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1、Guided WritingStep1: Lead-inStep2: Writing 假设你是王林,你的好友李明想加入学校足球队,但是他的父亲不同意,认为踢足球会影响学习。请你根据以下提示给李明的父亲写一封信,帮助李明说服他的父亲。 理由: 1. 踢足球可以增强体质,使精力充沛。 2. 踢足球能增强自信心。3. 踢足球能培养团队精神,有助于结交更多的朋友。Step3: Writing process1. 审题谋篇项目 结论体裁话题时态人称Review:How to write a letter of advice?_ parts2. 词句推敲(1) 增强体质_(2) 增强自信心_(3) 培养团

2、队精神_(4) 结交朋友_(5) 踢足球能培养团队精神,有助于结交更多的朋友。一般表达:高级表达:3. 妙笔成篇Dear Uncle Li, _附:建议信写作常用表达A建议信开头常用句式(照应材料,表明写作意图)1. I am very glad to hear that you want to2. I know you have trouble inafter reading your letter.3.I am writing to you for the purpose of (为了).4. I am writing to share some advice with you on.5.

3、 Its my pleasure to offer you some advice on.6. Im writing to offer you some advice about.B. 建议信第二段常用句式 (提出建议,阐述理由)1. Firstly, why not? If you do thisSecondly, you should /can Then/ That way , Thirdly, it would be a good idea if By doing this , Last but not least, 2 .I think it would be more benefic

4、ial if you could .3. I would like to suggest/recommend that.4.When it comes to(提到) such a situation, I would like to suggest that you should .5.As to(关于)., I suggest that you should.C. 建议信结尾常用句式 1. I hope you will find these suggestions useful.2. I hope whats mentioned above might be helpful.3. I be

5、lieve if you follow my advice, you ll .4. I believe, with your determination(决心), you can manage to overcome these difficulties.5. Please let me know without hesitation(毫不犹豫) if you need any help.6. In my personal opinion, it would be helpful/ useful for you to take the following advice.4.写作评价(1)自我评价学生自我评价表项目 评价等级(A:优秀 B:合格 C:还需努力)书写工整整洁内容完整,要点齐全逻辑性强,表达清楚拼写及标点正确规范努力程度语法运用自评分数评语(2)同伴评价项目评价等级(A:优秀B:合格 C:还需努力)书写工整整洁内容完整,要点齐全逻辑性强,表达清楚努力程度作文中的错误(拼写,标点,语法运用)修改意见值得你学习之处评语5. 通过同伴的评价,写成第二稿。Dear Uncle Li, _6. 教师评价(课后进行) 学生交二稿,教师进行评价,并填写教师评价表。


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