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1、中考复习基本分专项训练(十)缺词填空根据短文及首字母提示填出单词 (A)Once a farmer decided to spend a h 1 in an expensive hotel in a big town. W 2 lunch time came on his first day there, he went to e 3 in the restaurant of the hotel i 4 his new clothes. The head waiter b 5 him to the table, took his order and went away. When he t 6

2、 and saw the farmer again, he had a surprise. The f 7 had tied his table cloth round his n 8 . The head waiter told another waiter to go to the farmer and told him that people m 9 do such a thing in his restaurant. So the waiter went to the farmer and said in a f 10 voice. Good morning, sir. Would y

3、ou like a hair-cut?1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (B)Mr and Mrs Smith are a very forgetful couple. For example, Mr Smith sometimes goes tohis office for work on Sunday morning, for he t 1 it is Monday. And Mrs Smith sometimesforgets to cook for the family. One summer h 2 they made a plane to visit L

4、ondon by plane. The Smiths got to the airport ten minutes b 3 the plane take off. But suddenly Mrs Smith said that she m 4 tell Sally, their daughter, not to forget to lock the f 5 door when she left for school in the morning. As Sally was at school then, they c 6 reach her on the telephone(打电话与她联系)

5、. S 7 they hurried to the post office Mrs Smith wrote a short note to Sally, while Mr Smith bought a stamp and envelope. They hurriedly put the stamp on the envelope and dropped it into the mail-box. When they r 8 to the airport, there were two minutes only, and the plane was going to leave. But sud

6、denly Mrs Smith burst into tears (突然哭起来). Why? The short note to h 9 daughter was still in her hands. She had put their plane tickets in the envelope and dropped i 10 into the mailbox.1._2._3._4._ 5._6._7._8. _9._10._(C)Rebecca Stevens was the first British woman to climb Mount Qomolangma. Before sh

7、e went up the h 1 mountain in the world, she was a journalist and l 2 in a small flat in South London. In 1993, Rebecca left her job and her family and t 3 to Asia with some other climbers.She f 4 that life on Qomolangma is hard. You must carry everything on your back, she said, so you can only take

8、 things that you will n 5 . You cant wash on the mountain, and in the end I didnt even t 6 a toothbrush. I am usually a clean person but theres no water, only snow. Water is very heavy so you can only take i 7 to drink. Rebecca reached the top of Mount Qomolangma on May 17,1993. Suddenly she became

9、f 8 . Now she has w 9 a book about the trip. She has a new j 10 too, on a science programme on television.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (D)People are often killed while c 1 the road. Most of them are old people and c 2 .Old people are often killed because they are careless. People should look and l

10、 3 before they cross the road. A car, a truck or a bus can t stop very q 4 if it is going very fast. It will travel manymeters before it s 5 . Pedestrian(行人) don t know this. They think that a car can stop rightaway. It s hard for a pedestrian to k 6 how fast a car is travelling. The only s 7 way to

11、 cross the road is to look at b 8 ways , right and left. Thecorrect w 9 to cross the road is to walk quickly when the traffic l 10 turn green.1._2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5._6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (E)What a fine day! The sun is s 1 and everything looks bright. Can you feel the heat w 2 you stand in the sun? The sun g

12、ives the heat f 3 very far away. It is hard to believe that the sun is about one hundred and fifty million kilometres away. The sun looks s 4 because it is so far from us, but its r 5 very huge. The earth dries the sun. It takes one year for the earth to go a 6 the sun. And at the same time the eart

13、h i 7 is spinning around once every twenty-four hours. The sun gives us light. It k 8 us warm. It makes things grow. Plants, a 9 and people need the sun. We c 10 live without the sun. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. FWe will hold a charity show c 1 Sunshine. The show will be h 2 at this weekend. Before this, we advertised on the Internet and g 3 out I 4 to ask people to donate money. We hope to raise money to help poor children r 5 to school. Tickets are 20 e 6 Of course, donations are always w



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