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1、生态、自然和环保9Aa killing frost 严寒abrasion n. 侵蚀;磨损acidification n.土地酸化 afforestation n. 绿化造林agricultural ecology 农业生态学air emission standards 空气排放标准air pollution 空气污染air pollution emission 空气污染排放(物)algae n. 藻类,海藻altitude n. 海拔ample rainfall n. 充足的雨量annual temperature range 年气温幅度anomalies n. 反常(现象)aquatic

2、life 水生植物arid adj. 干旱的artificial rain n.人工降雨ash n. 灰烬atmosphere (The) n. 大气层Autumnal Equinox (fall equinox) 秋分(9月22日左右)Vernal Equinox (spring equinox) 春分(3月21日左右)详析 acid rain n.酸雨Acid rain is an air pollution produced when acid chemicals are incorporated into rain, snow, fog or mist. The acid in aci

3、d rain comes from sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, products of burning coal and other fuels and from certain industrial processes.详析 alternative fuels -替代燃料Alternative fuels include compressed natural gas, alcohols, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and electricity.Bbarrier effect of mountains 山的阻隔效应

4、、栅栏效应beachgoer n. 海滩游客biomes n. 生物群系 详析 biosphere n. 生物圈The terrestrial biosphere includes the living biota (plants and animals) and the litter and soil organic matter on land, and the marine biosphere includes the biota and detritus in the oceans.详析 biota n. 生态生物区Biota means the animal and plant (f

5、auna and flora) life of a given area.详析 black hole n. 黑洞Black hole is a place where the gravity is so strong that light cant even escape from it. how would you know where to look for it? it can also be interpreted as gateways to an alternative universe.Ccanopy n. 树冠, 华盖car exhaust n.汽车尾气carbon dioxi

6、de (CO2) n. 二氧化碳 carbon monoxide (CO) n. 一氧化碳clean energy n. 清洁能源climate n. 气候climatic anomaly 气候异常climatic zones 气候带Temperate 温带(气候) the cool temperate zone 寒温带the warm temperate zone 暖温带Tropical 热带(气候)Subtropical 亚热带(气候)Tundra 苔原(气候)Equatorial 赤道(气候)Arid 干旱(气候)Mediterranean 地中海式(气候)Polar (arctic)

7、极地(气候)Mountains 高山(气候)Plateau 高原 (气候)Maritime 海洋性(气候)Continental climate 大陆气候clint n. 石芽coastline n.海岸线combustion n. 燃烧comet n.彗星contamination n. 污染continental plate 大陆板块continental shelves 大陆架contingency n. 偶发事件convection n对流corrasion n. 侵蚀cost-effective adj. 成本效益好的,合算的cumulonimbus clouds n. 积雨云详析

8、Clean Air Act n. 清洁空气法案The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments are the most far-reaching revisions of the 1970 law. In this summary, we refer to the 1990 amendments as the 1990 Clean Air Act.详析 clean fuels n. 清洁燃料Low-pollution fuels that can replace ordinary gasoline详析 confluence n. 汇流(处)A confluence is w

9、here a river joins another river.Ddaily maximum temperatures n. 日最高气温daily minimum temperatures n. 日最低气温death toll n. 死亡人数 debris flow 泥石流 decomposition n. 分解,腐烂deep water n. 深冷水区domestic sewage n. 生活污水 drought n. 旱灾dust storm n. 沙尘暴例子 deforestation n.森林砍伐Efforts have been made to stop deforestation

10、 -the removal of forest stands by cutting and burning to provide land for agricultural purposes, residential or industrial building sites, roads, etc. or by harvesting the trees for building materials or fuel.例子 desertification n.(土壤)沙漠化,荒漠化Overgrazing of rangelands, large-scale cutting of forests a

11、nd woodlands, drought, and burning of extensive areas all serve to destroy or degrade the land cover and cause desertification.Eearthquake n. 地震earthquake magnitude 震级eco-agriculture 生态农业 ecological impact 生态影响eco-technology 生态技术 emission n. 排气;排放物eddy n. / v. 旋涡, 起旋涡Environment Abstracts 环境文摘enviro

12、nmental auditing 环境审核environmental awareness 环保意识 environmental benefit 环境效益 environmental degradation 环境恶化 environmental hazards 环境危机environmental lapse rate气温垂直递减率 environmental management 环境管理environmental threats 环境威胁environmentalist n. 环境保护主义者epicenter n. 震中Equator n. 赤道equatorial zone 赤道地区exis

13、ting environmental regulations 现有环境规范条例extinct species 灭绝的物种详析 ecosystem n. 生态系统An ecosystem is defined as place having unique physical features, encompassing air, water, and land, and habitats supporting plant and animal life.详析El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (气候学)厄尔尼诺南徊现象厄尔尼诺是西班牙语El Nino的音译。厄尔

14、尼诺洋流南美洲西海岸海洋表面的一支暖洋流,那时海底不再有冷的、丰富营养的海水,能引起鲸鱼和鱼类的死亡并且影响大部分太平洋地区的气候。在南美厄瓜多尔和秘鲁沿岸,海水每年都会出现季节性增暖现象,因为这种现象发生在圣诞节前后,则被当地渔民称为厄尔尼诺-即圣婴(上帝之子)的意思。现在厄尔尼诺一词已被气象和海洋学家用来专门指发生在赤道太平洋东部和中部海水大范围持续异常增暖的现象(在海洋气象学中规定,该海域海水表层温度高出气候平均值0.5以上,且持续时间超过6个月以上时定为厄尔尼诺出现)。The term El Nino means Christ Child and was first used by Peruvian fishermen in the late 1800s to describe the warm current appearing off the western coast of Peru around Christmas time. El Nino, and its sister event La N



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