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1、中考英语模拟试题(四)一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)1. I wrote_ article on the educational visit to Canada for the school newspaper last night.A. the B. an C. a D. /2. Do you still keep_ touch with your pen-pal in Australia? A. in B. to C. at D. on3. Although about_ of the earth is covered with water, only a very small am

2、ount of it is drinkable.A. seven-tenth B. seven tenths C. seven-tenths D. seven-tens4. Dont worry, Mum. I am sure Kitty and Ben can manage to do everything by_.A. yourself B. myself C. themselves D. ourselves5. The woman looked_ at her hungry children but didnt know where to get any food. A. sad B.

3、sadly C. worried D. angrily6. Your diet is not as healthy as mine, Im afraid. I eat_ vegetables and_ meat than you do. A. a lot of, a little B. fewer, more C. less, fewer D. more, less7. It is_ that the five-year-old boy can calculate faster than a Grade Five student. A. interesting B. exciting C. a

4、musing D. amazing8. We must always be careful with_ . Its our good servant as well as a dangerous enemy. A. electricity B. electrical C. electric D. electronic9. A: What are you doing, Tom? B: I am_ my exercise book. I want to do my homework. A. looking at B. looking for C. finding D. finding out10.

5、 He bought an alarm clock in order_ late for work again. A. not to be B. to not be C. not be D. wont be11. I wont tell you_ to do to work out the problem. You should try your best first. A. how B. when C. what D. where12. Mr Black was doing shopping at the supermarket_ his mobile phone rang. A. when

6、 B. while C. after D. until13. Can you imagine_ when she hears the terrible news? A. what happens B. what will happen C. what does it happen D. what is happening14. She hasnt told me when she_ her new novel, but she says when she _ it, I will be the first reader. A. will finish, will finish B. finis

7、hes, finishes C. will finish, finishes D. finishes, will finish15. A: Where is Jack? B: He_ the library A. has been to B. has been in C. has left for D. has gone to16. A: Your bicycle looks very nice. When did you buy it?B: Oh, I_ it for three months. Its a birthday present from my uncle. A. bought

8、B. have bought C. have received D. have had17. I met Jane while I_ in the street last Monday. We_ each other for three years. A. worked, didnt see B. worked, dont see C. was walking , havent seen D. was walking, hadnt seen18. The 2008 Olympic Games will be_ in Beijing. I want to be a volunteer at th

9、at time. A. taken place B. happened C. held D. attended19. Many students in China are nearsighted. The underlined part means_. A. have poor eyesight B. look very short C. have good eyesight D. wear sunglasses20. Im afraid there are two uncorrected mistakes in your paper. The underlined part means_.A

10、. mistakes which are not correctB. mistakes which are incorrectC. mistakes which have been correctedD. mistakes which havent been corrected二、完形填空。 (每空2分,共 20 分) Mr and Mrs Smith arrived at Toronto Airport (机场) at the end of a three-week holiday in America. It was very hot there. Mr Smith 21 the bear

11、d(胡子)though he had always worn it. But his passport(护照) photo showed him 22 his beard. An officer looked at the photo for a moment, and said. “Will you excuse me? Please 23 , I wont keep you long. “ With this, he walked _24 He showed the photo to the second officer, and said, “I 25 that face. “ The

12、second officer looked at the passport and asked 26 Mr smith had just come from. When he heard that the Smiths had just come from Washington, the second officers 27 lit up (一亮) and said, “A man with a beard stole a painting in Washington. And that man 28 just a kind of man.” Suddenly, the first offic

13、er recognized (认出) Mr Smith; He returned to him, and asked, “ 29 you teach at Feltham High School? Yes, I did.” Mr Smith answered in some surprise. The first officer smiled and said, “I 30 so. Im Man Simpson. You taught me history. You havent changed a bit.”21. A. took away B. took down C. took out C. took off22. A. and B. but C. with D. without23, A. sit down B. come


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