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1、 安全技术检查常用工作会话一 A; Which flight aie you going to take ? 您要乘坐哪个航班? B; Flight CA981. CA981航班。二 A; Are you going to take a domestic or an international flight ? 您要乘坐国内还是国际航班 B; An international flight. 国际航班三 A; Where are you going ? 您要前往哪里?(您的目的地是哪里?) B; Im going to Beijing. 我要去北京四 A; Whats the check-in

2、 time for my flight ? 我的航班什么时候开始办票? B; One hour beforedeparture. 起飞前一小时五 A; Is it time to check in for Flight MU551? MU551航班开始办票了吗? B; The check-in hasnt begun yet.Itll begin in 30 minutes. 还没开始办票。30分钟以后开始。六 Please go to the airline counter to check in for your flight. 青岛航空公司柜台为您的航班办理值机手续七 Please go

3、 there and go through the passport control control and security check. 青岛那儿办理验证和安检八 A; Ive heard an announcement that My flight has been delayed.Could you tell me why?从广播里得知我的航班延误了,你能告诉我原因吗?B; Whats your flight number? 您的航班号是什么?九 A: Do you know why my flight has been delayed? 你知道我的航班为何延误吗?B: It is d

4、ue to bad weather conditions. 这是因为不好的天气情况。十 A: Counld you tell me why Flight CA945 hasnt delayed yet? 您能告诉我CA945航班为何还不起飞?B: Im sorry to tell you that your flight has been delayed owing to mechanical difficulties. 非常抱歉的告诉您,您的航班由于机械故障被延误了。十一 A: Could you tell me why the flight to Beijing has been dela

5、yed? 你能告诉我去北京的航班为何延误吗? B: All the flights before nine have been delayed because of poor visibility this morning. 由于今天上午能见多差,9点以前的航班都被延误了。十二 A:Whats the extent of the delay? 延误要多久? B:About 2 hours. 大约两小时。十三A:When do you expect it to depart? 你认为何时会起飞? B:Sorry, we dont know the extent of the delay now,

6、 but according to the latest forecast, we are going to have a change in the weather. 对不起,现在还不知道延误多久,但是根据最新的天气预报天气会有变化。十四 A:When will it be ready for departure? 航班何时会起飞? B:We will be informed as soon as the time is fixed. 时间一定下来我们就会接到通知的。十五 A:Well, thats a long delay. 延误时间很久啊。 B: Id like to apologize

7、 for the inconvenience caused by this delay. 由航班延误带来的不便我们深表歉意。十六、 A:You mean I have to stay here for the night.你的意思是我不得不在这儿过夜了。B: Im afraid you have to, but the aieline is responsible for your meals and accommodations. 恐怕是的,但是航空公司会负责提供膳食和住宿。十七、A: Can you suggest me an alternate flight?您是否能建议我一个备选航班?

8、 (Can you put me on another flight to Beijing?)(您是否能把我安排在去北京的另知道航班上?)B:OK,Let me check.好,让我查一下。十八、 A:I have just checked in for Flight MU586. What should I do now? 我刚办完了MU586的值机手续,现在该做什么了? B; You should go through the passport control and security check. 你应该去办理验证和安检十九. A; How should we go through th

9、e security check ? 我们该怎样接受安检? B; Just put your carry-on baggage on the belt,which will take it to be screened by X-ray equipment.And you should go through that gate,the staff may give you a personal search. 把手提行李放在传送带上接受X光机检查。然后你通过安全门,工作人员会对你进行人身检查。二十、 A:How long will the search take?检查要多久时间?B:It de

10、pends.If you dont have any forbidden articles, it will be very quick.要看情况而定,如果你没有违禁物品的话,会很快的。二十一。A; What kind of things can not be taken on the plane? 哪些东西能带上飞机? B:Its forbiddent carry any kind of weapons, ammunitions, aggress ivetools and inflammable, explosive, corrosive, radioactive, poisonous ar

11、ticles on the plane. 任何武器,弹药,攻击性的器械以及易燃,易爆,腐蚀性的,放射性的,有毒的物品都严禁带上飞机。二十二、A: Whats the security check for? 为何要安检? B:The security check is carried out for the passengers own safety.Its for prevention of hijacking and terrorism. 安检是为了旅客自身的安全,是为了防止劫机事件和恐怖活动。二十三。A; Does everyone have to receive a personal s

12、earch ? 每个人都必须接受人身检查吗? B; Yes.The personal search is made on all passengers both domestic and internation。 是的,人身检查是针对所有的国内和国际的旅客二十四、A:What will happen to me if I refuse the security check? 如果我拒绝接受任何安检会怎样呢? B:Anyone who refuses that will not be allowed to board the flight. 任何拒绝安检的人是不允许登机的。二十五。Good mo

13、rning (afternoon/evening) passengers,please form a queue and go through the passport control and security check one by one. 旅客们,早上(下午、晚上)好,请按次序排好队,依次接受验证和安检。二十六。Hello,sir(miss,madam),please get ready your passport,identity card,plane ticket and boarding card for checks。 您好,先生(小姐、女士)请准备好护照,身份证,机票,登机牌

14、以便检查。二十七。 Passengers,if you havent got a boarding card and a baggage check,please go to the airline counter to go through the check-in procedures first. 旅客们,如果你们还没有拿到登机牌和行李牌,请到航空公司柜台办理登机手续。二十八、Sorry sir, you have to check in this baggage, for it is too large and will cause you a lot of inconvenience. 对不起先生,您的这件行李太大,必须交运,不然会给您带来不便。二十九、Excuse me, are you the head of a group(delegation)? Who is the tourist guide of the group? 请问,您是团长吗?谁是这个团的导游?三十、Excuse me, are you a member of tourist group(delegation)? 对不起,您是旅游团(代表团)的成员吗?三十一、Show me your group visa, please.



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