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1、九(上) Unit 4 Growing upReading 2Zhouji Experimental School Wu Yaoguo1. Learning aims: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to (1) learn to use the words and phrases in the article (2) write a reading report about the article 2. Analysis of the students: After Reading1, students are able

2、to read the passage about Spud Webb fluently. They can guess the meaning of the new words from the context and identify the main idea of the passage. They can also try to retell the story with the help of the key words. 3. Key points and difficult points: Use the new words, phrases and structures in

3、 particular situation correctly. 4. Learning procedures: Step 1. Lead in Revision: (1) Free talk T: Do you remember who we talked about last time? S: Spud Webb. T: What was he? S: He was an NBA player.T: What was special about him as an NBA player? S: He was very short. T: Though he was short, Spud

4、became a great basketball player. Lets look at some of his achievements. (2) Fill in the blanks to go over his achievements mentioned in the article. T: Spud achieved a lot though he was not tall. What was his key to success? S: He never gives up. (Present the topic : Never give up) (设计意图:复习导入,激发兴趣,

5、整体回顾课文,为下一步知识点的梳理做好铺垫。) Step 2. Presentation and practice T: During his basketball career, Spud met up with a lot of difficulties. How does the writer arrange the article? In which order does he write? S: Time order. T: What are the different times mentioned in the article? S: Junior high, senior hi

6、gh, junior college and after university. (Write down on the Bb) T: Lets talk about Spuds experiences at different times. Junior high (1) Give the Ss some key words to retell this part. (2) Present: While attending junior high, Spud tried out for the school team. T: There are lots of clubs in our sch

7、ool. Tian Jia tried out one of them last term. Can you guess which club she tried out for? Ss: (Smiling) Dancing! T: So I can say, Tian Jia tried out for the Dancing Club last term. What about you? Which club will you try out for? (3) Show some pictures of different clubs in our school and get the S

8、s to practice the phrase in pairs. Senior high (1) Give the Ss some key words to retell this part. (2) Present: He practiced even harder and got the coach to change his mind. T: At home, I always get my little daughter to do some housework. (Present two photos of my daughter doing housework) (3)T: W

9、hat about you? What do your parents or teachers get you to do in your spare time? Ask and answer in pairs. Get some pairs to show their dialogues. (4)Complete a short story to consolidate the usage of some important words and phrases. (Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage) Junior college (1) Give th

10、e Ss some key words to retell this part. (2) Present: As a result, he succeeded in getting a scholarship. T: Tian Jia tried out for the Dancing Club last term. What was the result? Did she succeed? S: Yes! T: So we can say: Tian Jia succeeded in joining the Dancing Club. (3)T: I have pictures of som

11、e great people here. Do you know who they are and what they did? Talk about the pictures first, then get the students to ask and answer in pairs: What did he /she succeed in doing? After university (1) Give the Ss some key words to retell this part. (2) Fill in a passage, try to use the phrases corr

12、ectly. Sum up: Spuds story reminds me of an old saying. All the difficulties he met up with were the pains. All the achievements he got were the gains. (Ss together) No pains, no gains! (设计意图:语篇较长,且专有名词较多,所以通过分段复述的方式,降低难度。并且在分段复述的过程中,能更好地专注于某一个或某几个知识点的运用,设计真实情境,让学生有说的欲望,学以致用。) Step 3. Discussion Ss

13、discuss in groups and then give a report orally. (1) What is the article about? (2) After reading it, what have you learnt? (3) What should we do as students? (设计意图:总结上文,让学生学会概括归纳,并且引发学生对文本深层次的思考,为接下去的读书报告的写作做好准备) Step 4. Writing Ss write their own reading report and show it to their classmates. The

14、 outline: Para 1 What is the article about? Para 2 What have you learnt after reading it? Para 3 What should you do as students? (设计意图:写作使人精确,在动笔写作的过程中,进一步巩固本节课所学内容。学会思考并掌握读书报告的基本篇章结构。) Step 5. A poem Enjoy a poem: NEVER GIVE UPNever give up,Never lose hope.Always have faith,It allows you to cope.Tr

15、ying times will pass,As they always do.Just have patience,Your dreams will come true.So put on a smile,Youll live through your pain,Know it will pass,And strength you will gain.(设计意图:情感升华,学会欣赏同一个主题不同体裁的美文)Step 6. Homework Share your reading report with classmates. Find out more great people that we can learn from.


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