年陕旅版英语五年级上册Unit 5 Can You Tell Me the Way to the Supermarket单元练习

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1、2020年精编陕旅版英语资料Unit5 单元练习一、读一读,选出正确的翻译。1. supermarketA. 医院B. 超市C. 影院D. 书店2. get toA. 到达B. 起床C. 离开D. 下午3. alongA. 孤独B. 穿过C. 顺着D. 跨过4. sofaA. 椅子B. 沙发C. 桌子D. 墙5. busA. 出租车B. 自行车C. 小汽车D. 公交车二、选词填空。help, is, way, buy, along1. Go_ the street.2. Where_ the supermarket?3. Can you tell me the_ to the library?

2、4. I can_ you.5. I want to_ some books.三、单项选择1. -Is there a supermarket near here? -Yes, it_.A. isB. wasC. there D. here2. You can_a bus at the bus stop.A. buyB. goC. take D. get3. How can_ get to your home?A. meB. IC. my D. mine4. I want to buy some things in the_.A. cinema B. homeC. supermarket D.

3、 school5. There is a school between the bookstore_ the park.A. andB. orC. on D. in四、根据图示选词,完成下列句子。1. Lets go to the_ (zoo/ park). 2. Where is the_ (bus/ library)? 3. He is_ (taking the bus/ getting off the bus). 4. You must go to the_ (library/ hospital). 5. Look! There is a_ (table/ sofa). 五、给下列句子排

4、列正确的顺序。() How can I get to the bookstore?() Thanks.() Excuse me.() Go along the street and then turn left.() You are welcome.六、阅读对话,完成下列句子。Colin: Excuse me. Is there a bookstore near here?Mark: Yes.Colin: Can you tell me the way to the bookstore? I want to buy some books.Mark: Go along the street an

5、d you can see a school on the left. The bookstore is behind it.1. Colin wants to buy some_.2. Colin_ know the way.3. Mark_ Colin find the way to the4. The bookstore is_ the school.七、情景会话。1. 当你想问“你的家在哪里”时,应该这样问:A. Where is your hospital?B. Where is your home?C. Where is your school?2. 当你想问“我怎样去动物园”时,

6、应该这样问: A. How can I get to the zoo?B. How can they get to the zoo?C. How can we get to the zoo?3. 如果你想说“不客气”,应该这样说:A. Thanks.B. Im fine.C. Youre welcome.4. 如果你想说“我想去买些水”,应该这样说:A. I want to buy some books.B. I want to buy some water.C. I want to buying some waters.参考答案一、1-5 BACBD二、1. along2. is3. way4. help5. buy三、1-5 ACBCA四、1. zoo2. bus3. getting off the bus4. hospital5. table五、24135六、1. books2. doesnt3. helps; bookstore4. behind七、1-4 BACB


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