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1、Unit 6 A Field Trip B Lets learn、 Lets play教学设计卢氏县双槐树乡中心小学-申海鸽教学目标:1、学习having a picnic 、counting insects、writing a report等活动的词汇2、运用 What is/are doing? They are . He/She is . 句型。在学习新知识的基础上,巩固、拓展和利用所学的旧知识,真正达到学以致用、融会贯通的目的。3、掌握一般疑问句Is he counting insects?Is she taking pictures?及其答语。教学重点:1. Lets learn 部

2、分的动词短语的 ing 形式。2. 在情景中使用对话中的句子,并能恰当的替换句中的动词短语。3. 听、说、读、写动词短语:counting insects,collecting leaves,writing a report,playing chess,having a picnic。4. counting 和 collecting 的正确发音示范和指导。教学难点:1. 词汇量较大,有些短语不易掌握:counting 和 collecting 的发音较难且易混淆。2. 动词短语的 ing 形式:强调 writing 和 having,加 ing 要去掉字母 e,再加 ing3一般疑问句Is h

3、e counting insects?Is she taking pictures?及其答语的使用。教具使用:录音机、磁带、挂图、头饰、单词卡片。教学过程Step1 Preparation1. Greetings2 Lets chant:Whats he doing? Hes taking,taking pictures. Whats he doing? Hes watching,watching insects.3 Ask and answer: Are they watching insects/? Yes , they are. No, they arent.Look at the pi

4、cture on Page70设计意图:通过对话、自编chant、看图问答等方式创设尽量真实的英语情景吸引学生注意力、调动他们的学习主动性,并复习上部分内容,为下面的学习做好铺垫。Step2 PresentationLets learn1.Look at the pictureP73. Ask some questions: Are they watching insects/ taking pictures/ 。?Students:No, they arent.Teacher:They are having a picnic 。Teach: having a picnicRead after

5、 the teacher。 Read one by one .Ask and answer: What is Amy/Chenjie doing?Shes having a picnic.2. Listen to the tape and try to repeat.3. Ask and answer in pairs/groups.4. Teach :counting insects/writing a report/collecting leaves/playing chess.设计意图:通过看图问答导入本节课的新词组,来降低学生的学习难度。通过跟老师读、自读、听音正音,解决读音问题。在读

6、熟的基础上,在小组中运用句型问答来进一步感知和理解词组。Step3 Practice1. Match。 将词组和对应的图片连线2. Make sentences。【看图造句】3. Lets play。【Page73】设计意图:运用各种形式的操练,由机械操练过渡到意义操练。操练时由简到繁,并结合句型进行来巩固所学知识。5. Lets try.Page74Listen and check the answers.6. Using the word cards. Ask and answer:Is he/she/Amy/john playing chess? Yes, he/she is. No,

7、he/she isnt.Ask and answer in pairs/groups. 设计意图:学习对话前,先解决新出现的句型,为下面学习对话扫清障碍。7. Lets talk.A Listen and answer the questions:Q1:Where is ZhangPeng? Q2:What is he doing?Q3:What is John doing?Check the answers and teach the new word:woods.B Listen to the tape and try to repeat.C Read by oneself. Read i

8、n groups. One is Teacher, one is Wu.设计意图:让学生带着问题去听对话,训练他们的听力和快速捕捉信息的能力。在听音正音后让他们熟读对话,为下面的表演展示做好准备。Step 4 Production1 Act the dialogue。2 Make a new dialogue。设计意图:表演对话后,让他们自己小组内利用这节课学到的词组和句型编一个新的对话,训练语言输出能力,并检查学习的效果。Step 5 Progress1Do Ex1 on Activity Book【P52】2Show the important sentences 3 Homework:Read and write the phrases and sentences Read the dialogue板书设计 having a picnic counting insects Is he writing a report ? Yes, he/she is. collecting leaves No, he isnt.playing chess


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