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1、UNIT 1SCIENCE FICTION单元重点回顾.重点单词1appointment n预约;约会;委任 _ v任命;委派;指定;约定 _约好去做某事 _约定好做某事 _任命某人某职务 _委派某人做某事appointhave/make an appointment to do sth.appoint to do sth.appoint sb.(to be/as)sth.appoint sb.to do sth.2guilty adj内疚的;有罪的;有过失的 _ n法律有罪,犯罪行为,轻罪,过失;内疚,悔恨;自责 _ adv.内疚地;有罪地 _对(做)某事感到内疚/惭愧 _犯了罪;有过失的;

2、有罪责的3dismiss vt让(某人)离开;解散;解雇;消除 _让某人从离开;解雇某人 _因某事解雇某人 _消除某人心中的恐惧/疑虑guiltguiltilyfeel guilty about(doing)sth.guilty of sth.dismiss sb.from.dismiss sb.for sth.dismiss fears/doubts from ones mind4declare vt宣布;宣称;声明;表明 _ n宣告者 _ n宣布,宣言,宣告;申报,声明(书)_宣布/宣称 _声明赞成/反对 _向宣战 _宣布某人/某物 _宣布某人/某物为 _据宣布declarerdeclar

3、ationdeclare that.declare for/against.declare war on.declare sb./sth.adj.declare sb./sth.(to be).It is declared that.5superior adj更好的,占优势的;(在级别或重要性上)更高的n上级,长官;优胜者 _比(在品质上)更好;更胜一筹 _比某人(在级别、重要性或职位上)更高 _在方面优越 _优质,上等品;高级货品 _高等法院;上级法院 _低于;不如;在之下 _比年长(资历深)_比年轻(资历浅)superior to sb./sth.superior to sb.superi

4、or in.superior qualitysuperior courtbe inferior to.be senior to.be junior to.6fetch vt(去)拿来;(去)请来 _带去,拿去。指:从说话人所在或所说之处把某人或某物带走,侧重方向而非方式,与bring的方向正相反。_带来,拿来。指:从别处把某人或某物带到说话人所在或所说之处。_(去)拿来。指:去取了某物或带上某人再返回原处,即一往一返,相当于go and bring,但有时也可说go and fetch,意思和fetch并无不同。takebringfetch7pace n速度;步伐;节奏vt.&vi确定速度;调

5、整节奏;踱步;缓慢而行 _(与)齐步前进;(与)并驾齐驱 _确定速度;确立标准;领先 _以的速度 _以的速度8division n分开;分隔;分配;除(法);差异divide vt.分开;分配;分隔;除,除以 _把分成 _在之间分配/分享某物 _ A除以Bkeep pace with.set the paceat a/an.paceat a pace ofdivide.into.divide sth.between/among.divide A by B9urge n.强烈的欲望;冲动 vt.催促;力劝;大力推荐 _ adj.紧急的;迫切的 _ n紧急;催促urge sb.to do sth.

6、催促某人做某事urge/It is urged that.(should)do sth.极力主张做某事have an urge to do sth.渴望做某事10explode vi.&vt爆炸;爆破;爆裂 _ n爆炸 _ adj.爆炸的;易爆炸的explode into/with sth.勃然大怒;大发雷霆;突然发生(危险)urgenturgencyexplosionexplosive.重点短语1_试验;考验;检验;测试 _对进行彻底检验 _检验,测验 _用检验 _为鉴定而测试;勘探 _使经受考验(检验)_参加考试/测试test outtest outtest ontest withtest

7、 forput sb./sth.to a/the testtake a test in/for.2_更像是;更接近 _更有可能的;更有希望的 _越来越;日益 _更频繁,更经常 _越来越经常;越来越多 _往往,多半3_接替;接任;接管;接手 _拿走;带走,抓走 _带回,收回 _拆除;往下拽more likemore likelymore and moremore oftenmore and more oftenmore often than nottake overtake awaytake backtake down _脱下;起飞;成功 _把取出来 _呈现;承担 _发生 _吸收;收留;领会 _

8、开始从事;占用 _拆开;拆散 _喜欢上,喜爱 _取代某人;就位take offtake outtake ontake placetake intake uptake aparttake totake ones place4_与冲突或抵触 _ n冲突;争执;争论v(想法、信仰或陈述)冲突,抵触,相互矛盾 _ A和B之间的冲突 _某事上的冲突 _与某人有冲突 _ adj.冲突的;相矛盾的conflict withconflicta conflict between A and Ba conflict over sth.in conflict with sb.conflicting5_关掉;熄灭;在

9、场;使朝外;结果是 _调大;到场;出现;翻身,翻转;找到 _打开 _上交 _关小;调低;拒绝 _关掉 _转身 _求助于turn outturn upturn onturn inturn downturn offturn aroundturn to6_(逐渐)减少;消失 _散开,破碎;崩溃,破裂;散架 _入睡;睡着 _后退,(对方因被击败而)退却;回落 _落后 _减少;下降 _跌倒;掉下;倒塌;失败 _掉落;脱落;争吵 _发生故障;被绊倒 _生病 _爱上,喜爱fall awayfall apartfall asleepfall backfall behind fall offfall downf

10、all outfall overfall illfall in love with.重点句型1Claire didnt want the robot in her house,especially _克莱尔不想让机器人出现在家里,尤其是当她丈夫要出差三个星期的时候。(as)2He seemed _ a human _ a machine.他看上去更像是一个人,而不像一台机器。(more.than.)as her husbandwould be away on a business trip for three weeks.more likethan3Claire _ she was being

11、 offered sympathy by a robot,but she gradually admired his wisdom and integrity and began to trust him.克莱尔认为她被机器人给予同情是荒谬的,但她逐渐钦佩他的智慧和正直,并开始信任他。(it作形式主语)4As a favour,Tony promised to help Claire _.为了帮她这个忙,托尼答应帮助克莱尔把她打扮得更漂亮,把她家布置得更雅致。(make宾语宾补)thought it was ridiculous thatmake herself morebeautiful a

12、nd her home more elegant5As she turned around,_.她刚一转过身去,就看到格拉迪丝克拉芬站在那儿。(倒装)6_ the first of all Time Machines began its career.今天十点,第一台时光机开始了它的职业生涯。(强调句式)7Night came _,and in another moment came the day.夜幕降临,仿佛一盏灯被熄灭了,又过了一会儿,白天来了。(as if)there stood Gladys ClaffernIt was at ten oclock today thatas if

13、a lamp was being turned out8I _,then disappear like a dream.我看到巨大的建筑拔地而起,然后像梦一样消失了。(see宾语宾补)9The whole surface of the earth was being changed,_ _.整个地球表面正在发生变化,在我眼前融化流动。(现在分词作状语)10_,it didnt matter.只要我以最快的速度旅行,这就无关紧要了。(so long as)saw huge buildings rise upmelting andflowing before my eyesSo long as I

14、 travelled at maximum speed聊天机器人ChatGPT(原文选自)语篇导读:近期,科技圈也刮起了一股名叫“ChatGPT”的风。ChatGPT是由OpenAI公司开发的一个人工智能聊天机器人程序。它能够通过学习和理解人类的语言来进行对话互动交流,甚至能完成撰写邮件、文案、翻译、代码等任务。数据显示,截至2023年一月末,ChatGPT的月度用户数已突破1亿,成为史上消费者增长最快的应用。Theres a new AI bot:ChatGPT,and youd better pay attention,even if you arent into artificial i

15、ntelligence.The tool is an AI chatbot system that OpenAI released in November 2022 to show off and test what a very large,powerful AI system can achieve.ChatGPT remembers the thread of your dialogue,using previous questions and answers to inform its next responses.It derives its answers from huge vo

16、lumes of information on the Internet.ChatGPT is built on top of the OpenAI GPT-3 family of large language models and is fine-tuned(a method of transfer learning)using both supervised and reinforcement learning(监督和强化学习)You can ask ChatGPT anything,like explaining physics,asking for birthday party ideas and getting programming(编程)help.Perhaps its not smart enough to replace all humans yet,but it can be creative,and its answers can sound downright authoritative.A few days after its launch,more than


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