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1、黄金笔记2初三上学期英语第二单元单元语法:宾语从句(一)、感慨句全解:宾语从句(一)考情分析:海南省近几年中考、模拟考都几乎有一道考察宾语从句的单项选择题,考生要十分注意此知识点。宾语从句还可以在阅读中以长难句的形式出现。一、概念什么叫宾语?宾语也叫受词,它是动作的承受者。比如I love you的you就是承受love这个动作的承受着。宾语在句中的哪个位置?1.一般放在及物动词后面。如:Our team beat all the others.我们的球队打败了所有其他球队。2.有时为了强调,宾语也可以放在句首,如:Two weeks you shall have .你可以有两周的时间。3.名

2、词作宾语。Face the facts!面对现实!4.代词作宾语。They wont hurt us.他们不会伤害我们5. 数词作宾语。If you add 5 to 5, you get 10假如你把5和5相加就会得到10二、宾语从句的用法:宾语是句子的一个重要成分,它可以由名词、代词、名词短语或句子充当。当一个句子充当宾语时,这个句子就叫做宾语从句。三、宾语从句结构:1、主句+ that(无词义,可省略)+从句(陈述句语序)2、主句+ whether / if (是否)+从句(陈述句语序)3、主句+疑问词+从句(陈述句语序) 【将在第三单元讲解】四、宾语从句的引导词:引导宾语从句的引导词按

3、所引导的句子结构特点可以分为三类。1、that 引导的宾语从句:原句假如是陈述句,变宾语从句时要用 that 引导,that 无实义,只起到引导的作用。在口语和非正式文体中常可省略。如:(1)I think (that) I can sell newspapers.我想我可以卖报纸。(2) I know (that) he is a Canadian athlete.我知道他是一名加拿大运动员。 (3) Do you think (that) the children need to write.你认为孩子们需要写一首歌吗?(4)Maria says (that) she doesnt lik

4、e the uniforms. 玛丽亚说她不喜欢校服。2、whether/if引导的宾语从句(weather是天气的意思,不要和whether搞混)原句假如是一般疑问句,变宾语从句时要用whether /if 引导,whether /if意为“是否”。如: (1)I want to know whether / if people will leave as soon as they finish eating in western countries. 我想知道西方国家的人是否是一吃完饭就离开。 (2)Could you tell me if /whether its polite to s

5、peak loudly at the table ? 你能不能告诉我吃饭时大声发言是否有礼貌?(3) I dont know if/whether you are right. 我不知道你是否对的。注意:whether/if 引导的宾语从句用法区别:用whether /if “是否”引导的宾语从句,通常情况下whether /if 可以互换。但以下情况 whether 不能 用if 换。(1) Whether后面紧跟有or not时。如:I dont know whether or not it rains. 我不知道是否会下雨。(2) whether 引导主语从句位于句首首时。如:Wheth

6、er they will go by air or by train hasnt decided. 他们是乘飞机去还是乘火车去还没有定下来。 (3) whether 用在带有to的动词不定式之前。如:Please tell us whether to go or stay. 请告诉我们是去还是留。(4) 有些动词 (如:discuss) 后面只能跟whether,不能跟if。 如:We discussed whether we should let him join our team. 我们商议是否让他加入我们队。 (5) whether 可以与虚词it连用,并可引导不定式,但if 不能这样用

7、。 如:Its not clear whether he will be able to come。他是否会来还不清楚练习:1.-Do you know _ to raise money? -Yes.We can have a food festival. A.what can we do B.what we can do C.what will we do2.She asks _ she can use this pen. A.that B.weather C.whether3Do you know _?Yes. Its on your table.A. where my dictionar

8、y is B. where is my dictionaryC. when I bought my dictionary4.We dont know _ we can go or notA.whether B.if C.that5.Tom said _ he wanted to be a teacher in the futureA.if B.that C.whether全解:感慨句考情分析:海南省近几年中考、模拟考都几乎有一道考察感慨句的单项选择题,考生要十分注意此知识点。一、概念什么叫感慨句?表达人体喜怒哀乐,末尾有“!”的句子。二、做题方法(针对选择题):一断二辨三拟定:构成感慨句的感慨

9、词有两个:what和how,其基本结构是:1)What(a/an)+形容词+名词(主语+谓语):2)How形容词(或副词)(主语+谓语)很多初学者经常对该用what还是该用how弄不清楚。如:_coldwaterthisis!AHowBWhat假如我们采用“一断二辨三拟定”的方法不久就能拟定该选哪个感慨词。 “一断”就是在句中的名词(或形容词、副词等)与代词(或名词)之间断开。例如上面第一句应在water与this中断开(因this是指示代词),_cold waterthisis!“二辨”就是断开后辨别断线前面的词的词性。句中断线前的词是water,而water是名词。“三拟定”就可迅速选择假

10、如是名词就选what,形容词/副词就选how。所以第一例句就选B。用这个方法我们会对上面第二个例句作出如下判断:_colditis!断开线其前cold是形容词,故应填How。上面两个例句是最基本最简朴的填空题形式。但只要掌握这个方法,即使再复杂的填空题也会迎刃而解。但是还要注意,假如断开后,断线前的那个中心词【就是这句话(这段话)紧紧围绕着进行论述的词】是单数可数名词,千万别忘了在感慨词与名词间加冠词a(an)。练习:1. sweet music it is! And I really like the Voice of China TV programs.A.What B.What a C.

11、How D.How a2._ honest man he is!A. WhatB. What an C. How D. How an3. funny the joke is! It makes us smile from ears to ears.A.What an B.What C.How an D.How4.A number of people _ killed by the terrorists at the Urumqi train station._ terrible it is!A. were; How B. was; How C. were; What D. was; What5

12、. _ nervous the girl is!She can hardly say a word in the speechA.What a B.How C.What 6.Look at Miss Wus bag. _ nice it is!A.How B.What C.What a阅读技巧:细节理解法在解答的时候,一方面我们要浏览一遍问题,看清问题需要理解什么细节,然后有选择地在文中找出相相应的段落、句子或短语,认真分析与理解,最终拟定对的答案。答案一般能直接在原文中找到。例: Twenty minutes passed and it was still raining. There we

13、re hours to go before we reached the campsite (野营地). It was even worse that our small compass (指南针) showed that we went to the wrong way. We had lost our way!We had to make a quick decision as it was raining heavily. Chris said we could set up a tent to hide in, so Mary and Tom helped to set up the

14、tent. Chris and I tried to make a fire to keep us warm.Question:1.It was even worse that they _A.had no picnic B.lost their wayC.couldnt light the fire D.couldnt know each other2.Chris suggested that they should _ in the rainA.set up a tent B.reach the campsiteC.keep singing D.find a place to hide解释:由第一段It was even worse that our small compass (指南针) showed that we went to the wrong way. We had lost our way!可知他们迷路了,选B从Chris said we could set up a tent to hide in可知,是建议搭帐篷,



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