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1、阅读理解专题复习 -猜测词义题 Step1.如何考: 此类题旨在考查考生对某些关键词语或句子在特定的语境中含义的理解能力;通过上下文或构词法猜测判断某些超纲词汇或表达方式的意义的能力。因此考生所掌握的词汇量的大小直接影响这一类题的得分率。这类考题的正确答案往往是相应词语的同义词语,或是对相应语句的解释、复述或概括。其余三个选项,往往是对原相应表达方式的不正确的改写,或故意丢三拉四,或半对半错,或曲解原意。这些干扰项有时会使用较多的原句中的表达方式,给人似是而非的误导Step2.常见提问形式 1) According to the author, the word “” means _. 2)

2、The word “” most likely means _. 3) The word “” in Line .probably means _. 4) By the word “”, the author means_. 5) The underlined word “”in paragraph1 is closest in meaning to_. 6) Which of the following is nearest /closest in meaning to “” ? 7) In Line , the word “” could best be replaced by which

3、 of the following? 8)The underlined phrase in paragraph3 most probably means_.Step 3. Summarize the methods and rules 总结方法一、定义法一般通过定义、定语从句、词组或同位语从句来确定词义。需要定义和解释的单词和短语大多数是专有名词、生僻词或文中较为重要的词。1.下定义What is plagiarism? It is using others ideas and words without clearly mentioning where the information is

4、from. A. misuse B. cheat C. robber D. expression2、定语从句或后置定语定语从句对先行词起限定、修饰或解释作用,因此我们可以利用定语从句来推测先行词的词义。 Carpenter is a person, who makes and repairs the wooden parts of buildings and other structures of wood. 3、同位语或同位语从句同位关系的两部分之间多用逗号连接,有时也用破折号、分号、引号和括号连接。 We can feel acceleration, an increase in spee

5、d. 三、常识联想法 我们可以运用逻辑推理能力,自身的生活经验及生活常识和相关的背景知识,再联系上下文能读懂的部分,充分想象,合理发挥,推测出生词的含义。Warm-blooded desert animals, such as rats and mice , rest during the day, often staying in cool underground burrows.四、构词法:英语词汇的构词法主要有三种:派生,合成,转化构词。我们主要利用派生构词来推断生词的含义。词根前面或后面加上词缀,可以用来引申或转变原词的意义。一般来说,前缀改变词根的意思;后缀改变词性。1.中学英语中常

6、见的前缀: super-(超),inter-(在之间),co-(共同), trans-(超越;转换), mini-(极少的;微型的),micro-(极微小的),re-(再;反复), sub-(分支的;底下),under-(在之下;低于;不足), post-(后), pre-(前), mis-(误;恶), (不;非), dis-(不), non-;in-;im- ;un-(不;非), anti-(反;防) , multi-(有很多) 中学英语中常见的后缀: -hood(状态;性质;时期),-wards(向), -some(易于的,引起), -ish (如的;有点儿的); -proof(防的;不能

7、穿透的), -scope(景), -ship(身份;资格;权力;性质) , -able(能的),-less(不;无), 一ise一ize (使成为;使化”)2根据复合词的各部分推测词义We live in a technological society where most goods are mass-produced by unskilled labor.3推测词性变换、词义变新的词的含义I had first known she was wrong, that her anxiety had clouded her judgment.五、语境线索或上下文联系即利用语境来推测生词含义的方法

8、。在出现生词的文章中,有时能根据上下文中某些关键单词、短语或句子推断出生词的含义。 A few people sat listlessly around, looking at a portable Television set that someone had brought out of the bar. Theywere all in thin summer dresses or short sleeved-shirts; even at that late hour it was stifling. Two thin dogs lay under one of the tables w

9、ith their tongues out, and some of the women were fanning themselves unenthusiastically with magazines. A. warm B. cold C. hot D. moist六、句子的逻辑结构1、对比结构 however, but, on the other hand, on the contrary, instead of, while, unlike, not, although, yet, despite, in spite of, in contrast, etc.2、并列平行结构 and,

10、 similarly, like, just as, also, etc.3、因果关系 because, since,as,so, so.that, such.that4、举例法 such as, in other words, etc. 1).Most of us agreed, however, Bill dissented. A .have a different opinion B. support C. like it very much D. doesnt show his ideas2).Twelve-year-old Sally was an active girl, but

11、her sister was quite sedate A pretty B calm C protective D energeticStep 4. Summing up: improve your reading ability 总结一、定义法 1、下定义 2、定语从句或后置定语 3、同位关系二、标点格式暗示法 三、常识联想法 四、构词法 五、语境线索或上下文联系六、句子的逻辑结构 1. 对比结构 2. 并列平行结构 3. 因果关系 4. 举例法 Step 5. Test for you. 温馨提示: 在推测生词的过程中不一定只用一种方法,可能会综合运用两种或几种方法,不管用什么办法都离不

12、开对生词所处的上下文的理解。I.请写出划线单词的中文。1). All the houses in the city collapsed during the earthquake.2). I made numerous mistakes in my exercises, but Jack made only a few.3).The game Americans call soccer is known around the world as football.II. Choose the best answer.1).We must safeguard the world peace. A

13、protect B care C stop D to keep safe with guns 2).Dont listen to his nonsense. A. having no meaning B. meaningless words. C. not making sense 3). After Nobel invented dynamite, he became wealthy. A 传真机 B 冰箱 C 蒸汽机 D 炸药4). The word “adolescence” means the period between children and adulthood. A 少儿期 B

14、 幼儿期 C 青春期 D 成人期 5). The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a month. A . keeper of a group of animals, esp. cattleB . a butcher C a man who sell sheep D . a person who kills animals6).The official asked the man what his occupation was. The man told him that he worked as a worker.A. job B. study C. name D. interestExerciseIII. Chicken becomes rotten ve



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