【教学设计】Lesson 2(科普版).doc

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1、Lesson 2 Dont be late next time 教材分析本课是在具体情境下锻炼学生对生活中的规章制度的理解和运用。教材提供了相关的情景模式以便学生进行对话依照,使学生能够在具体的情境中将学过的内容进行整合和运用,使知识在其头脑中形成系统。教学内容以学生为中心,以与学生生活密切相关的活动为主线, 围绕最常用最基本的英语词汇句型和交际用语逐步展开教学内容。 教学目标【知识目标】1. 掌握四会单词、短语:may park grass thing next time2. 掌握祈使句: (1) Come in, please.(2) Dont be late next time.(3)

2、Go to your seat and sit down, please.【能力目标】通过教学,引导学生学会用英文表达自己对不遵守规矩的人的态度;能熟练使用目标语言谈论某些规章制度;能使用目标语言讨论校园内一些公共场合的规则。【情感目标】培养语言运用能力,让学生把所学到的语言知识和生活实际联系起来,使学习过程生活化。促进学生养成良好的行为习惯和在良好的道德品质。 教学重难点【教学重点】本节的语法重点是掌握否定形式的祈使句,即在动词前Dont。【教学难点】通过举例让学生学会在日常交流中熟练运用祈使句。 课前准备 Cards, Multimedia, Lesson plan 教学过程Step 1.

3、 Greetings and warm-up activities1. Greet with the students by using “Good morning, boys and girls”.2. Show the students a picture and revise “What is he/she doing?” by asking questions. T: Look at this girl. What is she doing? S: She is eating an apple.T: Can we eat an apple in class? S: No, we can

4、t. T: So what should we say to the girl? T: We should tell the girl “Dont eat apple in the class.”.Then point out the other students in the picture and say, each of these students is breaking one of the school rules. So what should we say to them? 老师和学生互相打招呼,老师做动作,让学生猜猜老师在做什么。Step 2. Presentation 根据

5、这样的对话,把图片中其他学生不应该在课堂上出现的行为一一列出来,并且用祈使句的句型排列在黑板上:Dont arrive late for class. Dont run in the hallways. Dont listen to music in the classroom. Dont fight.Read the list to class. Then ask the students to read the list again. Step 3. Practice1. 邀请同学扮演外国人,做出一些违反课堂纪律的事情,引导学生用所学的句型指出他们的错误。运用目标语言指出他们做得不对的地方

6、。如:不要在课堂上听音乐。For example: a foreign teacher is pretending to listen to music in class. Then encourage students to say something to him. “Can we listen to music in class? If you see someone do that, what should you say to him?” “Dont listen to music in class!”2. 扩大学生的活动范围,设置其他情节,如食堂,楼道等,引导学生说出更多的祈使句。Dont waste food.No littering.Keep quite.Dont talk.Step 4. Story学生先自主学习Ted in the park,找出里面的祈使句,将自己不能解决的问题在小组内进行讨论,对Ted的行为作出评价,回答老师提出的问题。 Step 5. Homework 1. Copy the words and read the text of Lesson 2.2. Remember the key words well and use them.3. 给父母讲解祈使句。 教学反思略。



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