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1、2013春季课程第一课次教学计划课题初三下Module1 Travel课次1教学目标知识目标:掌握本模块的四会单词、短语和交际用语能力目标:学会用所学知识点灵活解题情感目标:通过谈论旅游经历,品味生活的酸、甜、苦、辣,学会如何与人沟通和交往,学会维护自己的正当权益。教学策略1. 通过词语辨析让学生掌握易混淆的词汇2. 通过“温故”而“知新”,深化定语从句的用法3. 采用讲练结合法传授新知识一、 教学温故:1. When/while引导的时间状语从句2. 关系代词引导的定语从句二、新知探究:话题旅游功能谈论旅游经历语言目标词汇airplane, coach, departure, lounge,

2、 transport, nod,tear, towards, cigarette, though, step短语set off, get off, departure lounge交际用语Better get back to work. Well have a great time.the trip back was very long. Plenty of fun things.本模块各单元重点Unit1take the form of 的用法现在完成时How + be动词+主语be full of 与be filled with辨析:because of与becausefly的用法Unit

3、2with复合结构dream about的用法set相关的短语辨析:towards与towhile作并列连词辨析:besides与exceptget的搭配in a loud voiceUnit3one of.+复数名词或代词定语从句名词或It +take(s)+sb.+时间辨析:sometime/ some time/ some times/ sometimesweigh的计量表示方法二、 词汇详解 1 set off,set out,set about,set out的区别和用法 set off: 出发,侧重于去某个地方 If you want to catch that train wed

4、 better set off for the station immediately. 你要是想赶上那班火车,咱们就最好马上动身去火车站。 set out: 出发,开始,侧重于开始做某事,还有规划,展现的意思 They succeeded in what they set out to do. 他们打算做的事已经做成了. set about: 开始,着手,与set out意思相近,但set out后加不定式,即set out to do sth,而set about后加 ing形式,即set about doing sth. You must set about your work at o

5、nce. 你必须立即开始工作。 Do you know how to set about going on this work? 你知道怎样着手进行这项工作吗?2although 和though用法上的相同点及区别:有共同之处,也有不同点。两都可用来引导让步状语从句,表示汉语的虽然但是。但不能说although / though.but.。如:不能说:Although / Though he is very old, but he is still quite strong. 句中的but 应去掉。Although是较为正式的用语,引导的从句多位于主句前,though多用于非正式文体中,引导的

6、从句位于主句前后都可。 注意:though可用于倒装句中,although不可。如:Young though he is , he has worked for a few years.他虽然年轻但已经工作好几年了。3cigarette与smoke的本质区别cigarette是名词,是抽得那种香烟。 smoke是烟筒里冒出来的那种烟,或做动词指抽烟。三、典题赏析( )1. One morning he found a bag. There was _ “l” on the corner of _ bag. A. a; a B. a; the C. an; a D. an; the 点拨 本题主

7、要考查冠词的用法:在元音因素前用an, 辅音因素前用a, “l”的第一个发音是元音,所以第一个空格填an; 第二个空格后的bag在此处是二次出现,“the: 用在上文已经提到过的名词前”,所以填the。( )2. A group of _ are talking with two _ over there. A. Frenchmen; Germans B. Frenchmen; Germen C. German; Frenchmen D. Germans; Frenchmans 点拨 本题主要考查名词复数,German 复数是 , Frenchman复数是 .相应的口诀是: ( )3. The

8、 tall man with a big nose is _ teacher. A. Tom and Carl B. Toms and Carls C. Tom and Carls D.Toms and Carl 点拨 本句的意思是“那个大鼻子的高个男人是Tom和Carl的老师。”本题主要考查名词所有格用法,是两个人共同拥有的,只把最后一个人变成 就可以。( )4_ of the worlds books and newspapers are written in English.A. Three quarter B. Three of quarters C. Third fourths D.

9、 Three fourths 点拨 本题主要考查数词-分数的表示法:分子用 ,分母用 ,如果分子大于1, 。3/4 可以表示为: 或Three quarters, 因为 quarter 有 “四分之一” 的意思。基础巩固一、 根据句意,补全已给出首字母的单词1. What form of t_ _ are they going to take to Beijing?2.He n_ _ and that meant he agreed.3.Last Sunday I took a c_ _( 客车) to my hometown.4.He pushed past them t_ _(朝方向) h

10、is seat.5. We made our d_ _( 起程) in the early morning.二、 翻译官:试试看1 候机厅_ 2 六双眼睛_ 3 去观光_ _ 4 出发,动身_ 5 下车_ 6 许多有趣的事情_ _ 7 在之初_ _ 8 吸烟_ 9 向窗外看_ 10 在.末尾_ _ 11 最后,终于_ _ 12 考试_三、单项选择( )1. He is _ boy. A. a quite good B. very a good C. quite a good D. so a good( )2. “ I have a ticket _ the number of the seat

11、 youre sitting_” Lin said _ a stronger voice. A. at, at, with B of, in , in C. with, in, in D. from, on, with( )3. September 10th is _ Day in China, isnt it? A. Teachers B. Teachers C. Teacher D. Teacher of( )4._ is made of _. A. Glass; glass B. A glass; glass C. Glasses; glasses D. A glass; glasses

12、( )5.This is _ news. A. such a good B. a very good C. so good a D. such good( )6. Are those _? -No, they arent. Theyre _. A. sheep; cows B. sheep; cow C. sheeps; cow D. sheeps; cows( )7 A group of _ are talking with two _ over there. A. Frenchmen; Germans B. Frenchmen; Germen C. German; Frenchmen D.

13、 Germans; Frenchmans( )8. The tall man with a big nose is _ teacher. A. Tom and Carl B. Toms and Carls C. Tom and Carls D.Toms and Carl( )9. There is _ tree in our school. A. a 8-metres-tall B. an 8-metre-tall C. an 8 metres tall D. an-8-metre-tall ( )10. One morning he found a bag. There was _ “s” on the corner of _ bag. A. a; a B. a; the C. an; a D. an; the( )11.


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