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1、7A Unit3 Welcome to our school! 重点词组、句型和知识点归纳一、词组1、一些蛋糕和面包some cakes and bread2、举行家长会have the parents meeting3、在校园开放日On the School Open Day4、观摩我们的两节课watch two of our lessons5、在校大门口见面meet at the school gate6、如此美丽so beautiful7、干净而明亮clean and bright8、带某人参观show sb around9、在教学楼前面in front of the classroom

2、 building10、在底楼on the ground / first floor11、走这边 This way, please.12、一间美术室和阅览室an art room and a reading room13、看上现代化look modern14、那儿的那栋楼the building over there15、穿白衬衫的男的The man in a white shirt16、帮我学英语help me with / learn my English17、叫我们中文teach us Chinese18、和某人打招呼 / 告别 /说抱歉say hello / goodbye / sor

3、ry to sb19、听得清楚hear sb well / clearly20、通过电话交谈talk on the phone21、骑自行车上学go to school by like / on ones bikeride a bike to school22、乘公交车上班go to work by bus / on a bustake a bus to work23、步行回家go home on foot = walk home24、到达学校get to school = arrive at school25、到达家 / 这儿 /那儿get home / here / there 26、起床

4、get up27、从到from to28、半小时half an hour29、各种各样的书all kinds of books30、从图书馆借书borrow some books from the library31、感谢你的来信Thanks for your letter.Thanks for writing the letter to me.32、一些,少量的a few / a little33、离.遥远far away from34、一切顺利,万事如意All the best35、出示给某人看show sth to sb = show sb sth二、句型和知识点:1、so: 1)(连词

5、) 因此,所以 (不能和_同时出现) 2)如此的 so big / _ (如此多的人) / _(如此多的作业) 3)代替上文说的内容(代词)I think so. / I hope so. / I am afraid so.2、Which subject do you like best? = _ is _ _subject?3、对点钟、星期几、日期的不同提问:1) The meeting begins at 2:30 p.m. - _ _ _the meeting _?2) Its Monday today. - _ _ is it today?3) Its was October 12th

6、 yesterday. - _ _ _ _ yesterday? 4) The shop is open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. - _ _ the shop _?4、区别in front of / in the front of5、区别不同的穿的表达:1) in 穿着(表状态)+衣服 / 颜色 the boy in blue / a woman in a red dress区别于with the girl _ long hair / glasses2) wear 穿、戴着(表状态) like to wear / wearing3) put on穿上、戴上(强

7、调动作过程) put it / them on -_(脱) Ex.1) Lucy likes _ red. But today she _ a purple blouse. 2) Do you know the boy _ the jeans?3) Its very cold outside. Please _ your warm coat, or you will catch a cold.6、 borrow sth from sb (借进)/ lend sth to sb(借出)7、 Thank you for sth. / Thanks for doing sth.Thanks for

8、your help.= Thank you for _ _.8、结构:It takes sb some time to do sth. = sb spend some time doing sth.例如:It takes me about 30 minutes to get to school. = _ _ about half an hour _ to school. 提问:_ _ _ it _ you _ _ to school?9、对交通方式的提问:How do you get to school? On foot / By bus.10、区别a few / a little 少量的 f

9、ew / little表示否定(几乎没有) a few + n.c a little + n. u1) He has_ friends and often goes to visit them.2) There is _water in the bottle,lets go to buy some.11、open / close (v.) 开 / 关 (表动作) be open / be closed (adj.) 开着/ 关着 (表状态) 1)The supermarket _ from 7:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. 2) Dont _ the door. Its too

10、hot. 3) Keep the windows _. There is a strong wind. 4) The shop _at 7:00a.m. and _ at 10 p.m. every day.12、kind: 1) 种类n. a kind of / different kinds of / many kinds of / all kinds of 2) 热情的,好的 be kind to sb-Our teachers_.(都对我们很好)三、语法:人称代词主格和宾格的用法主格Iyouheitwethey宾格heryou注意:1、顺序 you, she and I (单数) we, you and they (复数) 2、动词和介词后面用宾格 between _(我和他) teach_ (我们)English 3、区别it / one: it代替上文提到的那样东西 one 只能代替可数名词,同类不同物如:1) Who is knocking at the door? _ may be Jim. 2) Kate buys a new computer. I also want to buy _.4) Do you have a pen? Sorry, I dont have _. 3) Theres a book on the ground. Is _ yours?



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