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1、定语从句系列:只能用关系代词that引导的九种情况人生底色看语文18-03-1200:48什么情况下,定语从句中只能用that?本文将解决这个问题。为大家总结,只能用关系代词that引导的定语从句之九 种情况。在定语从句中,当先行词表示物的时候,引导定语从句的关系代词,可以用that, 也可以用which但是通常在以下几种情况下,只能用that,同学们在学习过程 中要引起注意。1.当先行词为 all, much, none, something, nothing, everything, the one, few, little, many, anything等不定代词时。例如:We shou

2、ld do all that is useful to the people.我们应该做一切有益于人民的事 情。Is there any thi ng that I can do for you?有什么需要我帮忙的吗?Theres no thing that can be said ab关于这件事,已没有什么可说的了。Do you mea n the one that you bought yesterday?你指的是昨天买的那个吗?1ftq2当先行词被only, any, few, little, no, all, many, much等不定代词修饰时。例 如:I have finished

3、 reading all the books that I borrowed from the library. 我己经看 完了所有从图书馆借来的书。He has learned many English new words that the teacher taught him last week by heart.上周老师教的许多新英语单词,他都用心记住了。The only thing that we can do was to wait.我们唯一能做的事情就是等待。3.当先行词被序数词、形容词最高级以及the on ly, the very, the next, the last等 修饰

4、时。例如:This is the first book that I bought in the shop .这是我在这家书店买的第一本 书。This is one of the most exciting football games that I have ever watched 这是 我看过的最激动人心的足球赛之一。This is the last film that has bee n show n in our city this year.这是我市今年放映 最后一部影片。4当先行词是形容词最高级时。例如:This is the best that can be done no w

5、.这是现在能做的最好的办法。5先行词既指人又指物时。例如:We talked of things and persons that we remembered. 我们谈起了我们记住的 人和事儿。6关系代词在限制性定语从句中作表语,并带有比较的含义时。例如:Our school is no Ion ger the school that it was ten years ago 我们学校已经不再 是十年前的样子。7句子的前一部分已经出现了 which,为避免重复,句子的后面部分通常不再用 which而用that来引导限制性定语从句例如:Which is the book that you bou

6、ght yesterday?哪一本书是你昨天买的?8当主句是以who , which引起的特殊疑问句时,关系代词通常只用that例如:Who is the man that you spoke to just now?刚才和你说话的那个人是谁?9.在there be句型中,只能用that,例如:There was still a lot of homework that we had to do in our spare time.我们在业余时间仍然必须做很多作业。1、定语从句修饰的词(即,先行词),前面有形容词最高级时This is the best film that I have see

7、n.(先行词是film,前面有 the best修饰它, 这时候只能用that,强调“最好的”)2、先行词被 the very/the only/the same/the last 等修饰时She is the only girl who has got a prize.(先行词是 girl,前面有 the only 修饰它, 这时候只能用that,强调“唯一一个”)3、先行词被序数词修饰时The first place that they visited was the Big Ben.(先行词是 place,前面有 the first修饰它,这时候只能用that,强调第一个”)4、先行词正

8、好是 anything /everything /nothing /few /all /none /little/some等词时All that can be done has been done.(先行词是all,这时候只能用that,强调所 有的”)There is little that lean do for you.(先行词是 little,这时候只能用 that,强调没 有、很少“)另外有一些情况,不一定是为了强调,也要用that,并且都有各自的原因。5、先行词前面有who,which等疑问代词时Who is the man that is standing there?(先行词是

9、 man,但前面有疑问词 who, 这时候只能用that。我们可以认为,这是英语中为了避免重复而做出的限定。英 语表达的一个特征就是不喜欢重复,所以,在一个场景下,表达相同含义时, 通常会用很多同义词或近义词)6、先行词既有人,也有物时The writer and his work that you told me are really famous.(先行词有 writer和work, 一个是人,一个是物,为了统一,这时候我们不能用who或which, 只能用that)拥酯注定语从句yhothatwhen 卿he巳 why关系代词关系副词the first_:Jest (最咼级)grls& bodes tA和物) wriythir no廿i囚w怕汕i屯 创no。1询腸定词;寸腿性定!埶句


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