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1、第二课时教学内容:A Lets talk Lets count教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说本课对话,并能在情景中进行运用。2.能听、说、认读本课句型How many people are there in your family ?并能进行替换练习。3.了解英语国家的一些称谓方式。教学重点:熟练掌握How many are there ?教学难点:句子“My family has seven members.”的认读。教学准备:1.教师准备全家福照片2.教师准备录音机、磁带、词卡、头饰。3.学生准备一张全家福。教学过程: 一、preparation1. Sing the song: One、T

2、wo、 Three、 Four、Five(三年级下册P26)2.快速认读人物称呼词卡:family,parents,uncle,aunt,baby brother.3. Lets chant.Lets go, boys. Lets go, girls. Lets all be a family. Who plays uncle? Who plays aunt? Who plays grandma and grandpa?I am uncle. I am aunt. We are grandma and grandpa.Lets go, boys. Lets go, girls. Lets al

3、l be a family. Who plays baby brother? Who plays baby sister? Who plays father and mother?I am baby brother. I am baby sister. We are parents. We are parents.二、Presentation1. My family has .members.(1)T:(用事先准备好的文具提问)How many can you see? Ss: (2)T:(询问一两组后,出示自己的全家福)How many people can you see?Ss: T: G

4、ood! My family hasmembers. My dad、my mom, my brother.and me.(3) 板书教读members-My family hasmembers.(4)学生在小组内用自己全家福进行练习:My family hasmembers. My dad、my mom, my brother.and me.2. How many people are there in your family? . Who are they?(1)T:My family hasmembers. My dad、my mom, my brother.and me. How man

5、y people are there in your family? Ss:(教师可给予一定的提示) .(2) T:My family has members. My dad、my mom, my brother. and me. How many people are there in your family? St1: .T:Who are they?St1: (3)教师板书、教读How many people are there in your family? Who are they?(4)教师示范后让学生在小组内操练How many people are there in your

6、family? . Who are they?3. But thats only six puppy (1)T: My family has six members. My parents, my brother, my sister and me.教师说的同时用简笔画在黑板上画出来。Ss: .T:(指着黑板上的简笔画)But thats only five. Oh, and my little puppy! Gee! (再在简笔画上添上一只小狗。)(2)教读But thats only six ! And my little puppy! 并帮助学生理解这两句话的意思。三、Practice1

7、.听音答题。(注意提醒学生合上课本听)How many people are there in Chen Jies family? A. three B. six 2.听音正音。(1)Listen and point .(2) Listen and repeat.3.合作共建小组内分角色朗读对话,组长注意分配好角色,同时要注意角色互换。4.表演展示。Act the dialogue in pairs.四、Production1. Lets count. (P71)教师先做好示范和要求,然后让学生两人一组练习。2. Make a survey.How many people are there

8、in your family? Who are they? NameHow many?parentsbrothersisteruncle五、Progress.1.检测题。(一)、选择正确的答案填空。1. ( ) people are there in your family? -Three. A. What B How C How many2. My family ( ) six members.A. have B has C is 3. () are they?A. What B. who C. Who(二)、选择句子,补充对话完整。Betty :Hello, Sarah! Come to meet my family! Sarah: Ok!_Betty:Six.Sarah: _Betty:My parents 、my uncle、my brother and me.Sarah:_Betty:And my little puppy.A. But thats only five!B. How many people are there in your family?C. Who are they?教师也可以根据情况选择基础训练中的题目。2.Homework (1) 听Lets talk部分录音,并跟读。(2)课下继续调查你周围的同学,看看他们家里有多少人,分别是谁。并做好记录


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