Itinerary – Prague to Vienna – Backroads.docx

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1、Praaue to Vienna and Backroads Bike Trip ReportSeptemberOctober 2005Most agree that Tom knows how to travel. We were no more into Virgin Atlantics First Class lounge until he ordered champagne. Czech Airlines has reciprocal agreement and though Im spoiled by Continentals lounge, ifs more pleasant to

2、 wait in the lounge than in the terminal which some might say more represents a bus station of past days. The trip continued in that vein in that Czech Airlines was okay with an Airbus 310 but the seats and food and space between seats was just okay despite being First Class, and again, we were remi

3、nded of being spoiled by Continental. They were efficient as was the local airport and transport into town via a little mini bus into Place Republic just a block or two from our hotel, a transport system that started our exposure to an efficient countrywide transport system. Europeans had to come to

4、 grips with high gas prices years ago so metros and trolleys are commonplace and efficient.Summarv Observations on Czech Republic: Prague is a small Paris and just as romantic. Contains one hundred spires. Historically significant buildings retained intact in part due to lack of funds to renovate du

5、ring the Communist regime. Historically significant art and medieval buildings remain in part due to Czechoslovakias capitulation early in the war and thus no war bombings. The people are so very happy to be out from under Communist control and they see the better changes under capitalism though the

6、y know some oldsters liked not having to work. They are equally proud of having deported all Germans. Easy to get your arms around. Proper and pristine, despite being so very old. The Czech love their art, opera and theatre and are proud of the many Mozarfs that gained fame in Prague. Prices are goo

7、d. Czech crown exchange rate is favorable. They enter to EU in 2010. Slim and good looking women with presence about them and a slight French elegance. English is excellent with very little accent. The best selection of excellent walking tours. 70% atheist country. They retain the churches for conce

8、rts and because they are culturally significant buildings.Summarv Observations on Austria: Vienna is not one or two or three but many unbelievably huge buildings (not necessarily tall) which continue on and on more than the mind can comprehend.dinner at 7:30pm with entertainment following - so when

9、would I fit in a run let alone handle the dirty clothes of running anyway? I did manage 3-5 miles every 2nd day which was close to what the running coach thought would maintain my training. (Later note: I ran Steamtown Marathon and am still in shock that I not only met my goal and qualified for runn

10、ing in the prestigious Boston Marathon next April, but I had time to spare.)Now were in Vienna. Our hotel for three nights was within the ring of Old Town and a Hilton and it was their best of three in town, called Vienna Plaza. It was a welcome relief from the small inns wed managed for the week. I

11、 was surprised at myself to be excited to see bar soap, a washcloth, two sinks and a dressing area with sufficient room to lay out our stuff. The closets even held more than the typical four coat hangers. I only missed the huge Czech breakfast buffets.Im still having trouble figuring out how to desc

12、ribe Vienna. As we walked the town, we spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out why it verged on being cold and uninviting, especially after having been in Prague. Ifs almost overwhelming but it is in fact one of the most exciting and touristic cities in the world along with London and Paris.

13、We spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out why such a historically important city would be unromantic as compared to Paris and Prague and could only blame it on the German influence. But then we find London to be somewhat uninspiring too.Maybe more on that later.Having landed* in time for a b

14、us tour we spent the next four hours touring the Shoenenbrun (sp?) Palace to include inside rooms of the Hapsburg dynasty, later the Belvedere grounds, and a general overview of the city. From one oh-my-goodness to the next, there just wasnt enough brain space to take it all in so we started out on

15、our feet until they hurt as much as our brain. There is no more room for another major monument. So many major buildings and churches are under renovation at times it seemed a city of billboards. The second day we walked a self-guided tour of old town, and the third day we walked a tour of the outer

16、 rim across from the opera, after having taken a guided tour inside. The last day I took myself for a run down by the river (actually a canal off the Danube) expecting to find a path and shops with watercraft for tours. If its there, my 4-5 miles didn*t find anything but black concrete.Our efforts at finding the cit/s landmark cafes and restaurants were more successful. We were in Cafe Central, Cafe Landtsman, Cafe Griensteidl and


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