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1、斯里兰卡阿塔纳水厂Gampaha,Attanagalla&Minuwangoda Integrated Water Supply Scheme雨季施工专项施工方案Method Statement in Rainy Season编制:Prepared By:审核:Reviewed By:批准:Approved By:CMEC公司斯里兰卡阿塔纳水厂项目部 Gampaha,Attanagalla & Minuwangoda Integrated Water Supply Scheme 编制时间:2017年09月01日Preparation Date:1st September , 2017目 录Co

2、ntents第一节 、编制依据01Chapter I Preparation Basis第二节、工程概况01Chapter II Project Overview第三节、 雨季施工原则04Chapter III Construction Principles in Rainy Season第四节、施工步骤05Chapter IV Construction Procedures第五节、雨季施工管理目标10Chapter V Construction Management Targets in Rainy Season第六节 、 雨季施工的主要部位11 Chapter VI Major Areas

3、 for Construction in Rainy Season第七节、雨季施工主要技术管理措施11Chapter VII Main Technical Measures7.1 雨季施工管理11 7.1 Construction Management in Rainy Season7.2 地基与基础工程13 7.2 Foundation and Base Works7.3 地下防水工程16 7.3 Underground Waterproof Engineering7.4钢筋工程17 7.4 Reinforcement Works7.5模板工程18 7.5 Formwork7.6 混凝土工程

4、19 7.6 Concrete Works7.7 机电安装工程22 7.7 Mechanical and Electrical Installation Works7.8 砌筑工程30 7.8 Masonry Works7.9装饰装修工程31 7.9 Decoration Engineering7.10脚手架工程33 7.10 Scaffolding Works7.11物资及设备的堆放35 7.11 Storage for Materials and Equipment 7.12现场临电工程38 7.12 Site Temporary Power Work7.13现场排水39 7.13 Sit

5、e Drainage Works 第八节、雨季安全技术措施43Chapter VIII Safety Measures for Construction in Rainy Season8.1机械安全技术措施43 8.1 Safety Measures for Equipment Operations8.2施工安全技术措施44 8.2 Construction Technical Safety Measures 8.3消防管理措施48 8.3 Fire Fighting Controlling Measures8.4环境保护措施48 8.4 Environmental Protection Me

6、asures8.5 人员安全技术保障49 8.5 Technical and Safety Guarantee for Construction Personnel8.6雨季卫生防疫安全隐患及预防措施50 8.6 Disease Prevention Measures and Health Protection8.7雨季安全施工工作检查52 8.7 Safety Construction Supervising and Inspection第九节 、 附件53 Chapter IX Appendix第一节、 编制依据Chapter I Preparation Basis序号S/N文件名称Doc

7、umentation lists文件编号File No.备注Remarks1建筑工程施工现场供电安全规范Code for Safety of Power Supply and Consumption for Construction SiteGB50194-20142建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准Unified Standard for Construction Quality Acceptance of Building EngineeringGB50300-20133建筑机械使用安全技术规程Technical Specification for Safety Operation of Con

8、struction MachineryJGJ33-20114施工现场临时用电安全技术规范Technical Code for Safety of Temporary Electrification on Construction Site JGJ46-20125建筑施工安全检查标准Standard for Construction Safety InspectionJGJ95-20116职业健康安全管理手册OccupationalHealthandSafetyManagementSystemManual7公司颁发的安全施工手册Construction Safety Manual by CMEC

9、第二节 、工程概况Chapter II Project Overview2.1工程概况2.1Project Overview斯里兰卡阿塔纳水厂工程位于刚巴哈地区阿塔纳镇,地处ATTANAGALA OYA河与BASNAGODA OYA河交口处,紧邻现状道路,厂址北侧为ATTANAGALA OYA河,南侧为农田,东西两侧为山地绿化。本项目实施场地平整工程的土地,南北方向坡度比较陡峭,场区靠西侧有较大的山包土丘,场内及周边施工区域内以灌木、乔木、杂草为主,且有少量椰树生长。The Integrated Water Supply Scheme is located in Gampaha, Attana

10、galla and is situated at the flume crossings between river ATTANAGALA OYA and river BASNAGODA OYA, adjacent to a village existing road. Around the project is the ATTANAGALA OYA in the north, farmland in the south, mountains and vegetation in the both eastern and western sides. The project constructi

11、on land is smooth and flat and the sloping area in the north and south is steep. Hummocks and hills are located in the west of construction area. Shrubs, arbor, weeds and small amount of coconut palms surround the construction area both inwardly and outwardly. 场地平整的土石方开挖及回填工作是本水厂场地平整的分项工程(场地平整的石方爆破开

12、挖详见阿塔纳水厂工程岩石爆破专项施工方案)。水厂场地北侧延红线测量填方长度约78.79米,北侧红线最低高程位于西北角,其高程为33.700米,高程落差最高9.6米;西侧延红线测量填方长度约47.983米,填方高差最高6.8米;东侧延红线测量填方长度约11.405米,填方区高差最高2.1米;场地平整标高43.300米。The earthwork and rock excavation and backfilling for leveling of construction area is regarded as a sub-divisional work for the whole leveli

13、ng of water plant (for detailed information of rock blasting and excavation for ground leveling,referring to the blasting method statement submission). In the north of water plant, the backfill length along boundary line is around 78.79m. The bottom level of boundary line is 33.700m, situated at the

14、 western corner with maximum height difference of 9.6m. Oppositely, in the west the backfill length along boundary line is around 47.983m with a maximum height difference of 6.8m. For the eastern side length is 11.405m with a maximum height difference of 2.1m. The elevation for site leveling is 43.300m. 2.2气象、水文、地形地貌和工程地质Meteorology, Hydrology, Topographic Features and Geological Conditions2.2.1气象2.2.1Meteorology斯里兰卡阿塔纳镇属热带海洋性气候,终年如夏,只有雨季与旱季,酷热潮湿。平均最高气温31.3摄氏度,平均最低气温23.8摄氏度。雨季为每年3月至6月和10月至次年1月,即西南季风和东北季风经过斯里兰卡时。全年降雨量西南部为2540毫米至5080毫米,西北部和东南部则少于1250毫米。每年月份,斯里兰卡进入雨季后,雷雨天气增多。The clima



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