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1、高一年级 英语期中试卷梅菊华一、单项填空(共1小题;每小题分,满分15分)从、C、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1 or lan mes_moremony,s _ it .A to lose;cangingB. loin;tcae C. losing; changigDto lose;tohnge 2_ itis o jum into rieon ot ummr day ! A. what fu B. how f C. hata fun D. whafuny3.Bob sedto_ adificltperonto gt aln wih.But _ e hasgo use to_wt

2、h ohers in a finl wa A.be rcnt woking B.e ecently rn C bin ow wok D. bein reentwoing4. Thiskin of fut _ large amont o viamn C .incldeBtakesC. odsD cotins5 Wocan think o a situatin_thiswor an busdA which B. ht C here . itat.Will you go to attnd hi ncet o, _. s He sa fmous snger inour country after al

3、l. A. vethoug invittB.even ihaineen iitd C.unlsnvted to g.i not invite7 Iuht girlnc, rett and honest_ I met hr. A. fis tieB. for the rst tie.the first timeD.bythe tim8. e popbliee that th tiewill sncome _threilb no weapons hewod whiB.enC wheeD.whch. his ith bke he goeto schoo ever a. A.whcB. by wchC

4、. on hchD where10. Mrehan 0 % f tepoplaion in tha country _ un, and abut to hrd o hem _know how o read an writeA. ; dontB.are;dsnt is; doent. ar; dnt11. Itscear tat it a wast oft and _to connuehe projet. A.pwerB. egyC. fceD. strength12 Te wom carring bbis, ome in ist, _ A. wilyouB.will they C. n thy

5、 D.dt o13. You c _us in he iscuss iy _.A. oin,wish B.join in,wan to Cttend, dontwant o D.take prt in, hoe so14_ h iternt is ridigh ditan betwen peole;t may alo e breing smoes r will caus other famiy problem. when B. whl C D i1hestor i very itersing, and t s_ .wlwort radng.wwothy ofrading . ver wrthy

6、 ng D.whyto read二、完型填空(共2小题,每小题1分,计0分)。e aa our-yeroldgirl ith efiegol hair whe I irst met he he wa crrying a bof u.Iwas2 at that timend fom he fl. e mom nd I h been friendsforyars 1 thtfrieshpg into care, fo arn 18 ad maria. Marrage brought te hree of other asa 9 . Afrst Iwas frai t ea “sepfaher”.T

7、hrefoe,Itreno toome 20 myfutraghtend r 21 fatheI atd n hat way i rder t be like Howvr, 22 se as growigup, fun ncreainglyhard t 2 ith her. nce her schol rue thepareno ididually rite an pen nd 4 tter t cild ot ltter aboualitle oden-air girl who h 25 m a bowlofsoupwhe I need 26 . A weeklater, al the ar

8、ens ogethrit or children. Te tuens wer lwed to maea ew statnts. Iwa 28 to hear wa mydughteru saFnll my ugter 29 mke erwy u othe micropon. Shesad smeting ke ohes and the 3 ,“At ths ry moment, Ijust want to sy Ilove yu, Father.”Itey peope arundestated 1at meo a ena irlto say 3 in nt o somnypeople, “I

9、lov you,” took grea eal f crge.Sine ten I ave 33 to undersnd idntneed ha any 34 boutbeing a stepfaherI canstil 35 hoest lve t the sam lit gil I et somany yes eor caryna bwl full of what tuned ottobe ndness I analso be iends withth gir - m derdahter.16 A. huB atakinC. sufrig. exprecg 7. ImmedatelyB.F

10、inally.EspcaD. Gnerally1. lkB.pleasurC. xcitementD. lve19.AunionB.gupC fmilyD whoe0. betweB. mog. fomD. for21. . natu. folowi. nueD. 22.A aftB. sC. ithD. before23. A. connt. hareC. comuncatD argue24. A.honestB. fmlC.pwrfuD respnsible2A tkeB. hwn. shaeD. brught26.A. curB. areC. hepD. friend7. A. preentdB.invied. gteredD. sked8. A gladB. hopefuC.siousD. anxio9 A. deermndyB. indepeenty. patietlyD. unxpctdy30A. astedB.delaredC. conte.responded1. .hugng. mling kissinD. eleban32. A. quityB. opnlC. ritD.atr


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