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1、一.本课要点及示例 在这一课里, 我们练习几个由动词和介词构成的动词词组, 比方 继续 keep on, k-e-e-p o-n, keep on. 延迟 put off, p-u-t o-f-f, put off, 放弃 give up, g-i-v-e u-p, give up 等等, 我们还要学习由动词跟动名词构成的动词词组, 比方 考虑参加 consider joining, 停止磋商 stop negotiating等等. 现在我们先来听今天这一课的对话, 内容是说珍妮跟同学鲍勃谈起了大学毕业之后要不要上研究院的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调. M: Are you go

2、ing on to graduate school when you get your BA? F: Ive considered going on for a Masters Degree, but I may postpone getting it. M: Why is that? F: I think Id like to work for a while before I start graduate school. M: Ive considered working for a while, but I dont want to put off learning Chinese. F

3、: Have you considered taking time off to go to China again? M: Ive thought of doing that. If I get a chance, I will. Otherwise, Ill finish the graduate program and then go. F: With a graduate degree, you will have more opportunities. 现在我请两位英文老师再把整段对话用慢速度念一遍. M: Are you going on to graduate school wh

4、en you get your BA? F: Ive considered going on for a Masters Degree, but I may postpone getting it. M: Why is that? F: I think Id like to work for a while before I start graduate school. M: Ive considered working for a while, but I dont want to put off learning Chinese. F: Have you considered taking

5、 time off to go to China again? M: Ive thought of doing that. If I get a chance, I will. Otherwise, Ill finish the graduate program and then go. F: With a graduate degree, you will have more opportunities. 下面老师把对话里包含今天要学的语法的句子用慢速度再念一遍给你听. F: Ive considered going on for a Masters Degree. F: I may pos

6、tpone getting it. M: Ive considered working for a while. M: I dont want to put off learning Chinese. F: Have you considered taking time off?二.BE THINKING OF 听了上面那些句子, 我想你对我们今天要学的两种动词词组的用法已经有些概念. 第一种就是用上介词和动名词的动词词组. 下面我们用is thinking of加上动名词来表示 想作什么事, 比方 珍妮想辍学. 这句话英文可以这样说 Jenny is thinking of quitting

7、 school. 下面我们作一组练习看看珍妮想作什么. 由老师念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子里. 请你跟学生一起作练习. M: Jenny is thinking of quitting school. M: selling all her books F: Jenny is thinking of selling all her books. M: moving to the east coast F: Jenny is thinking of moving to the east coast. M: finding a high paying job th

8、ere. F: Jenny is thinking of finding a high paying job there. M: renting an apartment in the city F: Jenny is thinking of renting an apartment in the city. M: buying a car F: Jenny is thinking of buying a car.三.用KEEP ON, PUT OFF, GIVE UP做问答练习 珍妮不想念书, 因为她想搬到东部找份工作.当然找工作不容易, 珍妮试了一次可是没成功, 她是不是应该继续试呢? 现

9、在我们用keep on, k-e-e-p o-n, keep on加上动名词作一组练习说明珍妮应该继续作什么事. 在这组练习里你也可以学到在美国找工作的过程, 比方 查找求人的广告 checking want-ads,申请工作 applying for jobs. 寄履历表 mailing resumes 等等. 请你注意听老师提出的问题, 并且作肯定的答覆.每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案. M: Should Jenny keep on trying? F: Yes, she should keep on trying. M: Should Jenny keep on looking? F

10、: Yes, she should keep on looking. M: Should Jenny keep on checking the want-ads in the newspaper? F: Yes, she should keep on checking the want-ads in the newspaper. M: Should Jenny keep on applying for jobs? F: Yes, she should keep on applying for jobs. M: Should Jenny keep on writing letters to co

11、rporations? F: Yes, she should keep on writing letters to corporations. M: Should Jenny keep on mailing her resumes? F: Yes, she should keep on mailing her resumes. 鲍勃想到中国去念书和教书. 为了这么作他必须把其他计划, 比方 念硕士学位 working for a masters degree. 念国际法 studying international laws, 作一星期四十小时的工作 taking a full-time jo

12、b 等等往后延. 现在我们作一组练习, 用 延期 put off, p-u-t o-f-f, put off 加上动名词作一些句子, 一方面练习语法, 一方面练习词汇. 现在请你注意听老师问问题. 并且作肯定的答覆. 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案. M: Will Bob put off going to graduate school? F: Yes, he will put off going to graduate school. M: Will he put off studying international laws? F: Yes, he will put off study

13、ing international laws. M: Will he put off working for a masters degree? F: Yes, he will put off working for a masters degree. M: Will he put off taking a full time job? F: Yes, he will put off taking a full time job. M: Will he put off touring the United States? F: Yes, he will put off touring the

14、United States. 下面我们用 放弃 give up, g-i-v-e u-p, give up 加上动名词作句子,看看鲍勃为了到中国去是不是应该放弃他的一些个人喜好, 比方抽烟, 画画儿等等. 练习的作法是老师提出一个问题, 学生就根据问题作否定的答覆.学生作练习的时候请你也一起作. M: Does he have to give up smoking? F: No, he doesnt have to give up smoking. M: Does he have to give up studying? F: No, he doesnt have to give up studying. M: Does he have to give up traveling? F: No, he doesnt have to give up traveling. M: Does he have to give up painting? F: No, he doesnt have to give up painting. M: Does he have to give up playing tennis? F: No, he doesnt have to give up playing tennis. M: Does he have to gi


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