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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!2008-2009学年度聊城市莘县第一学期九年级终结性检测英语试卷I听力部分(20分,每小题1分)(一)听句子,然后找出句子中所听到的单词。(5分)(每个句子朗读一遍)1Ahalf Bhard Chat Dhand2Acoat Bnose Croad Dclose3Asmall Bsmile Cspell Dstill4Aletter Bbetter Clittle Dbottle5Aforty Bfourteen Cthirty Dthirteen(二)听对话及对话后面的问题,选择最佳答案。(5分)(每个对话读两遍)6AA doctor BA wo

2、rker CA farmer DA teacher7ABlack BWhite CBlue DBrown8ATo see a film BTo do some shoppingCTo go to a park DTo go to school9AAt8:00 BAt9:00 CAt8:30 DAt9:3010ABehind Wei HuaBIn front of Wei HuaCOn Wei Huas left DOn Wei Huas right(三)听一段对话,根据对话内容选择最佳答案。(5分)(该段对话读两遍)11Sam went to_ during his holiday AEngl

3、and BAmerica CAustralia DCanada12His took him there Afriends Bclassmates CsistersDparents13He came back_ Athree hours ago Bthree days ago Cthree weeks ago Dthree months ago14Its time for them to_ Ahave classes Bplay football Cgo home Dborrow books15Kate is Sams_ Asister Baunt Cclassmate Dstudent(四)听

4、短文,然后根据短文内容完成下列句子。(5分)(短文读两遍)16I went to see a friend by _last Sunday17It was a _ day18Bad luck! I hurt my _badly19A policeman came and _me20Im sorryI dont know his _单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)21Who is taller you or he? My height is just the same as_ Ahimself Bhe Chim Dhis22Lily and Lucy look the sameThats tru

5、eSometime it is really difficult to _them apartAtell Bsay Ctalk Dspeak23I havent met Mr. Brown for ages Ohhe _for two years Ahas died Bdied Chas been dead Dhas been died24Dont eat _!Its bad for your healthBut I am _thinAtoo muchtoo much Btoo much,much tooCmany toomuch too Dtoo many,too much25It is S

6、unday todayisnt it? YesWe _ to school today Adont need go Bneed to not go Cneednt to goDdont need to go26Neither Danny nor Brian _at schoo1Whats the matter with them? I dont knowLets phone them Ais Bisnt Care Darent27Could you please give this message to Mr. White?Sorry,I cantHe doesnt work here _An

7、o longer Bany longer Cno more Dany many28My uncle has never studied cloning _ ASo I have BNeither I haveCSo have I DNeither have I29一_do you water the plants? Twice a day AHow long BHow soon CHow often DHow much30Excuse me, could you please help me carry the heavy box? _AIm OK BIt doesnt matterCWith

8、 pleasure DDont mention it31What did he say? He said he _to Shanghai to visit me the next week Awill come Bis coming Cwas coming Dhad come32There is an ID card on the floorPlease_ Agive it up Bpick it up Cgive up it Dpick up it33MomIm very hungryReally? Why _some cakes?Anot to stop to eat Bnot stop

9、eatingCnot to stop eating Dnot stop to eat 34I dont know _the piano Dont worryI can teach you Ahow to play Bwhen to playChow playing Dwhen playing35SorryI have taken your spots shoes by mistake _ AThats fight BNothanks CAll fight Ddoesnt matter36What is your friends family name if his fall name is J

10、ames Allen Green? _ AJames BAllen CGreen DJames Allen37In Western countries,women dont want others to know their agesRightSo it is _to ask a woman her age in Western countriesArude Bformal Cpolite Dusual 38Did you have any trouble _Mr. Smiths house? Nowe didnt Afinding Bto find Cfind Dfound39How lon

11、g did you _eating in the restaurant? Aspend Bcost Ctake Dpay40I wont go to the party _Im invited Aso Bunless Cbecause Dor完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 请根据短文内容,从各题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 What is a close? A clone is a copya genetic(基因的)copyGenes(基因)are the in-structions for lifeThey 4 l a cell what to do and how to do itGenes make42 plant or animal dif


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