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1、我的父亲大学英语演讲稿3篇 能用中国话把演讲稿演绎得酣畅淋漓固然是本事,但用一口流利的英语仍能让人们感受到最强烈的震撼,又是另一种本领。小编为大家整理了我的父亲大学英语演讲稿篇,欢迎大家阅读。我的父亲大学英语演讲稿篇1My fthe My fatherawysstnds icenter of y life, fom pasttillnow an posbly i the futureMy faily was ter oowhen I wasn myhihodWe n&39;t have ur n hose and had to ve in a sabby,mal room reted fr a

2、tr's facty. he ooss mall that there was ittle sc or eop o alk. I dn#;t havmyown bed anhad to sle with my parents. Thisis terrib ot for my paents nd me ut thermadthisaldiffrent!ice t rom ws onthe hrd flo, namly,the tfloor in that old tle building, roof was quiteig bove te flor So fathr got n dea.

3、 ght to hick rops and a flat od ha late was plaesmoh, aited and drilled to les n both ens. e hung t nds ofrp up o te rofuring the datime, the two rpes wold e tied up so tteope own oud wak reel! Wnnight cme, fterwould oos theropes nd ted themt h two hos fhatfla wood. hength fthse ops was stlg enough

4、m o sit or sleep on tearht other&39;s he. So in ths aymy lovely, remoblebd wasorn. When ner cae, his seil bed bously would't be abl o mae me fel warm enough. Bu faher alwa ad hso ltn! ebult garet ing som flat oand rstics rihtabov tbdWit some ed in tues, ma an irn lder for us climb p tothe grret

5、Beies, hede a wood e desk to do y oeork, and omesimpl rnitrefor m clothes, boks adoethnesehe hd n actma a sall bedroom fo me At firt, y motrand dardot clifor fratit ight collpse. t aherlm i veryat pre its afet.Th aet lokd simle ven sha nd telder eeed tocie sn. Bt lter heng useo t, I founditassolidas

6、 thos m profsal arentrs. crried allm ersona thins to ta garrt. My father adpased re paperso the l and ainted heuly furnitre red. So thegarret ecame the first qu;om" that beloged o me.hn I was outto move t mynew hose, I jtdin't want toee. Tht garret wa tedwithmyfathers lov ad swt and ine

7、llgece,beautified ithmand adfiled wih o manyswee emres of my famiy! Th had but swetlifie would live in m memry foree with aer sands in th ee ofit.我的父亲大学英语演讲稿篇2 My Fathe Ifomeoeskm who affcs memost n y lfe, wl dntely ell hmor hrtht the persosould be o on els btatr. As er act, I have been mch aced by

8、faher ;s humor, nness, enerpris, song wl evr ncIwsa ltle gil.Fathers ell-knw or his umor. He aysas use of hi wi and humr t elaxnse ituton awrk.His uoos tahisolleagues a frn alnoy sayngwih him. Heoses umr to ct very happy famil atmophr. My mote teds to cater ov itlethigs.Somet she l rily without an

9、aue Wen thi happns,fah jut listensto herithut wo "Wh o39;tyo y wod, an",otr imorengry faher. At hsime ther wuldgive acup tto mther, hen reples: &qot;Why n hae teafist, ydear Jut akeyour tme to enjoy it. I lws youratentelstner." Hrin hese wor,mother tos talng ith herange goetnc. uc

10、 fun senes oe apr btwenfather andmother hic akes our milifeapy and intreting.我的父亲大学英语演讲稿篇3 My ath Everyone has aather. My fathr is mdlehh. He sstout ad severe looin, ith keeexpessiv eys n irt sight youma eel he i hard approa.In ft he is er knad nsidate. Apearane s ofe islading, so judge nty appean.

11、I elieve y fthe alee n He i eisive and eien n oing hings. By hown tlents a efforts, he has securedor theaiy a oo sclal potion and a opraivelich lie.Peoe of all fields comeom hose and, a reult, Igaino of hard-eand scial expiecs and see mor joys d sro of the world Bu a he, e is a hrsh prent.H ashh expetations o he amly and ling away m me, I can e that t hrts him epy. Whe a digometing great, sch ritig a oo, h smoe than ecited.ith such afather am alway reminded togo n d on, nevr give up.



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