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2、义一致原则、语法一致原则和邻近原则。这三个原则常常发生矛盾,但当发生冲突时,意义一致原则优先考虑。1语法一致原则主语和谓语通常是从语法形式上取得一致,即主语是单数形式,谓语动词也采取第三人称单数形式;主语是复数形式,谓语动词也采取复数形式。e.g.Mr. Black is a well-known scientist on AIDS.布莱克先生是著名艾滋科学家。These books are intended for children under nine years old.这些书是专门为九岁以下的儿童设计的。2意义一致原则所谓意义一致原则是指谓语动词的变化是以主语所表达的单、复数概念而定。

3、e.g.Three months has passed since you left.你已离开三个月了。(three months表示单数概念。)The professor and writer is invited to many universities to deliver lectures.这位教授兼作家被邀请到很多大学作报告。(教授与作家是同一个人,是单数。)The old are very well taken care of in our city.老年人在我们城市被照顾得很好。(the old指所有的老年人,为复数概念。)3邻近一致原则邻近一致原则是指谓语动词的变化以靠近谓语动

4、词的主语部分而定。e.g.Neither his parents nor he himself is a bank clerk.他父母和他本人都不是银行职员。(根据靠近谓语的主语he而定。)Not Jack but his parents are to blame for the home accident.不是杰克而是他父母应为这个家庭事故受到责备。(根据靠近谓语的主语his parents而定。)(二)主谓一致的各种情形1并列结构作主语并列结构作主语主要指主语是由并列的名词或名词短语构成,此时主要有如下几种情况。(1)and及bothand类一般来说,两个单数主语用and连接,表示两个不同

5、的人或物时,动词用复数;但如果两个并列的单数主语在意义上指同一人、同一事物或同一概念,则动词须用单数。e.g.Her teacher and her friend are in the sitting-room.她的老师和她的朋友都在客厅里。A smile and handshake show welcome.微笑和握手表示欢迎。Bread and butter is healthful food.涂有黄油的面包是一种有益于健康的食物。The poet and writer has produced many works.这个诗人兼作家写出了很多作品。Truth and honesty is

6、the best policy.真诚为上策。Both Lily and Henry are my good friends.莉莉和亨利都是我的好朋友。Both my sister and I are interested in listening to music.我和我妹妹都喜欢听音乐。特别提示and所连接的表示同一概念的短语有:a horse and cart马车a knife and fork刀叉a cup and saucer茶盘a watch and chain手表bread and butter涂有黄油的面包the poet and the writer则表示“诗人和画家”两个人,

7、作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;而the poet and writer则表示“诗人兼作家”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。(2)eachand each及everyand every类everyand every,eachand each或noand no作主语时,动词用单数。e.g.Every man and (every) woman has a good reason to be proud of the work done by their fathers.每一个人都很有理由为他们的父亲所做的工作感到骄傲。Each boy and each girl has been invited

8、to the tea-party.每个男孩和每个女孩都被邀请参加茶话会了。(3)notbut,not onlybut also,or,eitheror,neithernor.类在由notbut,not onlybut (also),or,eitheror,neithernor等连接的并列主语中,谓语动词的人称和数应该和邻近它的主语相一致。e.g.Tom or you are to blame.应该怪汤姆或你。Was he or you able to persuade her?是你还是他劝服了她?Not you but I am to blame for the mistake.不是你而是我该

9、为此错误而受到责备。Not only I but also my parents are fond of traveling around.不仅我而且我父母也喜欢到处旅游。Neither you nor I am fit for the work.你和我都不适合这个工作。Are neither you nor I fit for the work?你和我都不适合这个工作吗?2不定代词作主语(1)不定代词either,neither,each,one,the other,another,someone,somebody,something,anyone,anybody,anything,ever

10、yone,everybody,everything,nobody,no one,nothing等作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。e.g.Someone has parked the car in the way.有人把车停在了路上,挡住了去路。No one is actually able to complete the work in such a short time.没人能够在这么短的时间内完成这项工作。特别提示:none作主语时如果指人或可数的物,表数目,谓语动词用单复数形式皆可;如果指不可数名词,表量,谓语动词用单数。e.g.None of the students have made

11、mistakes this time.这次没有一个学生犯错误。None of us is/are interested in your new subject.我们中没人对你的新课题感兴趣。Jimmy has used up all the money. None is left.吉米把所有的钱都用光了,一点没留。(2)neither/either of作主语“neither/either of+复数名词或复数形式的代词”作主语,谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数。e.g.Either of the two stories is/are interesting.这两个故事都很有趣。Neither o

12、f us has/have received postcards this Christmas.今年圣诞节我们两人谁也没收到贺卡。Either of the children is/are eager to go home.两个孩子都想回家。I dont think either of them has/have married.我想他们两个都没结婚。Neither of the topics has/have been discussed so far.到目前为止这两个话题都没有被讨论过。(3)the other two ()等短语作主语the other+基数词(+复数名词),anothe

13、r+基数词(+复数名词),both等作主语谓语动词用复数。e.g.I keep only one apple for myself, and the other two are yours.我只给自己留了一个苹果,另外两个给你。Five people came to help, but another three were still needed.已经有五个人来帮忙了,但我们还需要三个。Im very delighted that both are what we need.我们很高兴两个都是我们所需要的。(4)all作主语:all作主语,指人时谓语动词用复数,指物时常用单数。e.g.All

14、 are present besides the professor.所有的人都出席,包括那位教授。All is going on very well.一切顺利。(5)each修饰的名词作主语:由each修饰的名词作主语,谓语动词用单数;each位于复数主语后或句尾作同位语,谓语动词仍与主语一致。e.g.Each student has a walkman which helps them improve their listening.每个学生都有一个随身听,这对提高他们的听力大有帮助。Each of the class has been given a gift.班里的每一个学生都得到了一

15、份礼物。They each have won a prize.他们每人都得了奖。(6)such作主语:such作主语时谓语动词的单复数形式应根据其意义而定。e.g.Such is Stephen Hawking,who has suffered a great deal but achieved so much.这就是史蒂芬霍金,遭受着巨大的痛苦而作出伟大成就的人。Such are the difficulties that we are now faced with.这就是我们现在所面临的困难。Such as have plenty of money want more money.那些有许多钱的人还想要更多的钱。3形容词的名词化作主语有些形容词加上the(如the old,the blind,the living,the dead,the rich,the poor,the young,the deaf(等),用来表示一类人时,其意义为复数,谓语动词需用复数


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