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1、外研版一起小学英语四下Module 7Unit 1 Whats the time?教案 学习目标: 1.会说会用这些句子: What is the time? Its . Its time for. Whats the time for? 2.会说会用会写这些单词:eight oclock, twelve ,thirty ,forty, fifty。 3 会说100 以内的数字。 4、同时教导要做一个守时的人。 学习重难点: 学会用Whats the time for? Its time for询问并回答现在是该干什么的时候了等句型。 学前准备: 1: 20,25,30,40,50的数字卡片;

2、 2 面包,牛奶,书包; 3 录音机及录音带; 4 早饭,上学,上课,午饭的单词卡片; 5.学生准备钟表,纸表盘和水彩笔。 学习过程: 一、自主学习 1、预习检查(1)如何用英语询问时间及回答时间。(2)如何表示现在是该干什么的时候了我们可用什么句式来表示。 2、如何表达整点? 二、合作、探究 老师通过钟表和数字卡片讲解本课重点句型What time is it? Its seven oclock. Its twelve thirty .Whats the time for? Its time for及词汇eight oclock, twelve, thirty ,forty, fifty。

3、1)老师看着自己的表自言自语地说: What time is it? Oh, its eight oclock. Its time for class. 2)然后老师拿出事先准备好的钟表问: Whats this ? 老师然后拨钟表到整6点问:What time is it now? 并引导学生回答:Its six oclock.然后拨钟表到整7点问:What time is it now? 并引导学生回答: Its seven oclock. 然后拨钟表到整8点问:What time is it now? 并引导学生回答: Its eight oclock.并将six oclock, sev

4、en oclock, eight oclock写到黑板上; 3)然后让时针不动,转动分针,引导学生练习15,20,25,30,35, 40,45,50的表达。 如:老师可把分针拨到8:05问: What time is it now? Oh, Its eight five.然后又把分针拨到15分问:then, what time is it?用手指指着钟表开始是五格五格的数,之后是一格一格的数(five, ten, eleven, twelve ,thirteen, fourteen, fifteen .)Its seven fifteen.同时将数词卡片15张贴在黑板上,边贴边说fiftee

5、n,fifteen, fifteen. Its seven fifteen. 以同样的方法教授thirty, forty, fifty。同时提醒学生-teen构成“十几” 而 ty构成“几十”说“几十几” 由“十位数+连词符号+个位数”构成。从而让学生了解100以内的基数词。如45=forty-five, 35= thirty-five,56=fifty-six等。 4)师生一起玩我拨钟来你报时的游戏。 A 老师把钟表拨到7:15 ,T: what time is it? Ss: Its seven fifteen. 老师引导学生说Its time for breakfast. Its tim

6、e for breakfast.说完就伸手拿起桌子上的牛奶和面包吃。 B 同样的方法老师把钟表拨到8:00,问Hi, Look at the watch, What time is it?Ss:Oh, Its eight oclock, T: Be quick! Its time for school.说着背着书包装做要上学的样子 C接着老师把钟表拨到八点半说:Now its eight thirty. Whats the time for?Ss:Its eight thirty, Its time for class. D老师接着又把钟表拨到11:45分问:How about now? Ss

7、: Its eleven forty-five.Itstime for lunch. T&Ss: Oh good! Its time for lunch. 三、展示交流: 1)我说时间你来拨钟表。老师可快速说出一些时间:如eight oclock, twelve thirty ,four forty-five, five fifty, six thirty-five等,让学生拨钟表,看谁拨得又对又快。 2)猜时间游戏; 叫一个学生背对着大家,另一个学生面向大家举起自己的表盘或钟表。大家看着钟表上的时间说:Its time for class/lunch/breakfast/supper/sch

8、ool等,问What time is it?让背对着大家的同学猜现在是几点几分了。看谁猜得又快又准。 四、达标训练 1.播放Listen, look and match部分录音. 听并连线,看看哪个句子和那幅图意匹配。 2.做Lets practise(I).两个学生一组,请你根据同伴所画钟表的时间进行问答。用What time is it? Its . 3.做Lets practise(II). 请你看着表盘进行问答。老师分别转动表盘到7:15,8:00,8:30,11:45的表盘进行问答。如:老师将8:00的表盘拿出来: T: What time is it? S: Its eight o

9、clock. T; Whats the time for?S; Its time for breakfast. 问题设计:1、如何用英语表达现在是该干什么的时间了?2、Its time for.和Its time to do.区别在哪儿?板书设计:What time is it?eight oclock, twelve ,thirty ,forty, fifty What time is it? Its . Its time for. Whats the time for? 课后反思: Unit 2 Its time to get up. 学习目标: 1.会说会用这些句子: Its time

10、to get up/go to bed/have breakfast/have lunch/go to school/play ping-pang/go home等 2.会说会用会写这些动词短语: get up/go to bed/have breakfast/havelunch/go to school/play ping-pong/go home等 . 3 搞清楚Its time for和Its time to do sth.两句结构的不同。 4 能够认读Go swimming/Lets go/watch TV/play games/have supper学习重难点1、句型Its time

11、 for和Its time to do sth.灵活运用。 2、会说会用会写这些动词短语: get up/go to bed/have breakfast/have lunch/go to school/play ping-pong/go home等 . 学前准备: 1、录音机及录音带; 2、吃早饭,上床睡觉,起床,吃午饭,打乒乓球,回家,上学等的单词卡片。 3、指针分别指向4:20, 7:30,7:40,4:45的表盘。 4、学生准备乒乓球拍,游泳圈或游泳帽,吃饭的碗筷,睡觉的床单。 学习过程: 一、自主学习 1、检查预习 说出三餐的英语表达和时间。 2、如何用英语表达现在是该干什么的时间了

12、?(举例说明) 3、还有没有其他的句型表达。(小组交流、互探) 二、合作、探究 1、老师通过钟表和单词卡片讲解课文重点句型和词汇。 (1)老师拨动钟表让学生复习上一课所学的问时间和说时间。在黑板上左边张贴对应的图片,并将重点的句子(红色标注Its time for 写在中间,将Its time to写在右边如: A老师拨钟表到8点问:What time is it? 学生回答:Its eight oclock. 老师打开书本说:Oh, Its eight oclock, its time for class. B老师再拨钟表到7:45:What time is it? 学生:Its seven

13、 forty-five. 老师举起上学的图片问:Whats the time for? 学生 Its time for school. 将上学的图片贴到黑板的左列并引导学生说: Its time to go to school. C老师再拨钟表到七点:What time is it? 学生B :Its seven oclock. 老师举起起床的图片问Whats the time for? 边将图片贴到黑板上边引导学生说: Its time to get up. D老师再拨钟表到9:00问What time is it? 学生:Its nine oclock. 老师举起上床睡觉的图片问Whats

14、 the time for? 边将图片贴到黑板上边引导学生说: Its time to go to bed. E老师再拨钟表到7:30问:What time is it? 学生:Its seven thirty. 老师举起吃早饭的图片问Whats the time for? 边将图片贴到黑板上边引学生说Its time for breakfast. 强调说Its time to have breakfast. F老师再拨钟表到12点:What time is it? 学生:Its twelve oclock. 老师举起吃午饭的图片问Whats the time for? 边将图片贴到黑板上边引导学生说: Its time for lunch.强调说:Its time to have lunch. G:老师再拨钟表到4:15:What time is it? 学生:Its four fifteen. 老师举起打乒乓球的图片问Whats the time for? 边将图片贴到黑板上边引导学生说: Its time to play ping-pang. (2)小组内互相学习。 (3)班级展示。 (4)教师点拨:


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