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1、Unit 3 How do you get to school?Period 3 Section B(1a-1e)一、根据汉语提示完成句子一、根据汉语提示完成句子1.My father usually gets off at the Peoples Park _(车站).【点拨】句意:我爸爸通常在人民公园站下车。根据句意可知,此处表示专有名词,故名词应大写,故填Stop。Stop2.2023 郑州八中月考 Ill have a _(旅行)to Hainan tomorrow.Have a good time.trip 3.Tom is at the gate of the _(地铁)stati

2、on with his cousin now.【点拨】句意:汤姆和他的堂哥现在正在地铁站的门口。此处是名词作定语修饰station,故填单数名词subway。subway4.I want to _(骑)a bike in the park with my friends this weekend.【点拨】句意:这个周末我想和我的朋友们一起在公园里骑自行车。want to do sth.想要做某事,ride a bike 骑自行车,故填动词原形ride。ride5.The Smiths _(居住)in the quiet house with their children.【点拨】句意:史密斯夫

3、妇和他们的孩子居住在一个安静的房子里。“The+姓氏复数”作主语时,谓语动词用动词原形,故填live。live二、根据语境补全句子二、根据语境补全句子,每空一词每空一词 6.What do you think _ the trip?Great.7.It is about two kilometers _ my home _ school.offromto8.Jane often goes to school _ train.9.Mary wants to know _ Bob lives.10.My home is far from school so it is convenient(方便的

4、)for me to take _ subway to school.bywherethe/a 一一、河南人文信息题河南人文信息题 补补全对话全对话根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A:Hi,Rick!Nice to see you here!B:Hi,Jenny.1._.There is a new library near our school.How about going there with me this weekend?Nice to see you,too A:Id love to,but I must visit my grandma

5、 this weekend.B:Oh.2._?A:She lives in Luoyang.Its a little far from Zhengzhou.B:Its a nice city.You can visit the Longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟).Its famous.How do you get there?Where does she liveA:3._.The high-speed train is fast and convenient.B:4._?A:It takes about forty minutes.B:Well,have a good weeken

6、d!A:5._.I get there by high-speed trainHow long does it take you to get thereThanks.You,too 二、二、2023 郑州外国语中学月考郑州外国语中学月考 语篇填空语篇填空 根据语篇内容填空,使短文通顺、意思 完整。Dave is my good friend.He lives in a small village(乡村).His home is far(远的)6._ his school and the roads(路)are not good.【点拨】此处指Dave 的家离学校很远,并且路况不好。far f

7、rom 固定搭配,故填from。from7._ it is difficult for him to get to school.【点拨】此处指到达学校很不容易。这一句是上一句的结果,两者构成逻辑上的因果关系,故填So。SoHe gets 8._ at about six oclock every day and has breakfast quickly(迅速地).Then he goes to school at about six twenty.First,he rides his bike to the bus stop.【点拨】此处指他每天早上6 点左右起床,快速吃完早饭。get u

8、p 起床,是固定搭配。故填up。upIt takes him about forty minutes(分钟)9._ get there.Then he takes the No.13 bus.It usually takes him about fifty minutes.Sometimes he has no time for breakfast at home,so he has something on the bus.【点拨】此处考查句型“It takes sb.some time to do sth.”做某事花费某人多久时间,故填to。to“I dream of taking the train.It must be interesting,”says Dave.He hopes(希望)he can go to college(上大学)in 10._ big city some day.Why?Because he can take a train to the big city!【点拨】此处指他希望有一天到大城市去上大学。此处是第一次提及,且表示泛指,故填不定冠词a。a


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