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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 七年级下Unit 5 Im watching TV.、Useful expressions:1. watch TV 看电视2. talk on the phone 在电话上聊天3. TV show 电视节目4. write a letter 写封信5. read a book/books 读书;看书6. wait for 等候;等待7. talk about sth./sb. 谈论某事(物)/某人8. some of 中的一些;一些9. in the first/second/next/last photo 在第一张/第二张/下一张/最后一张照片

2、里10. at the pool在这个(那个)水池11. at home 在家12. be with sb. 和某人在一起13. in this photo 在这张相片里、Sentences:1.What are you doing? 你在过什么?Im watching TV. 我正在看电视。1. Whats he doing? 他在干嘛?Hes reading. 他正在阅读。2. That sounds good. 那听起来不错。3. Whats he taking? 他正在拿什么?4. Whats he waiting for? 他在等什么?5. Whats he reading? 他在读

3、什么?6. Who are Ben and Tim talking to? 本和蒂姆在和谁说话?7. What are they talking about? 他们正谈论什么?8. Where are they all going? 他们将要去哪儿?9. Where is he swimming? 他正在哪儿游泳?10. Is Tina there? 蒂娜在那儿吗?No, she isnt. 不,她没在。11. Here are some 这儿有一些12. Are you surfing? 你在冲浪吗?No, Im not. 不,我没有。Unit 5 Im watching TV.练习题.写出

4、下列动词的第三人称单数形式和现在分词。Model: read reads reading1.watch _ 2.make _ 3.be _4.swim _ 5.buy _ 6.carry _7.write _ 8.get _ 9.run _10.do _ 11.go _ 12.begin _13.arrive _ 14.talk _ 15.clean _16.have _ 17.sing _ 18.dance _答案:1.watches watching 2.makes, making 3.is, being 4.swims, swimming 5.buys, buying 6.carries

5、, carrying 7.writes, writing 8.gets, getting 9.runs, running 10.does, doing 11.goes, going 12.begins, beginning 13.arrives, arriving 14.talks, talking 15.cleans, cleaning 16.has, having 17.sings, singing 18.dances, dancing.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.Lets go s_ in the supermarket.2.Your idea s_ interesting.3.H

6、e is taking pictures with a c_.4.This is my family p_.5.Look! My mother is c_ the house.6.Nancy is t_ on the phone.7.He often swims at the p_.8.Hurry up! Theyre w_ for us.9.Jacks mother is w_ TV in the bedroom.10.The soccer game is so exciting. All the students are t_ about it.11.I often go to the l

7、_ to read books on Sundays.12.I dont like this TV show. Its b_.答案:1.shopping 2.sounds 3.camera 4.photo 5.cleaning 6.talking 7.pool 8.waiting 9.watching 10.talking 11.library 12.boring.用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Mary _(do) homework now.2._(not close) the window, Jim.3.Let the boy _(come) in.4.-What _ your teacher

8、 _ now? -He _(clean) his office.5.Some boys _(play) football in the park. Lets join them.6.Her brother _(not read) a book now.7.What about _(watch) TV?8.You must _(look) after your things.9.Listen! Jim _(sing) in the next room.10.I like _(play) the piano.11.Can you _(take) the boy to the hospital?12

9、.Here _(be) some milk for you.13.Thanks for _(help) me.14.My teacher _(help) me with my English at times.15.Do you want _(go) to the movies?答案:1.is doing 2.Dont close e 4.is, doing, is cleaning 5.are playing 6.isnt reading 7.watching 8.look 9.is singing 10.playing/to play 11.take 12.is 13.helping 14

10、.helps 15.to go.单项选择。( )1.Maria is _ dinner now.A.eating B.looking C.eats D.reading( )2.My grandfather often _ newspapers in the afternoon.A.watches B.sees C.reads D.look at( )3.My family _ watching TV now.A.is B.are C.be D.am( )4.The boy isnt _ the teacher.A.listen B.listening C.listening to D.list

11、en to( )5.My father can _ Japanese well.A.speaks B.speak C.speaking D.to speak( )6.Bob wears _ uniform and _ ugly watch.A.an; a B.an; an C.a; an D.a; a( )7._ are they talking to?A.What B.Who C.When D.Where( )8.My cousin and I _.A.are doing our homework B.doing our homeworks C.am doing our homework D

12、.is doing his homework( )9.Tom, please show the shoes _ me.A.for B.to C.in D.of( )10.Its ten oclock. My father is _.A.work B.works C.working D.worked( )11.They _ at home.A.are every B.all are C.are all D.all( )12.This is my _ class.A.the first B.first C.the one D.one( )13.One of the _ dancing in the

13、 room.A.girl is B.girls are C.girl are D.girls is( )14.Jim with his friends _ playing games over there.A.is B.are C.am D./( )15.-Are you reading or listening? -_. A.No, Im not B.Im reading C.Yes, I am D.Yes, I do答案:1-5 ACBCB 6-10 CBABC 11-15 CBDAB.选择句子补全对话。(A)A.What are you doing?B.Is he an English boy?C.The telephone is ringing.D.Whos it from?E.But Im busy now.A: Hi, John! Lets


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