中英 评估意见

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《中英 评估意见》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中英 评估意见(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、评估意见Assessment Opinion 一、关于频率:About frequency 1、合资协议要求取得柬埔寨全国范围的6个频率(22/24/26/28/30/32)的独家使用权;目前柬方只提供了18个省(市)、每省(市)6个的合法频率,并且与合同要求完全相同频道只有10个省,部分相同的6个省,完全不同的有2个省。According to the Joint Venture Agreement,we need to acquire the exclusive right to use the six frequencies (22/24/26/28/30/32).Currently w

2、hat have been offered by Cambodian party were that frequencies for 18 provinces (cities) and that six legal frequencies to each province(city),besides that, in accordance with the agreement,the exactly the same frequencies provided are available only in ten provinces, while in other six provinces th

3、e frequencies provided are partially similar whereas in the other two provinces the frequencies provided are totally different.尚没有取得频率资源的6个省,有些还是经济较发达、人口较多的省。Among the six provinces which have not got any frequency resource, some are economic developed provinces with huge amount of population.从业务、技术

4、角度看,这种情形对于将来系统网络建设的影响是:From the business and technical aspect, this situation will exert the following impact for the future network construction:各个发射站点的发射覆盖可以实现,但还需提供余下省的合法频道,特别是磅湛、茶胶等省。建议柬方承诺,在一个明确的时间内,解决剩余6个省的频率资源。The coverage of each transmission station site could be realized but legal frequenc

5、ies need to be offered for the rest of the provinces,especially Kampong Cham Province,Takeo Province and so on. It is suggested that Cambodian party should commit that in a definite period of time , the frequency resources in the rest six provinces should be solved eventually.它增大了网络规划设计的复杂性,但总的投资变化不

6、大。It adds complicated difficulties to the network rollout but changes in overall investment will be slight.无法实施全国单频组网方案,将来西北区域、东南区域可能出现地面数字电视信号和地面模拟电视信号的区域信号之间的同频干扰情况。最好柬方能协调频点互换;若互换难度较大,柬方应负责因同频干扰产生的纠纷协调。The scheme of Single Frequency Network in nation wide will be impossibly conducted. It is likel

7、y that in east-southern area the terrestrial digital TV signal will be interfered by the terrestrial monologue TV signal as they two share the same frequency. Therefore it would be the best if Cambodian party could exchange the frequency point ; But if the exchange will be too difficult, Cambodian p

8、arty should be responsible for remove the dispute caused by interference in the same frequencies by negotiation. 基于这种规划的情况,为减少相邻区的信号干扰,势必采用降低发射功率或调整天线覆盖场形的措施,它将对人口覆盖率造成一定的影响。Based on the current scheme planning, for decreasing the signal interference in the neighborhood, the measurement that will be

9、 taken is to reduce transmitting power or adjusting the antenna covering field, which will certain influence on population coverage rate. 2、目前的频率批文,是给到Mrs.Hun Mana个人的,这与BAYON分许可给SCIG的法律主体不一致。建议,柬新闻部直接批给SCIG,不应该三级分许可给SCIG。The approval of the frequency at present is only owned by Mrs. Hun Mana, which

10、is inconsistent with the legal entity granted by BAYON to SCIG in Exclusive Sub-license Agreement . So we suggest that the frequency should be approved directly by Cambodian Ministry of the Information but not by the third sub-license to SCIG.3、目前的频率批文,柬新闻部“禁止将批文出售、出租、转让或借给其他人投资运营”。柬方口头承诺将在未来12个月内解决

11、该问题,但网络建设投资要先行,这增大了投资的风险性。 The present frequency approval, which has been forbidden to be saled,rented, transferred or lending for others investment and operation by Cambodian Ministry of the Information. Cambodian party has already committed orally that in the future 12 months the problem mentioned

12、 above will be solved but the investment in the network construction need to be carried out priorly, which will add risk in investment.4、目前的频率批文,只有1年时效(自2012年10月起算)。建议,频率批文的有效期为50年,因为合资协议的有效期限是50年。The effective term of the present frequency approval is just 1 year (starting from October,2010). Sugge

13、stion made is that the effective term should be 50 years because the Joint Venture Agreementbears the effective term of 50 years.5、目前的频率批文,限制发射机功率和发射塔高度(1KW发射功率,80米发射塔)。我们认为,不应该限制。The present frequency approval, in which the transmitter power ( 1 KW)and the height of the transmission tower (80 meter

14、s) have been limited. We think that those limitation should be remove.二、关于许可牌照:About the license 根据合资协议,STMC将开展基于数字电视网络的十大类业务,需要分别取得柬埔寨新闻部、邮电通信部的相关业务许可牌照。According to the Joint Venture Agreement, STMC will develope and deploy ten categories of business based on digital television network, which will

15、 need licenses from Cambodian Ministry Of the Information and Cambodian Post and Telecommunication respectively. 对于目前柬方提供的许可牌照资料,我们的评估意见是:Our assessment opinion to the license information offered by Cambodian party is as the following: 1、柬新闻部没有单独授予牌照,只在频率批文中说“批准洪玛娜女士继续在金边城区开办1KW发射功率、80米发射塔地面数字电视广播(D

16、VB-T)类的数字电视台和部份省份的转播业务”。我们的理解,频率资源是频率资源,业务许可牌照是业务许可牌照。同时,除了地面数字电视外,STMC还需经营移动电视、有线数字电视、互动电视、网络电视与OTT广播电视业务,这些业务都需要许可牌照(合资协议作为“先决条件”,须在2个月内取得。)The Cambodian Ministry Of the Information didnt grant the license exclusively,what has been stated in the frequency approval was that granting Mrs.Hun Mana to launch and run 1 KW transmitting power in the urban area of Phnom Penh and the digital TV channels which are broad



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