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1、学位英语考试标准题型训练2023学位英语考试标准题型训练2023Womens Changing Roles女性角色的转变Since the earliest times, in most parts of the world, men and women have had the same set roles in society.从最早的时代,在世界的大局部地区,男性和女性在社会有一样的角色设定。The norm worldwide has mostly been toward patriarchal societies, that is, societies ruled by men in

2、 which men are deferred to as the principal decision makers in both the family and in society as a whole. In patriarchal societies, men take the best jobs, are the breadwinners and control the finance, are treated with the greatest respect and have the greatest access to education.标准全球主要是对父权制社会中,这是由

3、人,其中男性是递延作为主要的决策者在家庭和社会作为一个整体社会统治。在父权制社会中,男性以最好的工作,是家庭的经济支柱,财务控制,还受到最大的尊重和有教育的最大访问。However, throughout history, there have been exceptions. In China, women of the traditional Hui minority hold power in the family and the munity, helping to make decisions that everyone benefits from. In Bali, Indones

4、ia, women are treated with far greater respect than in other traditional societies in Asia because of their importance in certain religious duties. In a few societies in Asia and Africa, it is the woman who chooses the man - or sometimes several men - for a partner, not the other way around.然而,纵观历史,


6、甚至死亡,因此得罪了丈夫的或社会的一些价值观。对较轻的罪名,丈夫可以简单的声明“我和你离婚”,离婚是具有法律约束力的三倍。We may consider this backward, but need only to look at recent history to see how similar things were in so-called modern countries such as England and the我们也许会认为这是落后的,但只需要看看最近的历史中看到类似的事情是在所谓的现代国家如英国和美国。在这些国家中,妇女,在开场的第二十个世纪,仍然呈现自己的丈夫合法占有。一

7、个女人结婚,她会看到任何财富落入手中的丈夫。一个女人可以不投票,参加大学或从事任何工作的重要性,可能是由一个人举行的时机很少。How is it that these roles have been set, and set so widely around the world and throughout history?它是如何,这些角色已经建立,并设置如此广泛的世界各地和历史?Traditionally, womens role has been set by child birth. Although women are as able-bodied as men and partic

8、ipate equally in most jobs, including heavy labor and going to war, it is only women who can bear and breast-feed babies. In theview of many men, this has meant that women by necessity should be primarily responsible for staying home, raising children and doing the housework.传统上,妇女的角色已经设置了孩子的出生。虽然女性

9、身强力壮的男人和平等参与大局部工作,包括重劳动和参加战争,只有女人能承受和母乳喂养的婴儿。在许多人的角度,这意味着女性的首要责任就是必须呆在家里,抚养孩子和做家务。Women who could not control when they were likely to have children, could not be expected to dedicate themselves to a long term education or rise through levels of responsibility in a job. In many cases, once a woman g

10、ot married, she had to give up her job for the sake of her husband and children and bee a housewife. Many women were only hired for jobs on the condition that they sign a written guarantee not to marry.妇女不能控制时,他们可能有孩子,不应致力于长期的教育或上升到工作中的责任感。在许多情况下,当一个女人结婚,她不得不放弃她的工作,她的丈夫和孩子着想,成为一个家庭主妇。许多妇女被雇用,他们签订书面保

11、证不结婚的条件下工作。It is only in the last 100 years that there has been a shift in the perception of womens roles. People have stopped to consider and question these roles, thinking that they might change. The principal agent of change can be attributed to improved contraception. Once women could reliably c

12、ontrol when they would have children, they would have children or just one or two and then decide to re-enter the workforce, continuing with their career.这是在过去的100年中,已经有女性角色的看法的转变。人们已经不再考虑这些问题的作用,认为他们可能会改变。主剂的变化可以归因于改良避孕。一旦女人能可靠地控制时,他们会有孩子,他们会有孩子,或只是一个或两个,然后决定重新进入劳动力市场,继续自己的职业生涯。Similarly, women cou

13、ld take larger roles in gover_ent and participate more in higher education, getting the degrees necessary for the highest paying jobs. As women professors, women administrators, women business people and women gover_ent officials became more mon, they in turn became role models for younger women who

14、 began to see life beyond making meals and caring for infants.同样,妇女可能需要更大的作用在政府和更多地参与高等教育,获得高薪工作所必需的程度。作为女教授,女管理员,女人的生意人和妇女的政府官员变得更加普遍,他们变成了角色模型的年轻妇女开场看到超越做饭生活和照顾婴儿。今天,许多企业和其他组织感m收容妇女充分参与,包括那些孩子。在许多国家的法律允许女人需要一年产假和陪她新生的孩子没有失去她的工作。此外,女性支付他们薪水的一局部直到他们进入工作场所。当他们这样做,他们通常可以享受方便且本钱低廉的托儿设施。Each of us has a woman as a mother. As a society, we should give women the respect and opportunities they deserve.我们每个人都有一个女人,作为一个母亲。作为一个社会,我们应该尊重妇女和应得的机遇。第 页 共 页


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