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1、Unit1 重要词组:1. 来自于come from/be from2. 和某人交朋友 make friends with sb3. 7 年级 4 班 Class Four, Grade Seven4. 缺席be absent from5. 一个长长的暑假 a long summer holiday6. 一个中学生 a middle school student7. 固然 of course8. 今日的电视闻 todays school news on TV9. 把 A 介绍给 Bintroduce A to B10. 穿蓝色夹克的绅士 the gentleman in a blue jack

2、et11. 戴眼镜的女孩 the girl with glasses12. 擅长 be good at doing sth= do well in doing13. 期望做某事 hope to do/ hope that+句子14. 由于而傲慢 be proud of = take pride in15. 一个海外华人 an overseas Chinese重点句子:1. What nationality are you?Im American. 你的国籍是什么? 我是美国人。2. Where are you from? I am from Canada.=Where do you come

3、from? I come from Canada. 你来自与哪里?我来自于加拿大。3. Im very glad to meet you. 我很快活见到你4. Its time for class= Its time to have classes 该上课了。5. Im sorry to hear that. 很内疚听到它。6I am going to study many subjects this year. 今年我将要学习很多学科。7. I like English best. =My favorite subject is English. 我最宠爱英语。8. Is everythin

4、g going well with you? 一切都进展顺当吗?9. Tell me something about your new school.告知我关于你学校的事情。10. There are three teachers and four students in the team. 这个团队里有 3 位教师和 4 位学生。11. She is also a language teacher. 她也是个语言教师。12. The beautiful young women with a big smile is Hanna.脸上带着大大笑容的年轻秀丽的女人是 Hanna.13. Lets

5、 give them a warm welcome and hope they will have a good time in our school 让我们给他们吵闹的欢送,并期望他们在我们学校玩的快活。Unit2重要词组:1. 一块橡皮 an eraser2. 一个圆珠笔 a ballpoint pen3. 在前面 in front of/ in the front of4. 在走廊的终点 at the end of the corridor5. 103 房间 Room 1036. 干净干净 clean and tidy7. 一个会计 an accountant8. 生物试验室 a bio

6、logy lab9. 在后墙上 on the back wall10. 对友善 be kind to11. 向某人呈现某物 show sth to sb= show sb sth12. 教师们的办公室 teachers office13. 在 2 楼 on the second floor重要句子:1. Whats this/that? Its a teachers desk. 这/那是什么? 它是一张讲桌。2. What are these/those? They are dictionaries. 这些/那些是什么?他们是字典。3. Are these/those your workboo

7、ks? Yes, they are./ No, they aren t. 这些/那些是你的练习本吗? 是的/ 不是。4. Are they Johns workbooks? Yes, they are. 他们是 John 的练习本吗? 是的5. Lets go and have a look.让我们去看看。6. Which is your classroom? The one on the left/ The third one beside the window.哪一个是你的教室? 左边那个/靠窗户的第三个。7. The book on the desk is an English book

8、. 在桌子上的书是一本英语字典。8. In front of the dictionary is a pencil box. 在字典前边是一个铅笔盒。9. The books beside the pencil box are my new textbooks. 在铅笔盒旁边的书是我的课本。10. Betty sits behind me. Betty 坐在我后面 11.I am in Class One, Grade Six. 我在 6 年级 1 班。12.The students have biology lessons/classes here. 学生们在这上生物课。14. There

9、is a teachers desk in the front of the lab. 在试验室的前面有一张讲桌。Unit3重要词组:1. 弹钢琴 play the piano2. 下象棋 play chess3. 在花园工作 work in the garden4. 骑马 ride a horse5. 日常生活 daily routine6. 迟到 be late for7. 做运动 have/do/play sports= do some exercise8. 住在另一个城市 live in another city9. 一个月一次 once a month10. 玩得快活 have a

10、good time=have fun = enjoy oneself doing sth 玩的快活11. 在第九中学学习 study at No. 9 Middle School12. be good at sth/doing sth= do well in sth/doing sth 擅长做某事13. jump out of (ones) bed 快速起床14. take a quick shower 快速洗个澡15. have a big/ light breakfast 吃一顿丰富/简洁的早餐16. put on the school uniform 穿上校服17. attend fou

11、r classes 上四节课18. watch TV news 看电视闻19. for half an hour 半个小时20. read newspapers 看报纸21. a days work 一天的工作22. at weekends=on weekends= at the weekend=on the weekend 在周末23. bothand两者都24.write his diary 写他的日记重要句子:1. What time is it?= Whats the time?Its a quarter past ten 几点了? 10:15.2. What do you do at

12、 weekends? 你周末干什么?3. What does your father do at weekends? He works in the garden.你爸爸周末做什么? 他在花园工作4. What time/When does school begin? Class/School begins at eight. 学校什么时候开头上课? 8点开头5. When and where do you have lunch? I usually have lunch at the school canteen at eleven thirty.你什么时候在哪里吃午饭? 我通常在学校食堂

13、11:30 吃午饭。6. What a nice photo!多么好看的照片啊!= How nice the photo is!7. Come in and have a cup of tea. 进来喝杯茶吧。8. Brians favorite subjects are English, history and art. Brian 最宠爱的学科是英语,历史和美术。=Brian likes English, history and art best.9. I usually study for about an hour.我通常学习大约一个小时。10. It takes a long tim

14、e for Alex to check the instruments.Alex 花费很长时间检查仪器。Unit 4 Phrases:结婚 marry sb./be married to sb./get married to sb.有力量做某事 be able to do sth.对.感兴趣 be interested in sth.练习做某事 practise doing sth.留言 leave a message和朋友谈天 chatting with friends查找 look for向.介绍你自己 introduce yourself to sb.格林一家 the Greens/ t

15、he Green family教某人某事 teacher sb. sth.11 教某人做某事 teach sb. to do sth.12 作为.工作 work as13 看起来像 look like14 和某人一起住 live with sb. Structures:15 My name is the same as hers.我的名字和她一样。16 Could you tell me a little about yourself?你能告知我一点你自己的事情吗?17 Where are you from?/Where do you come from?你从哪里来?18 I dont even have any aunts or uncles.我甚至没有姨或舅舅。19 He married a pretty girl./ He gets married to a pretty girl./ He is married to a pretty girl.他娶了一位得意的女孩。20 I m looking for friends of either sex with similar int



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