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1、自贡市蜀光中学2010年自主招生考试英 语 试 题注意事项:1、全卷满分150分,考试时间为90分钟。 2、试卷分为两部分,第卷为选择题100分,做在机读卡上;第卷为主观题50分,做在试卷上,考生只交机读卡和第卷。第卷选择题(共100分).单项选择题(每题1分,共30分)1.Its world of wonders, world where anything can happen.A. a,the B. a, a C. the,a 2.Would you please help me with the box ? .A. Yes, please B. No, please dont C. Wi

2、th pleasure 3. snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the woods. A. Not only they brought B. Not only did they bring C. Not only brought they 4. At last, the thief had to hand in everything he had stolen to the police.A. which B. what C. that5. Man

3、y children, parents are away working in big cities, are taken good care of in the village.A. their B. whose C. of them 6. The weather was cold that I didnt like to leave my room. A. really B. too C. so7. If Joes wife doesnt go to the party, . A. neither will he B. neither does he C. he will either.8

4、. Dr.Smith, as well as his wife and daughters, visit Beijing this summer.A. is going to B. was going to C. were going to9. The house still needed a lot of work , but the kitchen had been finished. A. instead B. at once C. at least10. The water cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. A

5、. was felt B. is felt C. felt 11. she couldnt understand was she couldnt finish her work on time.A.Why; that B. What; because C. What; why 12. Although this sound like a simple task, great care is needed.A. may B. must C. should13. Ill appreciate if you write back soon.A. you B. it C. that 14. It wa

6、s snowing heavily. Little Tom felt cold, so he stood to his mother. A. close B. closely C. closed 15. John, a friend of mine, who got married only last week, spent 3,000 more than he for the wedding(婚礼). A. has planned B. would plan C. had planned16. A poet and artist coming to speak to us about Chi

7、nese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon. A.was B. are C. is 17. Could I speak to is in charge of International sales, please? A. someone B. whoever C. no matter who18. If it tomorrow, what would we do ? A. rains B. would rain C. were to rain19. You didnt have fun on the beach, did you ? . We

8、 would like to go there again. A. Yes , I didnt B. Yes, I did C. No, I didnt 20. that she was going off to sleep, I asked if shed like that little doll on her bed. A. Seeing B. To see C. Seen21. He as a national hero for winning the first gold medal for his country in the Olympics. A. regarded B. wa

9、s regarded C. had been regarded22. Your story is perfect; Ive never heard before. A. the better one B. a better one C. the best one23. a rainy night, the poor young man ran into the forest, never to be seen again. A. In B. During C. On24. Last night Mr. Crook didnt come at the usual time. , he met s

10、ome friends and stayed out until midnight.A. Otherwise B. Instead C. However 25. Few of the students passed the math exam on Tuesday, ? A. didnt they B. did they C. had they26. Can the work be finished by the weekend? Sure, it in time, we will work two more hours a day.A. to complete B. complete C.

11、completing 27. The boys eyes were tears when he saw his parents again.A. full of B. fill of C. full with28. To be frank , I prefer a house in the countryside to in the city. A. one B. that C. the one29. Youre standing too near the camera, can you move_?A. a bit far B. a little farther C. a bit of fa

12、rther 30. May I smoke here? If you , choose a seat in the smoking section.A. should B. may C. must. 完形填空(每题1分,共30分)AEnough sleep is important to health. The amount of sleep needed deepends on the 31 of the person and the condition in which sleep takes place. The young may need 32 sleep than the old,

13、 but 33 eight hours are enough for the health of grown-ups. Some can do 34 less than this amount but children may need more. Every person knows his own need. It is then a matter of 35 satisfy it. Sleep should always be enough to make one 36 and ready for a days work.37 is necessary to sound sleep. It is not without reason for some people to think that it is practical to sleep in the open air. When a pers


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