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1、202X年甘肃省六市初中毕业与高中阶段学校招生考试英语试卷 l. 3 4 B)听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。 lAo two hours. B.In tw hours COc a wee. 2.Yes,we ral do. B.ot unil he rai sp. C.es,have ca .ATtru. BLook out! .Yes,do plse .AYou can miit. B.You rwece C He!is y,pleas! .A.Yes,w soud. .istor. CNo,it nt ours C)听对话和问题,选出正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 1. By bike

2、 B.By s .On foot. AH clenin h loo. . wtcing T C.Hes ahing hs srt. 3. A.A No7dlechoo. B.A No17 Midl Schoo At No.70idleShol 4.A.Petrs moter. BPeterte. C.he irls sister 5.I faor BInashl .I a hop6.AYes.shikesapples bet. BYes.she lkes pears bst. C.Noshe osnt.D)听短文,根据短文内容和相关问题选出最佳答案。这段短文读两遍。1.rreenandhis

3、wi wen tlst Sun. Ahe country te town .he factr 2.Theyard eoe talkng n teiwy Ato the bdrm Bdonstairs Cpstar 3.They tood utide thr bdroo quily . A.toou out whwere takng in it .to eetthe C to see at wasron with he door 4.Tee a nonwe in he bedo becaus . A.the mahad rnaa Bthe t anyoeaall C.the ma couldn

4、peEnglsh 5WhenMrGreecmentothe bedroom,he found here Ahisraio alking B.nthn Cth tome笔试部分(共13分)词汇(每题1分,共10分)A)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1.D you like (swim)in a firn smHe wsso (frie)tat we becmeenssoon.Saling is afavourite sng of (the)4.hid you like (well),Engs,math o Cies5Mos busins etters re (wri)in EnglishB)根

5、据句意及所给汉语意思写出所缺单词。6.We ust lien tothe acher (仔细)nas.Ihaen oneCuld I (借)se frmyou8.We hve may ports (俱乐部)Welcoe to oinu.9.eijig isn (有趣的)city.Youi lke i.1ings in Iraq seeto be gog frm bd t (更糟).语法与情景会话(每题1分,共5分)1.D ina oftenpla guitar ate choo Ae;the te;a C.te;D.;2.-Jneyor ackpk s wornout.Wl,Imgoingto

6、 buy a w next unayAi B.tis C.tat .ne3H s t it the heavy ox. Ao wek B.wea too C.waknoughD.eoug ea4.-Wold you mnd tunig on te T _Thsalght B.Of orseot Thnk yo Dt afrid that heis o for yo in my cabeathre are aladyfive pople A.rud .rom C.plce field.The man was S tirdth he cul go th his work Aeail B.harl

7、Cnealy D.almot7 wm wat it tod! Les go clibing Wat .OW C.Wha a DHW a8Il take my drvig tt omorrw.- !A.Cme on BCongraulation CGodluck D.Chers9.Few oUSlike im becse he hins of ther hanof imsel. A.a lite B.muh C.mo D.lss0us I leavenow Noyou A.stnt B.nee Cnt won1We have a isoy lesso Friyafternon. A.at .i

8、C .1. ometgto drik -Goo da.Im rsty A.htbot B.Shall we CWulyouDWhy not1.Dt tuh he machineIts dagrousI A.ont Baven C.wnt Dant14Whts rongwith him.I hen see him lst Wednesday. Asince B.on C.by Dnt1.tdents cant emade al ay A.stud B.tstudy .o std Dtudied-The sate is only fifen dollars. -Il i .sell .take C

9、.sale Dbu17ou you tel m hich roo he Sorry, dont no,eitherYo cn rin himp. A.lves livd Clive j Dlived n18.I flh to te tai youcanasily wlktote stato A.hen B.that C.if Dsice1.ell oating if it cd omorrow .dont B.wont C.wot e D.isn20.-Eueme.weris the lothingtoe Idon knw A.Tha ou HellC soyD.ure welcome1 he isyoung.e kows ot. A.When B.As CAlthogh.Becaue22he e may be in your pocet. - A.So it des .So dos it C.So it i DS is i23.Excuse e,can you t me Awhy was the ra lt why te trainas lat wy is the ra late Dwhy he tainis at2Te green tea rows South Chia is ite popular i Chna. Awho


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