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1、Unit1 Topic (满分:10分;时间:90分钟)题号第 一 部 分第 二 部 分总分得分第一部分:听力 (15分)听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( ) 1.A S, hati itBure, I cat.C r, I will.( )2. . Itdoent mtrB Not at a ight.( )3.A. Neve min.B. Yes,d love to.CYore welcme( ) 4. A. age.B. We r ld tC Ofcoewe wl.( )5. A. N poe. Go idea.C. Yes,Ill try.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话

2、读一遍。(5分)( )6. A. Th rlB.Te bo.C. Classhee.( ) 7. A No, i isnt.B.es, t is.C. he alfoget t.( )8.A Thye playinbasktbalB. ThaereingC.Tey arewatching aatch.( )9. . PlayngbsktballB. laying fotbal.C.Plyingtnnis( ) 10. .lain basketallB ng.C. Gig outor awk.听短文,判断正()误(F)。短文读两遍。(5分)( ) 11 Bsetllis one o the mo

3、topular mes n hina. ( )1.Ever k we a ach th BA games onV ( )3. Yo Ming s welkon asone he bet baketal payer inthword ow.( ) 4. Baer isinth U. S. A f A now ( ) 15 Basketbl ca make popefromdiferen countres becomclosefiens.第二部分:笔试(85分).单项选择。(1分)( ) 1. ould you mn dongtheishes _A. Crtainy. Ofcoure nt Ill

4、 o tem a iu.C. Sor, Iwont.D. Ys, I mind( ) 2 Wuld you pleae _ o he zoo. walkinBt walkC. walD. walks( ) 3 h ly o sopngwith us this Satra Ive no idea Sheten r grandfaer ee weeknd. wo; sitsB. not;wi viiC wot;wil visitDdot;vsts( ) 4. I_far rom herer,I donknow. te Capita StaimBth pta sadiC. te apta Stadm

5、s. the catl tadius( )5. ep _ gis, and yo il iprve your oralEglis(口语)A. o seakB. spakin. speak.spe( ) 6. Knkags othr has grat f _, nd loos fit. nB. to rnC rnsD.runnin( ) 7. Willyou jin _.A Not ver ofenB rond an huC. I hop tD. O our, I l( ) 8. Im oryfor _ I si. It doentmattr.A. owB. whicC. whatD. whe(

6、 ) 9. Do worry, Madm Yo dugr will be_oon. Tan ou, docor. nieB oodC. wel rght( )10. At at, w decidd(决定) go hik nsted f _. g hoppinggoing h.go sogong shppin.情景交际。(5分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。A: There will be a fotll gam t the Childensalaetoorrw fternoon. o you owB: 11 Sal we go nd ah itA: Lets o at hlfpst w. B

7、: 13 A: n the road outside the scool ate. B: Would you mindgoig thre by ikeA: 1 I li taki a bus.B: 15 Ltsg tr bybus: O. Se youtomrw. B:Seeyu tomrrwA. Taki bus iuchbettr.B. Why otC.eayD.Whee aew gong tomeetE. Sorry, I nt lie rdng a bike 11. 2 13. 14. 5. .完形填空。(10分)Wat hold w d stay ealthyOne importan

8、tru i oxecise 16 . Thees family tryt rcse every ay.LeeFng 17 xecie n temornin becuse he must e at hsjob atactysvnoclk. But he runs very eenng He woul rather run than c TV. He walk a lo, 18 .He walks o scol eve , naftr schoole 19 diferent sports with s frids. Lee Fanggoes t aoa(瑜伽) lass 20 .u it nt 1

9、 s ayst yer Mr. d Mrs. Lusd to everwhere, eve to h drugste(药店) two blocks(街区)away.hy thought they had toue the c te i. They wouldn wlk.hLeesal 23betterow. And th belev ou mtn belazy Yo 24 xeris eery day. But youshould 5 to inshape nd tay inhae(身体健康).( ) 16 .ftenB somimsC.late . lter( ) 17. A ay otB.

10、 ca notCwould D hod n( ) 18. A. eitheBls. t D. agai( ) 19 A.watchesB. payCosD. pracses( ) . A. in t weekB.or o wk. ater toees D twice eek( ) 2. A. layB seldomC. sually D. somties( ) A.rdeB. drivC. fly D.alk( ) 23. . hadB. mkeC. felDfee like( ) 24. .eentB doC. wot v t. mustt( ) 25. A tyB.wantC wish D.op.阅读理解。(30分)(A)Mr ike sports. Thes going to b a sport me in herschooon a4. She will taepar ithe hgh jp and th longum,and the ther girs i her clas ars she ill win bot. Thn en days before tesorts eet, when Marclimbe a hill, shewas wounde(受伤) nher


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