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1、UNIT 2 Where Is the Science Museum ?第三课时设计人:马洁 学习目标:1、通过听录音、师领读、齐读、小组读等形式,能够理解并会朗读Lets read部分的对话,并能正确完成课后排序练习。2、根据图片提供生活场景,通过替换练习对话中的重点句型,能够掌握Lets read中有关问路的应答方式,如:What are you going to do after school? Get off at the cinemaThen walk straight for three minutes.教学准备:1.教师准备本课时的相关课件。2.教师准备Chen Jie和Mike

2、的头饰。教学评价:一、检测目标一的达成,采用交流性评价和样题评价。目标检测方式:1、本节课引导学生自读、跟读、分角色读、小组读等方式让学生达到正确读。2、通过检测题让学生正确完成课后排序练习。 二、检测目标二的达成 ,采用交流性评价。目标检测方式:模拟创设的情境,小组合作,利用所学重点句型进行替换练习,掌握简单的问路应答方式。学习过程:Step 1热身(Warm-up)教师放本单元歌曲的录音,学生跟着齐唱两遍。Step 2预习(Preview)师生对话:T: Excuse me ,is there a cinema near here ?S: Yes,there is .T: Where is

3、 the cinema , please ?S: Its next to the hospital .T: Is it far from here ?S: No, its not far .T: Thank you .S: Youre welcome .两人一组练习。Step 3新课呈现(Presentation)Lets read(1)教师用简笔画画出下午放学后的一些情景:如画出标有放学时间的表、下沉的太阳等,告诉学生:“School is over1 want to buy a pair of shoes after school.”接着问学生:“What are you going to

4、 do after school?”引导学生回答:“1 want to”教师领读该组句子,学生跟读。(2)教师在街区图的学校和鞋店旁边分别加上一个站牌说“This is a bus stop.You can take the No301 bus here”教师继续利用街区图指出自己所在的位置:“Now I am at the schoolI want to buy a pair of shoesHow Can I get to the shoe store?学生会回答“You can go by the No301 bus”教师继续提问:“Where can I get off the bus

5、?”一边问一边手指着shoe store的位置,提示学生回答:“Get off at the shoe store”(3)教师指着街区图继续提问:“Now Im at the shoe storeHow can I get to the?” 根据地图所示选择离鞋店最近的直行可到的建筑物提问,引导学生回答:You Can go straight ahead”教师表示肯定,说:“Yes! I can walk straight”继续问学生:“Is it far from the shoe store?”学生回答:“No”教师接下来说:“YesIts not farI walk straight f

6、or three minutesThen I Can get to the”(4)教师请学生阅读对话,回答以下问题: What is Mike going to do? What is he going to buy?Where is he going? Where is the shoe store?Which bus can he take? Is the hospital on the right or left side of the road?(5)教师放Lets read部分的录音,学生跟读。(6)学生两人一组分角色朗读对话。(7) 学生课堂上完成排序任务Good to know(

7、1)教师出示Good to know部分的教学挂图,让学生知道如何使用地图以及要注意的四个标识:1The title 2North pointer 3Symbols 4Scale。(2)教师出示当地的城区图,请学生找出一些地名并判断距离的远近Step 4巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)学生听A Lets read部分的录音并跟读,然后分角色朗读对话。Step 5当堂检测:(Have a test)选词填空(to ,by,after,at,on)1.What are you going to do school ?2.Where is the shoe sto

8、re ? Its next the hospital .3.How can I get the hospital ?4.You can go the NO. 301 bus.5.Get off the cinema .6.The hospital is the left .Step 6总结(Sum-up)本节课我们学习了一些如何询问方向和指点方向的句型,希望每个同学都成为乐于助人,关心他人的好少年。Step 7课时作业(Homework)1. 写出下列短语的汉语意思:after school a pair of shoes next to get to get off on the left 2. 句型转换:(1)The shoe store is next to the hospital. (对划线部分提问) the shoe store ?(2)I can go by NO.2 bus . (对划线部分提问) Can you go?


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