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1、直接引语变间接引语(宾语从句).直接引语和间接引语的定义。直接引语:直接引用别人的话叫直接引语,间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话叫间接引语。直接引语前后加引号;间接引语不必加引号。He said, I m a student.直接引语 )He said that he was a student.(间接引语)主句从句主句从句.当直接引语为特殊疑问句变间接引语形成宾语从句时,首先要注意用特殊疑问词,其后用陈述语序的句子,同时注意人称、时态、时间状语,连接词,语序 的变化.(一)人称的变化规则:一随主,二随宾,第三人称不更新。一随主引号内的第一人 称变间引后与主 句主语的人称保持一致He says

2、, 1 like math very much . t He says that he likes math very much .二随宾引号内的第二人称变间引后与 主句宾语的人称保持一致He said to Lily, “ you must get up early t He told Lily that she must get up early三不用变引号内的第三人 称在变间引后去 人称不变She said to me , “ They want to help him t She told me that they wan ted help him(二).时态变化宾语从句时态变化规则:

3、主现从不限:主过从四过 (即4种过去的时态:一般过去时:过去进行时:过去将来时:过去完成时);客观真理,只用一般现在时。1. 主句一般现在时,从句可用任意时态。2. 主句过去时,从句用相应的过去时态。即一般现在时改成 一般过去时;现在进行时改成过去进行时;一般将来时改成过去将来时;一般过去时、现在完成时、过去完成时改成过去完 3. 主句过去时,从句是客观真理时,只用一般现在时。Teacher told us: The moon moves round the earth.Teacher told us the moon moves round the earth.主句的时态从句的时态例句一般现

4、在时He says所需的任何时态He says, he likes math very much . t He says that he likes math very much一般过去时He said直接引语间接引语一般现在时一般过去时He said, he is a student. ” He said that he was a student现在进行时过去进行时He said, “he is reading.t He said that he was reading一般将来时过去将来时He said, “he will go home t He said that he would g

5、o home一般过去时过去完成时He said, “ he went home t He said that he had gone home现在完成时过去完成时He said, “he has gone home tHe said that he had gone home过去完成时过去完成时He said, “ he had gone home t He said that he had gone home(三)时间状语变化直接引语间接引语指示代词thisthatthesethosenowthe ntodaythat dayto ni ghtthat ni ghtthis weekthat

6、 week时间状语yesterdaythe day beforelast weekthe week beforethree days agothree days beforetomorrowthe next day/ the following dayn ext weekthe n ext week/ the follow ing week地点状语herethere动词comegobringtake(四)连接词1 从句为陈述句,常选择连接词that或将that省略,直接与主句相连。2 .从句为一般疑问句,常选择连接词if或whether。3.从句为特殊疑问句,常选择what,when,wher

7、e,which,who,how 等的疑问代、副词作连接词。注意:当who为主语时,句式为: who+谓语+其他直接引语连接词例句注意事项陈述句that(常省略)He said to me,“ you can help her.t He said to me (that) I could help her.1. 连接词:that2. 引述动词 said, said to sb told sb,等一般疑问句if / whether.“是否”He asked her; “ Do you love me?”t He asked her whether she loved him.1. 改为陈述语序”。

8、2. 引述动词asked3. 去掉 Do, Does, Did改变 Are, Is, Will, Can 位置特殊疑问句特殊疑问词: what, who, why,how, which,whenHe asked his wife,“ How are you?t He asked his wife how she was.He asked me, “ What color do you like? t He asked me what color I liked.”1.改为陈述语序”2.去掉 Do, Does, Did改变 Are, Is, Will, Can 位置祈使句_LtA 冃定ask (

9、tell) sb. to do sthHe shouted,“ Lily, Close the door.t He told Lily to close the door.1. 不用连接词2. 不改变时态。”3.无须考虑语序否疋ask (tell) sb. not to do sth.He said to me,“ Don t be late.t He asked me not to be late.注意:1.语序不变的有:What the matter with you?但 What sthe trouble with you? 的语序要变:-1)从句中有 or/ or not。例:连用。例

10、:2.只用 whether : 2)与不定式to doI 3)在介词后。例:用法是有区别的,但当if/whetherWhat wrong with you?she asks whether he stayed。I can decide whether to tell him the n ewsthey are talk ing about whether they can afford the new house 同时出现在选项中的时候,我们要选whether 3.宾语从句语序:陈语述序,即:连接词+主语+谓语+其它。或连接词(此时连接词充当主语)+谓语+其它。陈述语序中:be动词、助动词、情

11、态动词不能提到主语前。例:1)can you tell me where is the hospital 错) can you tell me where the hospital is.对)2)I don know whether does he speak Chinese错)I don k now whether he speaks Chin ese对)3)I am not sure what can he do 错)I am not sure what he can do 对)中考考点:时态、语序、连接词练习题一、填空,每空一词:1. “I am having supper,” . he

12、 saidHe said thathav ing supper.2. “I ve seen the film, ” Gina said to me.Gi name that shethe film.3. “I went home with my sister, ” she said.She said thathome with her sister.4. The teacher said,“ The sun is bigger tha n the moon.”The teacher said that the sunbigger tha n the moon.5. “I met her yes

13、terday, ” he said to me.He told me that hemet her the day.6. “You must come here before five, ” he said.He said that Ito gobefore five.7. “I bought the computer two weeks ago,” she said.She said that shebought the computer two weeks8. “ Did you read the book last week? ” he said.HeI had read the boo

14、k the week.9. He said, “ You can sit here, Jim. ”HeJim that hesit there10. He asked,“ How did you find it, mother?”He asked her motherfound it.11. “Where have you been these days? ” he asked.He asked mebee ndays.12 “ Do you know where she lives? ” he asked.He askedknew where she.13. “ Keep quiet, children. ” he said.Hethe childre nquiet.14. “ Don t look out of tlwindow, ” she said.She told meout of the wi ndow.15. “Are you interested in this?” he said.HeI was in terested in.二、选择:1. Our teacher asked usour dict ion aries to school.A. bringB. broughtC. bringD. to bring2.



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