三一口语 3级 过关要求.doc

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1、GESE 3-过关必背 Shirleys Class考试时间: 3级-7分钟 考试成绩评定:A-优秀,B-良好,C-及格65 分总体要求:考生在考官的帮助下,能听懂考官简明、慢速、直接的指令和要求,并做出相应的手势或动作;就个人熟悉的日常生活与考官进行简单交谈;使用基本句型以及简单的短语、词组以及惯用语句描述自己或他人的行为、物品和场景;能够根据个人信息和日常生活进行简单的提问和回答;要点提示:预备级考试主要以问答形式进行,考官的主要任务是调动考生以有限的语言能力参与到真实有趣的交流中去;考官可能使用与考试级别相关的考具,如图片、实物等,考试熟悉日常生活中所使用物品的名称;考生若没有听懂考官的

2、问题或指令,可以用“Pardon?”“Sorry?”等语句或词语,请求考官重复或解释,但多次使用会影响成绩;3级考生应能在使用完整句子的基础上,使用简单的连接词,如“My brother is tall, and He has black hair.”在考试过程中能够向考官提出至少一个问题。考试程序进入考场: May I come in? Thank you.见到考官,主动打招呼。 Hello. Nice to meet you. How do you do? Good morning/ afternoon.对考官的指令作出反应,并回答出至少3句,在句子之间用上连接词,然后就这个话题反问1个问

3、题。Whats your name? What day is it today? What was the date yesterday?When is your birthday? Where were you at 9:00pm yesterday? Is the boy in black reading newspaper?What can you see in the photo? What are they doing? Can you play the piano?Whats the weather like in summer? Can you swim? What does y

4、our mother do? Where does your father work? Can they speak English?例1:考官在问什么?-_?- I like blue because it is very beautiful. I can feel cool when I wear blue. How about you? Whats your favorite color? Do you like blue?例2:你该怎么答?-Talk about this picture!-_ _ _ _与考官告别语言支撑,你需要掌握和背诵的东西词汇:(包含1-3级)用于介绍人简单情况

5、的单词: 姓名,年龄,身高,样貌,性格,爱好所在考场内的物品名称: 桌子,椅子,笔,照片家中各个房间、家居用品、家具名称 描述物品、地点、场景的形容词脸部和身体的基本部位 家庭成员名称普通动物(家养的,农场的,野生的) 描述朋友、描述宠物、动物的形容词日常服装名称(如T恤衫,衬衫,裙子,外套等)限定词:人称代词、 物主代词、所有格代词、冠词、定冠词、不定代词表述人或物的位置:主+ is/are +on/ in/ under/ behind/ between/ beside/ next to/ on the left of / on the right side of / near/ oppos

6、ite/ in front of +参照物表示时间: at/ on/ in 50以内的数字: 颜色: dark 深 light 浅一年中的十二个月 January 一月; February 二月; March三月; April 四月; May 五月; June 六月;July七月; August 八月; September 九月; October十月; November 十一月; December十二月一周中的七天:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday一年四季:季节:season 春 spring 夏 summer 秋

7、 fall/ autumn 冬 winter 天气情况:sunny,sunshine,rainy,cloudy,windy, warm, cool, hot, cold, It rains a lot. It often snows.职业名称:城市内建筑物名称:一日三餐、运动、业余活动的名称:有关时间和日期的表达方式:(看表或者看日历牌说时间和日期)31以内的序数词: first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth,thirteenth,fourteenth,fifteenth,

8、 sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteen, nineteenth, twentieth, thirtieth 表示动态的介词: 看着地图,找地方 from ,to ,up, down, go along ,walk across能够说出来的句型描述日常活动以及不同的日期时间 I often do homework at 7 pm.表达“能”与“不能” I can / I cant do sth. 描述真实人物或者图片中人物正在进行的活动 be + V- ing表述过去的状态 was / were 简单地指示方向和地点: . is next to the hospita

9、l.与指路有关系的词组: turn left, go across, go along, .and和then 在完整句子之间的使用必须听懂,而且你可以反问老师的问题就日常生活简单地提问: When do you usually get up?Were you at school yesterday?Can you play football?简单提问个人有关情况的问题: Whats your hobby? 现在进行时的提问和回答:What are they doing? They are playing chess.问答练习及思路人或物的位置(考场内物品)Q: Where is the cha

10、ir? A: (near 在附近;behind 在后面;under在下面;on 在上面)Q: Is there a boy under the tree? / Is he sleeping? A: _ 看着图片回答,整句+ and,描述图片中的男孩个人情况&日常活动起床早饭做饭Q: When do you often get up in the morning? A: I often get up at 6 oclock.Q: What do you do first after getting up? A: I wash my face after getting up.Q: What do

11、 you often have for breakfast? A: I have some bread, a bottle of milk and an egg for breakfast.Q: Who cooks it for you? A: My mother cooks it for me.Q: Do you think your mother is good at cooking? A: Yes, I think shes good at cooking.怎么去多少时间最喜欢的课任课老师Q: How do you go to school? A: I go to school by b

12、us.Q: Do you go to school on foot? A: Yes, I do/No, I dont. I go to school by bus.Q: How long will it take from your home to your school? A: It will take me 30 minutes from my home to my school.Q: Whats your favorite class? /subject? A: My favorite class is English.Q: What is your first class on Mon

13、day? A: My first class is maths on Monday.Q: How many classes do you have on Friday? A: I have 6 classes on Friday.Q: Do you like English? Why? A: Yes, I do. Because I think English is very useful and my English teacher is very nice.Q: Who is your English teacher? A: My English teacher is Miss Zhang

14、 and she is very kind.Q: What is your teacher like? (tall, beautiful, handsome, interesting) A: My English teacher is very tall and handsome, and I like him very much.在哪吃饭吃什么吃完之后干什么Q: Where do you often have lunch? A: I often have lunch at home.Q: What do you have for lunch? A: I have some vegetables and rice for my lunch.Q: What do you do after lunch? A: I often watch TV/have a rest after lunch.Q: What kind of book do you like to read? A: I like rea


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