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1、强调句型结构:It is / was + 被强调部分+ that / who +句子剩余部分1强调句型的一般疑问句形式。一. 句式特征:Is/ Was it +被强调部分+ that;1(1994 上海)Was it in 1969 _ the American astronauts succeeded _ landing on the moon ?A. when; on B. that; on C. when; in D. that; in二、 结合特殊疑问词构成特殊疑问句形式。句式特征:特殊疑问词+is/was it that?3_ is it _has made Peter _he is

2、 today?A. What; that; that B. That; that; whatC. What; what; that D. What; that; what简析:本题结构复杂,乍看难以理清,请看下面两句:It is determination that has made Peter what he is today.对划线部分提问What is it that has made Peter what he is today?对照原题,则答案为D。依此为据扩展开来可为:4How is it that she turned down our help? 什么原因使得?5Where w

3、as it that you met Tom yesterday? 究竟在哪?6When was it that you met him in the park? 究竟何时?7When and where was it that you got to know Mary? 究竟在何时何地?8Who was it that that came up with the bright idea? 究竟是谁?9Which book is it that you want to buy? 究竟是哪一本书?10Whose umbrella was it that you took away? 到底是谁的伞

4、?三、 强调句型的反意疑问句形式句式特征为:It is/was+被强调部分+that,isnt / wasnt it?11It was Alice and her boyfriend who sent the old man to the hospital, _?A. do they B. didnt they C. wasnt it D. was it四、强调句型的感叹句形式。句式特征为:what/ how it is (that) +主语+谓语!12What a beautiful picture it is (that) you have drawn!13How beautiful it

5、 is (that) your daughter is!六、在强调句型中考察主谓一致与比较结构。在强调句型中,有时也考察用rather than,not but等连接的平行对比结构,此时既要注重比较结构,又要注意主谓一致,属于较复杂的句式。句式特征为:It is/was notbutthat ; 不是而是(that后的动词与but后的名词或代词保持一致)It is /was not that ; 或者:It is/wasthat not ; 是而不是(that后的动词应与not前的名词或代词保持一致)It is/was rather than that ;是而不是 ( that后的动词应与ra

6、ther than前的七、强调句型中的be动词和情态动词的结合。句式特征: It may be+ 被强调部分+ that It must have been+被强调部分+ that Would/ Could it be +被强调部分+that? 20It might have been John _bought a new book for Mary yesterday.A. what B. since C. that D. then 八、强调句型和名词性从句的结合。句式特征为: 整个强调句型用作名词性从句; 或者在强调句型中含有名词性从句。22 Ive already forgotten _

7、you put the dictionary.A. that it was there B. where was it thatC. that where it was D. where it was that简析:本题是经过变形的强调句型用作宾语从句的体现,为了更好地理解,我们分三步对其进行讨论。第一步,复原It was on the desk that I put the dictionary.第二步,对划线部分提问Where was it that you put the dictionary?第三步,变为陈述语序,将其用作forgotten的宾语从句则变为:Ive already fo

8、rgotten where it was that you put the dictionary.再看一个强调句型中含有同位语从句的例子:23It was at the very beginning _Mr. Fox made the decision _ we should send more firefighters there.A. when; which B. where; what C. then; so D. that; that九、强调句型和定语从句的结合。句式特征为: 在强调句型的被强调部分或其他部分中找出一个先行词,附上修饰该部分的定语从句,这样整个句子结构就变得非常复杂。应

9、特别注意不要混淆定语从句的关系词和强调句型中的that/who部分。24 It was in the small house _was built with stones by his father _he spent his childhood. A. which; that B. that; where C. which; which D. that; which简析:本题含义为“是在这间小房子里他度过了童年”,the small house作先行词,其后的定语从句缺做主语的关系代词;第二空所缺的应是强调句型中的结构词that, 故答案选A。再如:25 It was playing com

10、puter games that cost the boy plenty of time that he ought to have spent doing his lessons.26Is _three hours _the boy _family is poor to come to school on foot?A. it; that; whose B. it; that it takes; whoseC. it for; that it takes; whose D. it; when; that;简析:本题结构复杂,是定语从句、强调句型的一般问句形式和句式It takes sb so

11、me time to do sth.的糅合。我们也分几步来看这个句子:第一步:基本句式It takes the boy three hours to come to school on foot.第二步:以the boy为先行词,后面附上定语从句,则变为:It takes the boy whose family is poor three hours to come to school on foot.第三步:用强调句型对上句中的划线部分进行强调,则变为:It is three hours that it takes the boy whose family is poor to come

12、to school on foot.第四步:将上句变为一般疑问句即是该题,经对比可知答案应为B。 十、强调句型和(not)until句型的结合。句式特征为:It is/ was until +被强调部分+that +延续动词It is/ was not until+被强调部分+that+短暂动词如:用强调句型对I didnt leave until it got dark.中的划线部分进行强调,则变成:27 It was not until he came back that I knew the result. 简析:注意此种情况下否定词not要从原题的主句上转移到被强调的从句上,这也是否定

13、转移的一种形式。十一、强调句型的省略形式。句式特征为: 在一定的上下文中,强调句型的某个部分可以省略。作题时要特别注意将其复原并加以比较。29Who is making so much noise in the garden?_ the children.A. It is B. They are C. That is D. There are十二、强调句型的形近句型。(1) It be +被强调部分+that+ 是强调句型。去掉it,be,that后,剩余部分仍能组成一个完整的句子。如:31It is probably due to these skills that they have be

14、en offered a wide variety of positions. 本句去掉it,be,that后可转化成:Probably due to these skills they have been offered a wide variety of positions.(2)It+ be+ adj. / n. / 过去分词+that从句句型。该句型中的It是形式主语,that引导的从句是真正的主语从句。a.It be + 形容词(obvious, natural, surpri- sing, good, wonderful, funny, possible, likely, certain, probable, etc.) + that 从句b. It be + 名词词组( no wonder, an honor,a good thing, a pity, no surprise, etc. ) + that 从句c. It be + 过去分词( said, reported, t


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