can bring them happiness.【点拨】句意:中国人非常喜欢红色。他们认为红色是幸运的颜色,可以给他们带来幸福。根据a 和color 可判断,此空应填一个形容词,修饰color,故填lucky。lucky二、根据汉语意思完成句子二、根据汉语意思完成句子 6.我们学生必须遵守校规。We students must _ _ _ of our school.follow the rules7.每天早上起床后你整理你的床铺吗?是的。Do yo

4、u _ _ _ after you get up every morning?Yes,I do.make your bed8.2023 郑州四十七中月考 你必须打扫厨房,因为它太脏了。You have to clean up the _ because its too _.kitchendirty9.我的父亲对我要求严格。他总是要求我取得好成绩。My father _ _ _ me.He always asks me to get good grades.is strict with10.读了这个可怕的消息后,他不高兴地回到座位上。After _ _ _ _,he returns to his

5、 seat unhappily.reading the terrible news 一、阅读理解一、阅读理解 1.In which country cant the students leave home in the evening if they dont tell their schools?_A.Japan.B.The U.S.C.The U.K.D.Canada.请同学们看请同学们看典中点典中点第第28页第页第1-5题。题。A【点拨】细节理解题。根据Japanese rules 中的信息“But in some Japanese schools,if the schools dont

6、 know,students cant go to the cinema,play video games or leave home in the evening.”可知,在一些日本学校,如果学校不知道,学生不能去电影院、玩电子游戏或晚上离开家,故选A。2.Why cant the students eat gum at school in the U.S.?_A.Because it is not safe.B.Because its hard to clean.C.Because they have no time.D.Because they have no money.【点拨】细节理

7、解题。根据Different rules in the U.S.中的信息“Students cant eat gum(口香糖),because its hard to clean.”可知,美国一些学校的学生不允许吃口香糖,因为很难打扫。故选B。B3.What does the underlined word“safe”mean in Chinese?_A.干净的 B.安全的C.漂亮的 D.光滑的【点拨】词义猜测题。根据前面的“the students wont fall down”可判断,学生们不会摔倒,也就是说,学生们很安全。故选B。B4.What is the best title for

8、 the text?_A.School Uniforms B.School Indoor Shoes C.School Hairstyles D.Funny School Rules【点拨】最佳标题题。通读全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了日本、美国和英国一些学校有趣的校规。故选D。D5.Whats the structure(结构)of the passage?_C【点拨】文章结构题。第一段引出话题,介绍不同的学校有不同的规定,并指出下面是一些有趣的校规。第二段介绍的是日本一些学校有趣的校规。第三段介绍的是美国一些学校有趣的校规。第四段介绍的是英国一些学校有趣的校规。由此可知,文章为总分结构。故选

9、C。二、完形填空二、完形填空Tom and Jim are middle school students.Last week they told me _6 their family rules.6.A.with B.to C.about D.in CTom is not good _7 his studies,_8 his parents want him to study hard and not to watch TV after school.7.A.for B.with C.to D.at【点拨】be good at 擅长;be good with 善于与 相处;be good fo

10、r 对有好处;be good to 对好。这里说的应该是不擅长功课。故选D。DTom is not good _7 his studies,_8 his parents want him to study hard and not to watch TV after school.8.A.so B.though C.however D.because AThey say he should work hard so that he can get a good _9 when he grows up.9.A.work B.grade C.job D.sleep【点拨】由“when he gro

11、ws up”可知,应该是获得一份好的工作。故选C。CBesides,they ask Tom _10 when he finishes his homework.10.A.read B.to read C.play D.to play【点拨】Tom 的父母想让他好好学习,因此在他写完作业后最有可能让他去读书,结合固定搭配ask sb.to do sth.可知此题选B。BTom has no time _11,so hes very angry with his parents.11.A.playing B.studying C.to play D.to study【点拨】Tom 既要写作业,又

12、要读书,因此应该是没有时间玩,结合固定搭配have(no)time to do sth.可知此题选C。CHe thinks that some of the rules cant be _12,so he decides to talk to his parents.12.A.broke B.followed C.played D.took BJim is a good student.He likes _13 very much.13.A.sleeping B.playing C.working D.studying DHe often sleeps late,_14 his parents

13、 dont mind if he plays with his friends after school.14.A.and B.but C.because D.though AAfter he studies,his parents always ask him to watch TV with _15.15.A.them B.him C.it D.her AThey say health comes _16,and that he needs to relax after studying.16.A.next B.first C.last D.second【点拨】这句话的意思是“健康第一”。

14、故选B。B_17 Jim says watching TV is a waste of time.17.A.So B.However C.But D.And【点拨】前文提到Jim 的父母认为健康第一,学习后要适当休息,因此让他在学习后陪他们一起看电视,而Jim 认为看电视浪费时间,与前文意思相反。故选C。若选However,后面需加逗号。CSo hes angry with his parents,_18.18.A.either B.neither C.also D.too DAnd he doesnt want to follow _19 rule.19.A.this B.a C.these D.those AI think both boys parents are _20.What do you think?20.A.wrong B.right C.true D.false 【点拨】作者的观点是两对父母的做法都对,可能出发点不同。故选B。B


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