商品进出口 单词.doc

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《商品进出口 单词.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商品进出口 单词.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit11. international treaties国际条约2. international common practices 国际惯例3. domestic laws 国内法4. general agreement on tariffs and trade GATT 关税与贸易总协定5. trade protectionism 贸易保护主义6. theory of absolute advantage 绝对优势理论7. theory of comparative advantage 比较/相对优势理论8. free trade policies 自由贸易政策9. export sub

2、sidy 出口津贴10. generalized system of preference 普遍优惠制11. protective trade policies 保护贸易政策12. tariff barriers 关税壁垒13. the revenue tariff 财政关税14. the protective tariff 保护关税15. prohibitive tariff 禁止性关税16. retaliatory tariff 报复性关税17. the regulatory tariff 临时性关税18. the anti-dumping tariff 反倾销税19. non-tarif

3、f trade barriers 非关税壁垒20. import license 进口许可证21. import quota 进口配额22. foreign exchange control 外汇管制23. government procurement 政府采购24. technological barriers of trade 技术壁垒25. customs valuation 海关估价unit31. sales by inspection 看货买卖2. sales by samples 凭样成交3. retained for later reference 保存供日后参考4. refer

4、ence sample 参考样品5. sales by specifications 规格6. F.A.Q. fair average quality 良好平均品质7. G.M.Q. good merchantable quality 上好可销品质8. gross weight 毛重9. net weight 净重10. conditioned weight 公量11. specific duties 从量税12. sales packing 销售包装13. transport packing 运输包装14. shipping markings 运输标志15. indicative marks

5、 指示性标志16. warning marks 警告性标志17. linear code 条形码18. neutral packing 中性包装19. quality tolerances 品质公差20. actual moisture weight 实际含水量21. actual moisture content 实际含水率/回潮率22. more or less clause 溢短装条款 unit51. liner transport 班轮运输2. charter transport 租船运输3. consignors 托运人4. the freight of liners 班轮运费5.

6、basic freight charges 基本运费6. additional charges 附加费7. bunker adjustment factor (BAF/燃油附加费)8. long length additional charges 超长附加费9. transshipment surcharge 转船附加费10. port congestion surcharge 港口拥挤附加费11. optional fees 选港附加费12. currency adjustment factor (CAF/货币附加费)13. port surcharge 港口附加费14. deviation

7、 surcharge 绕航附加费15. direct additional 直航附加费16. additional for alteration of destination 变更目的港附加费17. overland common points 水陆联运转换点18. container transportation 集装箱运输19. full container loads (FCL/整箱货)20. less than container loads (LCL/拼箱货)21. container yard (CY/集装箱堆场)22. container freight station(CFT/

8、集装箱货运站)23. multimodal transportation 多式联运24. on board B/L 已装船提单25. received for shipment B/L 备运提单26. clean B/L 清洁提单27. unclean B/L 不清洁提单28. clean on board B/L 清洁已装船提单29. straight B/L 记名提单 30. Bearer B/L 不记名提单31. Order B/L 指示提单32. Direct B/L 直达提单33. Transshipment B/L 转船提单34. Through B/L 联运提单35. on de

9、ck B/L 舱面提单36. anti-dated B/L 倒签提单37. stale B/L 过期提单unit61. the insurer 保险人2. the insured 被保险人3. the insurance policy 保险单4. the insured amount 保险金额5. insurance premium 保险费6. perils of the sea 海上风险7. extraneous risks 外来风险8. natural 自然灾害9. fortuitous accidents 意外事故10. force majeure 不可抗力11. transferabl

10、e insurance policy 可转让保单12. free from particular average 平安险13. with particular average 水渍险14. all risks 一切险15. general additional risks 一般附加险16. special additional risks 特殊附加险Unit 81. commodity inspection 商品检验2. claims and settlement 索赔和理赔3. friendly consultation 友好协商4. mediation 调解5. arbitration 仲

11、裁6. litigation 诉讼7. force majeure 不可抗力8. arbitration agencies 仲裁机构9. permanent arbitration institutes 常设仲裁机构10. adhoc arbitration tribunals 临时性仲裁机构Unit 9 1. opening and amending L/C 开立和修改信用证2. booking shipping space or chartering ships 租船订舱3. effecting insurance 办理保险4. examining documents and making payment 检查单据和付款5. clearing customs 清关6. import declaration 进口申报7. customs checking and examination 海关查验8. customs evaluation and levy of duties 海关评估和征税9. customs release 放行10. applying for inspection 报检11. handling claims and disputes 处理索赔和纠纷



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