高中英语外研版必修2习题:Module 6 第3课时 Word版含解析

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1、 精品资料Module 6 第三课时.用单词或短语的适当形式填空argue,at the age of,for the first time,every two days,from time to time, good for you, in a short space of time, its generally agreed,the thing is,whats on1_ in the theater this weekend?2I have passed my English test._!3I really want to have a trip to Guilin. But _, I

2、 dont have enough time now.4We cant master a language thoroughly _.5_ with his mother about how to spend the money for nearly half an hour, the boy had to give up his idea.6We have a picnic _ in spring.7_ that Zhao Benshan is a good actor.8He could support himself by doing things _ 15.9That was when

3、 I saw a film by Steven Spielberg _.10We went out for dinner _.答案:1.Whats on2.Good for you3.the thing is4.in a short space of time 5.Having argued6.from time to time7Its generally agreed8.at the age of9.for the first time10.every two days.同义句转换1When he was two years old, he was sent to the countrysi

4、de._ _ _ _ _, he was sent to the countryside.2People agree that a new school should be set up to replace the old one._ _ _ _ a new school should be set up to replace the old one.3Mother tries new recipes from time to time, but the children never like them.Mother tries new recipes _ _ _ _, but the ch

5、ildren never like them.4To the surprise of everybody, the man was the girls father._ _ _, the man was the girls father.5A rainbow appeared after the rain.A rainbow _ _ after the rain.答案:1.At the age of two2.It is agreed that3.every now and then4.To everybodys surprise5.came out.根据括号内所给的汉语提示补全下列句子,每空

6、一词(含缩写)。1I got first place in the exam._ _ _(你真棒)!2_ _(上演什么) at nine oclock this evening on CCTV5?A football match between Brazil and France.3George learned to ride a horse _ _ _ _ _ (九岁时)4Finally, we _ _ _ _(跟服务员争执)about the bill for the meal.5. _ _ _(人们普遍认为) that hand drums date back at least 6,00

7、0 years, but nobody knows for sure who made the first one. 6The earthquake happened only _ _ _ _ _(在短时间内) without any warning.答案:1.Good for you2. Whats on3.at the age of nine4.argued with the waiter5.Its generally agreed6.in a short space of time.语法填空1_ hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight w

8、ithout cutting down the amount you eat.答案:However句意:不减少进食,无论你怎么努力,要减肥是困难的。however“无论怎么如何”在此引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter how。2Do you often visit your friends?_(occasion), because we are all busy with our jobs.答案:Occasionallyoccasionally“偶尔地”,句意:你经常拜访你的朋友们吗?偶尔这样,因为我们都忙于我们的工作。3We _ (argue) the problem for a l

9、ong time, but we didnt reach any agreement.答案:arguedargue“争论”,由句意可知此处用一般过去时。4_(据报道) that the way people spend their holidays has changed a great deal in the past ten years.答案:It is reportedIt is reported. 中it为形式主语,真正的主语为that引导的主语从句。5Writing a good story is no _easy task, but is there _ secret to it?

10、答案:/;ano easy task中的no相当于not a/an; secret为可数名词。6There have been dozens of reports _ people have seen a Wild Man in the Shennongjia Nature Reserve in western Hubei Province, China. 答案:thatthat引导的是同位语从句,that在从句中不作成分,但不能省略。句意:有很多人们在中国西部的湖北省内神农架自然保护区见到野人的报道。7I _(hand)in my homework yesterday, but unfort

11、unately I forgot about it totally.答案:should have handedshould have done“本应该做某事但实际上没做”。句意:昨天我本该交家庭作业,但是不幸的是我完全忘了。8These books on the shelf are for students _ native language is not English.答案:whose考查定语从句,whose“谁的”。句意:书架上的书是为了母语不是英语的学生准备的。.阅读理解AWhen the shooting of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

12、 was complete,it was much more than a moviewrapup(结束)Rupert Grint, who played Ron Weasley, told TheSunday Times that hes happy to have the time for romance now filming is over. Emma Watson, who is Hermione Granger in the movies, said she looked forward to “finally being free, being my own person” a

13、change signaled(显示)by her new haircut.Daniel Radcliffe, who has been the face of the boy wizard since 2001,said that he “did cry like a little girl” when the last movie finished.“Its like the ending of a relationship,” he told The Vancouver Sun. “(Theres) a sense of God, what am I going to do now? ”

14、He said he was eager to see “what life holds for him beyond Hogwarts”Along with the three actors, Harry Potter fans, now in their late teens, came of age with J. K. Rowlings characters. For them, the last film isnt just a goodbye to a decade(十年) of magic,but the close of their childhoods. “We are the Harry Potter generation,” Canadian Andrea Hill, 19, told The Vancouver Sun. “We st



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