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1、The Present Perfect Tense一、 现在完成时的构成:主语 + have/has + 过去分词 (过去分词:规则动词的过去分词构成与动词过去式相同;不规则动词需要特殊记忆。略 )二、否定式:主语 + havent/hasnt + 过去分词。 疑问式: Have /Has + 主语 + 过去分词? 简略答语: Yes, 主语 + have/has.(肯定) No, 主语 + havent/hasnt.(否定)三、 现在完成时的含义之一表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,常与never/ever,just,already/yet,before,so far等连用

2、。这些标志词可以表达这种含义 以already, just和yet为标志 already, just和yet 表示到现在为止动作或状态已经、刚刚或还没有发生。He has already got her help. He has just seen the film.He hasnt come back yet. 以ever和never为标志ever和never 表示到现在为止动作或状态曾经或从来没有发生过。This is the best film I haveever seen.He has never been to Beijing. 以动作发生的次数为标志若某一动作到现在为止已经发生了

3、若干次,则要使用现在完成时。He says he has been to the USA three times. 以so far为标志 so far往往表示到目前为止动作或状态已经发生。He has got to Beijing so far.She has passed the exam so far. never/ever,just,already/yet,before。so far的用法(略)四、现在完成时含义之二表示过去已经开始,一直延续到现在的动作或状态。常与for, since, how long, these days等连用。(肯定句中的动词须用用延续性动词) Since+过去

4、点的时间(since短语或从句表示过去的动作延续至今,since之后的时间为一点)Mr. Smith has worked here since 1984. Hes learned about 5,000 English words since he went to college. for+一段时间(数词+量词),(for短语表示动作延续多长时间,for的宾语为时间段)。此划线部分用how long提问。He has been here for two years.若动词为短暂性动词,则可用于否定句和一段时间连用。I havent seen him for a long time.也可用句式

5、:Its 一段时间since从句(用一般过去时)Its a long time since I see him last time.五、句式:主句(现在完成时)since+ 从句(一般过去时)六、句式:Its 一段时间since从句(用一般过去时) 七、have been in, have been to 与have gone to 的用法 have(has) been in 表示“在某地呆多长时间”,常与表示一段时间的状语连用,如:since, for, how long 等。例如:Mr. Brown has been in Shanghai for three days. 此外还有这些搭配

6、:have been here (there) /at home (school) /on the farm have been here (there) / abroad have(has)been to表示“曾经去过某地”,现在已经不在那里了。可与just, ever, never等连用, I have just been to the post office. Mary has never been to the Great Wall. Have you ever been to Hangzhou? have(has) been to 后面可接次数,表示去过某地几次。:I have be

7、en to Beijing three times.。They have been to that village several times. have(has) gone to 意为“到某地去了”,表示到了某地或正在去某地的途中。总之,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一、第二人称代词作句子的主语。-Where is Tom? -He has gone to the bookshop.。Jack Johnson has gone to London. 八、现在完成时的反意疑问句【have(nt)/has(nt)代词】九、How long与现在完成时十、短暂性转换延续性十一、现在完成时与一般过去

8、时的用法比较现在完成时表示过去的动作一直延续到现在甚至会继续下去或表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响;一般过去时表示动作发生的时间在过去。试比较:The plane has arrived . 飞机已经来了。(说明现在的情况:飞机在这儿)The plane arrived a quarter ago. 飞机是一刻中以前来的。(强调动作发生的时间在过去)I have taught here for fifteen years. 我在这儿已经教了十五年。(表示十五年前的动作一直延续到现在,还可能会继续。)I taught here for a year. 我过去在这儿教过一年。(表示“我“现在已经不在

9、这儿任教了)When常与与一般过去时连用,How long常与与现在完成时连用 When did you come to Beijing? How long have you been in Beijing?用since和for填空1) _ two years2) _ two years ago3) _ last month4) _ 19995) _ yesterday6) _ 4 oclock7) _ 4 hours8) _ an hour ago9) _ we were children 10) _ lunch time11) _ she left here1. He has lived

10、in Nanjing _ the year before last.2. Ive known him _ we were children.3. Our teacher has studied Japanese _ three years.4. She has been away from the city _ about ten years.5. Its about ten years _ she left the city.选择填空( )1.I English in this school since 1993.(A)taught (B)have taught (C)tea (D)woul

11、d teach( )2.Lilei the pen for five years(A)has had(B)bought had (C)have had (D)have bought( )3.Kate her grand mothers photo before.(A)havent seen(B)have seen (C)see (D)hasnt seen( )4. Mary you these days?(A)Has,seen (B)Do,see (C)Did,see (D)Is,seeing( )5.So far ,we thousands of Building in Quanzhou(A

12、)build (B)have build (C)build (D)will build( )6.Have you finished your work? . (A)Yes,I have. (B) Yes,I do. (C) Yes,I am. (D) Yes,I did.( )7.Has she ever learned English? (A) Yes, she has(B) Yes, she does. (C) No,she doesnt. (D)No, she has.( )8.He finished his homework yet(A)doesnt(B)havent(C)hasnt

13、(D) doesnt have( )9. Have you learned English? Yes, Ive learned a lot.(A)never,ever(B)ever,never(C)ever,already (D)already.ever( )10.Have you finished your homework Not .(A)ever (B)already (C)yet (D)just( )11. We havent finished our homework (A)already(B)ever (C)yet (D)never( )12. Have you finihed y

14、our homework ? Yes,Ive done that (A)yet,already (B)already,yet (C)ever,never (D)still,just( )13.Johns father borrowed some pictures.(A)have already (B)has just (C)have ever (D)has yet( )14.Ive been like this ever since (A)last week (B) for a week (C) a week before (D)the last week( )15.My mother has worked in this factory 2 years.



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