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1、青岛农业大学毕 业 论 文(设计) 题 目: 潍坊富康花园住宅楼设计 姓 名: 学 院: 建筑工程学院 专 业: 土木工程 潍坊富康花园住宅楼设计摘要:本次毕业设计为潍坊富康花园住宅楼设计。设计内容包括建筑设计和结构设计两部分。该住宅楼为五层现浇混凝土框架结构,位于潍坊郊区,一层为商业房,二至五层为住宅,抗震设防烈度为7度,总建筑面积约5500 平方米。 建筑设计部分,按照下发的毕业设计任务书所含的设计资料以及住宅楼设计规范对本建筑初步设计,合理考虑功能分区,合理规划水平及空间流线。结构设计部分,先确定所需的一品框架,再分别计算恒载、活载、风荷载及地震荷载作用下的剪力、弯矩等内力。进行内力分析

2、,绘制结构各梁柱的内力组合表,找出最不利的内力组合。以最不利内力组合为依据,进行配筋及构件计算。计算完成后,按照构造及规范的要求,绘制配筋图,结构施工图。通过设计,使得本住宅楼满足使用的要求,还应体现出可持续发展的人性化理念。 关键词: 住宅楼;框架结构;建筑设计;结构设计The Design of Weifang Fukang Garden Residential Building Student majoring in Civil Engineering Tao Jia Tutor Name Wang cuiqin Abstract: This graduation design is t

3、he design of Weifang Beverly Garden residential building. The design includes architectural design and structural design of two parts. For the five - storey residential building cast-in-situ concrete frame structure, is located in the suburbs of Weifang, and a layer of commercial housing, two to fiv

4、e storeys for residential, seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees, the total construction area of about 5500 square meters.The architectural design part, according to the design data and design task book contained and residential building design code for preliminary design of the building, con

5、sider a reasonable function division, reasonable planning and space. Structure design part, first determine the required goods in a frame, and then calculate the dead load, live load, wind load and seismic load, bending moment, shear force. Internal analysis, draw the structure of each girder intern

6、al force combination table, to find the most unfavorable combination of internal forces. In the most unfavorable combination of internal forces as the basis, calculation of reinforcement and component. Calculation is completed, according to the structure and specification requirements, drawing the r

7、einforcement plan, construction drawing. By design, the residential building meets the requirements, but also embodies humanization of the concept of sustainable development.Key words: residence; frame structure; architectural design; structural designIII 目 录中文摘要.错误!未定义书签。Abstract.第一章 建筑设计1.1 工程设计概况.11.2 设计资料.11.3 设计思想.11.4 建筑设计说明.11.5 构造做法.2第二章 结构设计2.1 结构选型及计算简图.42.2 荷载统计.62.3 风荷载计算.112.4 竖向荷载下内力计算.172.5 内力组合.372.6 框架梁柱设计.422.7 楼板设计.512.8 楼梯设计.542.9 基础设计.57总结.



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