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1、瑜伽课堂常用英语2010-07-30 21:20:27 作者:master 来源: 网友评论 0 条 inhale (breath in) 吸气exhale (breath out) 呼气deep breath in 深吸气deep breath out深呼气hold breath in保持吸气hold breath out保持呼气dont force your breath不要强迫呼吸keep relax and normal保持自然和放松keep back straight (spine)保持背部挺直open your shoulder打开你的肩膀open our pelvic打开我们的盆

2、骨(臀部)tighten your hips,tighten knee, calf, muscle臀部,膝盖,小腿肌肉收紧lift your chest, roll your shoulder back挺胸,向后转动你的肩bend forward/bend back前弯/后弯focus your mind in balance注意力集中在平衡上open your feet 3 to 3.5 feet打开双足3到3.5英尺twist your body right向右扭转身体twist your body left向左扭转身体lie flat on your back on the ground

3、仰卧平躺在垫子上neck relax, shoulder spine, all back muscle. hip muscle/joint, thigh, knee, calf, ankle, kneel, toes, elbow, palm, fingers, relax颈部放松,肩膀,脊柱,所有背部肌肉,臀部肌肉/关节,大腿,膝盖,小腿,脚踝,脚趾,肘部,手掌,手指,全部放松。relax your breath/and mind放松你的呼吸和意识observe your body on ground. how peace full and relaxfind same peace in y

4、our mind.专注你的身体。并在意识中寻找同样的宁静与放松。Simple cross your legs简易坐(双腿交叉坐)Keep your chest up and your back erect挺胸,背部正直Put your palms on your knees双手放在膝盖上Close your eyes闭上眼睛Bring your palms together front of your chest双手合十,放于你的胸前Well begin with 3 OMS together我们一起唱颂3遍OMThen shartir mantra开篇唱诵Down your head低下你的

5、头Generally raise your head up ,open your eyes and release your arms缓慢的抬起你的头,睁开眼睛,放松你的两臂。Deep inhale, raise your arms up, with exhale, drop your body forward. (3-5 inhale)深吸气,抬起你的双臂,呼气,让你身体向前倾(3-5个吸气)With inhale, come up随着吸气,抬起身体。Right palm on left knee and left palm back, with exhale, turn back with

6、 inhale, looking front, same practice with another side右手放在左膝上,左手放在身后,吸气时,身体向后转,注视前方,另一侧,做同样的练习。Open your legs, move your legs, toes, fingers分开你的双腿,活动你的两腿,脚趾,手指。Bend your legs ones by one, come into stand position依次弯曲你的腿,慢慢站立起来。Sit in any comfortable posture with back,neck and head in one line.选择任何舒

7、适的坐姿,背部,颈部,头成一条直线Hands on knees in Jnan mudra, shoulders relax.两手放在两膝上,结成智慧手印,两肩放松Divide the weight of whole body on both hips evenly.身体的重量均匀地分布在臀部Now pay attention on body, observe subtle sensations around the body.现在关注你的身体,观察身体精微的感觉Observe breath. Let in be natural now.专注于呼吸,让它变得自然。Take few deep b

8、reaths.做几次深呼吸。Let begin our practice with three times OM chantings.让我们唱诵3次OM开始我们的练习。Observe the vibrations of OM all over the body.感受OM在身体所产生的震动。Remain in this peace for a while, then begin with subtle yogic joints movements.保持这种平和的状态,然后开始精微的关节活动。瑜伽体式:Adho Mukha Svanasana下犬式Adho Mukha Svanasana(AH-d

9、oh MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna)adho = downwardmukha = facesvana = dogDownward-Facing DogStep by Step1、Come onto the floor on your hands and knees. Set your knees directly below your hips and your hands slightly forward of your shoulders. Spread your palms, index fingers parallel or slightly turned out,

10、and turn your toes under.用手和膝来到垫子上。膝要在髋的正下方,手在肩下微微向前的位置。食指互相平行,或者轻微转向外,并转脚趾向下。2、Exhale and lift your knees away from the floor. At first keep the knees slightly bent and the heels lifted away from the floor. Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of your pelvis and press it lightly toward the pub

11、is. Against this resistance, lift the sitting bones toward the ceiling, and from your inner ankles draw the inner legs up into the groins.呼气并提起膝部离开地板。开始保持膝部轻微弯曲并提起脚跟离开地板。从骨盆的后部拉长尾骨,并轻轻地把它压向耻骨。相对这个阻力,提起坐骨朝向天花板,从脚踝内侧拉大腿内侧向上进入腹股沟。3、Then with an exhalation, push your top thighs back and stretch your hee

12、ls onto or down toward the floor. Straighten your knees but be sure not to lock them. Firm the outer thighs and roll the upper thighs inward slightly. Narrow the front of the pelvis.然后随着呼气,推你的大腿上部的后侧并伸展你的脚跟向地板的方向,或者落到地板上。伸展膝盖但确保不要锁死。稳固大腿外侧,并把大腿上部轻轻地向内卷。缩短前侧的骨盆。4、Firm the outer arms and press the bas

13、es of the index fingers actively into the floor. From these two points lift along your inner arms from the wrists to the tops of the shoulders. Firm your shoulder blades against your back, then widen them and draw them toward the tailbone. Keep the head between the upper arms; dont let it hang.牢固手臂外

14、侧并把食指的根基积极地压向地板。沿着手臂,从双手的这两点提起,从手腕到肩膀的顶点。稳固肩胛骨进入背部,然后扩宽肩胛骨并拉它们向尾骨的方向。保持头在两上臂之间,不要悬起。5、Adho Mukha Svanasana is one of the poses in the traditional Sun Salutation sequence. Its also an excellent yoga asana all on its own. Stay in this pose anywhere from 1 to 3 minutes. Then bend your knees to the floo

15、r with an exhalation and rest in Childs Pose.下犬式是传统拜日式中的一个体式。它本身就是一个卓越的体式。在这个体式保持1到3分钟。然后随着呼气屈膝到地板,婴儿式休息。Parsvottanasana加强侧伸展式 Step by StepStand in Tadasana . With an exhalation, step or lightly jump your feet 3.5to 4 feet apart. Rest your hands on your hips. Turn your left foot in 45 to 60 degrees

16、to the right and your right foot out to the right 90 degrees. Align the right heel with the left heel. Firm your thighs and turn your right thigh outward, so that the center of the right knee cap is in line with the center of the right ankle.山式站姿。呼气,走或者跳开3.5到4步的距离。把手放在髋部。转左脚向右45到60度,右脚向右90度。右脚的脚跟和左脚的脚跟对齐。稳固你的大腿并把


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