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1、九年级单项选择训练11.-Chinas 24th Science Research Team _ at Changcheng Station on January5,2008. -Wonderful!Our Scientists _ a lot in this field already.A.have arrived;improved B.arrived;has improve C.arrived;have improved D.have arrived;improve2.Please tell us _ the physics problem.Its much too difficult.A

2、.how to do B.what to deal withC.how to deal with D.what to do3.Everyone is _ see his strange behavior.A.surprised at B.surprised toC.afraid at D.terrified of4.I will tell your parents _ you come back on timeA.if B.since C.unless D.as soon as5.Her life _ a lot in the last five years.A.have changed B.

3、has changed C.changed D.will change6.Im afraid of _ in the exam.A.fail B.failing C.to fail D.failed7.She finds watching English movies _because the people in the movies speak too_.A.frustrate;quickly B.frustrated;quickC.frustrated;quickly D.frustrating;quickly8.After class , the girl likes playing c

4、omputer games and chating_her friends_ the Internet.A.to;by B.with;on C.for;in D.about; through9.Its impolite to laugh _others when they are _ trouble.A.to;in B.at;in C.to;with .D.at;with10.You have many ways to _ help when you are in trouble,so you neednt worry.A.play for B.pay for C.ask;for D.look

5、;for11.-_ have you been away from you hometown,Janet? -Since 5 years ago.A.How many B.How long C.How much D.How often12.-Why are you unhappy,Ben? -Im late for class again. Im afraid of Miss Li will be _me.A.friendly to B.angry with C.busy with D.proud of13.Kates never late for class,_?A.isnt she B.h

6、asnt she C.is she D.has she14.The doctor told Mary to eat _vagetables and _ meat because she was getting fatter and fatter.A.much;little B.more;less C.many;few D.more;fewer15.-I get on well with him now.Better than I _. -Really?A.used to B.am used to C.was used to D.used get16.-_ you _ take a bus to

7、 school? -Yes.But now I usually go to school on foot.A.Did ;use to B.Were;used to C.Do;use to D.Are;use to17.Zhou Feng has learned English for many,but he can_ understand the English speakers.A.hardly B.certainly C.always D.almost18.Many children in west regions of China are leaving school because t

8、heir family cant _ even one-year schooling for poverty.A.give B.take C.have D.afford19.If you want ti get a better mark, _ to your handwriting.A.pay attention B.make a decision C.try your best D.look forward20.Li Lei won the first prize in the competition. We _him.A.proud of B.were the pride ofC. we

9、re pride of D.were proud of 21.John doesnt sing_ the others in his class.A.as well as B.as well like C.as good like D.as good as22.Would you mind _ me how _ English words?A.tell;to remember B.telling;rememberC.telling;to remember D.tell;remember23.I have been studing for the exams so long.I feel _A.

10、relaxing B.stressed out C.comfortable D.comfortably24.Each of us has to write a _ report every two weeks.A.two-hundred-word B.two-hundreds-wordC.two-hundred-words D.two-hundreds-words25.I _ a lot but I dont play very often now.A.use to play tennis B.was used to play tennisC.am used to play tennis D.

11、used to paly tennis26.-What a clean and bright classroom ,isnt it? -Yes,its always clean an bright because it _ everyday.A. cleans B. cleaned C .is cleand D.was cleaned27.The World Expo(世博会)_ in Shanghai.A.being bad B.was having C.was holding D. was held28.I_ to take part in English speech contest l

12、ast week.A.ask B.asked C.am asked D.was asked29.Dont always _ unimportant things. Learn to grasp (抓住) the meaning of life.A.concentrate in B.pay attention C.pay atten D.concentrate on30.Only when you have enough knowledge about computer,_design some procedures(程序)by yourself.A.can you B.you can C.you will D. did you 31.They cant _us any help.They themselves are in deep trouble now.A.afford B.make C.produce D.offer32.-What are you dong now ?Please join us in the game. -sorry, I am so busy now.If I _time,I_join you .A.had;would B.have.would


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