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1、Lesson 17: I like all seasons!导学案年级:六年级 设计者:贾转利 审核人: 授课人:【学习内容】六年级英语上(册)46-47页。【学习目标】1.学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇: season, winter, spring, summer, autumn, snow, warm, cool, windy, 和make snowmen, plant trees, fly a kite等动词短语。2.能够正确运用以下举行对季节这一话题进行简单的问答及表述。 A:Whats your favourite season? B:My favourite season

2、 is I like sth.I like love to do sth.【学习重、难点】重 点:能够表达自己喜欢的季节及各种活动。 难 点: 能够就季节这一话题进行简单的问答及交流。【教学准备】单词卡片,季节图片。【导学过程】、预习方法:1、听磁带,圈画疑问。2、带着疑问听音跟读,纠正读音。3、默读课文,理解句子大意。4、再听磁带,大声跟读。5、大声自读课文两次,做到能较流利地读完课文、Greetings and lead-in.【问题生成】【合作探究】.初读课文,生成问题。方法:自读课文,圈出不会的单词或理解有困难的句子。.再读课文,解决问题。 1. What do you like to

3、 do in autumn?_2. Whats your favourite season?_步骤:a.根据课文,回答问题。 b.集体交流,汇报答案。.三读课文,深层理解。小黑板出示问题:1. Hows the weather in autumn? _2. Why do you like summer? _3. What do you like to do in spring? _4. What do you like to do in winter? _ 步骤:a、自读课文,回答问题。 b、组内订正,补充问题。 c、全班展示。、组内读课文,分角色朗读。要求:a、声音洪亮,发音准确,并注意语音

4、语调的变化。【Summary】 What do you learn from the lesson?【达标检测】一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1What a cold, _(snow) day! 2. Alice _ (open) the windows.3. Danny likes to have _ (she) umbrella on a rainy day.4. Tom often helps his mother _ (clean) the floor.5. On Saturday, Jenny _ (play) with Danny in the park. 二、连词成句。 1. wi

5、nter, seasons, favourite, is your (?) _2. swim, love, I, sea, the, in, to (.) _ 3. like, to, kites, in, wind, the, fly, I (.) _ 4. likes, fruits, to, eat, she (.)_【板书设计】 Lesson 17: I like all seasons! winter make snowmen spring plant treessummer swimautumn fly a kite eat fruits【教学反思】自评: 小组评: 教师评: Le

6、sson 17: I like all seasons!导学单班级:六年级( )班 学生姓名: 设计者:贾转利 【学习内容】六年级英语上(册)46-47页。【学习目标】1.学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇: season, winter, spring, summer, autumn, snow, warm, cool, windy, 和make snowmen, plant trees, fly a kite等动词短语。2.能够正确运用以下举行对季节这一话题进行简单的问答及表述。 A:Whats your favourite season? B:My favourite season

7、is I like sth.I like love to do sth.【学习重、难点】重 点:能够表达自己喜欢的季节及各种活动。 难 点: 能够就季节这一话题进行简单的问答及交流。【教学准备】单词卡片,冬季服装。【导学过程】、预习方法:1、听磁带,圈画疑问。2、带着疑问听音跟读,纠正读音。3、默读课文,理解句子大意。4、再听磁带,大声跟读。5、大声自读课文两次,做到能较流利地读完课文、Greetings and lead-in.【问题生成】【合作探究】.初读课文,生成问题。方法:自读课文,圈出不会的单词或理解有困难的句子。.再读课文,解决问题。 1. What do you like to

8、do in autumn?_2. Whats your favourite season?_步骤:a.根据课文,回答问题。 b.集体交流,汇报答案。.三读课文,深层理解。小黑板出示问题:1. Hows the weather in autumn? _2. Why do you like summer? _3. What do you like to do in spring? _4. What do you like to do in winter? _ 步骤:a、自读课文,回答问题。 b、组内订正,补充问题。 c、全班展示。、组内读课文,分角色朗读。要求:a、声音洪亮,发音准确,并注意语音语

9、调的变化【Summary】What do you learn from the lesson?【达标检测】一、用所给词的正确形式填空。1What a cold, _(snow) day! 2. Alice _ (open) the windows.3. Danny likes to have _ (she) umbrella on a rainy day.4. Tom often helps his mother _ (clean) the floor.5. On Saturday, Jenny _ (play) with Danny in the park. 二、连词成句。 1. winter, seasons, favourite, is your (?) _2. swim, love, I, sea, the, in, to (.) _ 3. like, to, kites, in, wind, the, fly, I (.) _ 4. likes, fruits, to, eat, she (.)_【学习反思】自评: 小组评: 教师评:


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